Their absence is over rated to be honest..



I'm a bit tipsy right now. So excuse the grammar.

My girlfriend was on a mini vacation with some of her friends earlier this week.. Just for three days, two nights. So I had the place to myself. I was rather looking forward to it at first. I can deal with no sex for three days, if I can drink beer with my breakfast and not hear her whining.

It didn't last long. I quickly got bored, and decided to make Xfire convos with you clowns instead. I played CSS with a bunch of goonies at like two AM while quite intoxicated. It's over rated really. You look forward to time alone, but it's really not fun at all.

Anyone else get excited when their boyfriend/girlfriend/parents/whatever are gone for a while?
You need more imagination. Get your old transformers toys out, build a cubby-house autobots homebase and make wars with the deceptacons.

There's no way that's overrated.!~

*woowoochank electronic sound*
Well, half the time i'm grounded, so parents not home is like freedom.
If you're still with the same chick, visit this thread again in 10 years time and see if you still feel the same ;)

I cherish those moments of free time - uninterrupted gaming, lazing around the flat naked, drinking milk from the carton and making little piles of toenail clippings on the cofee table :)
I love it when the girl goes for 2 days.. I just eat pizza, smoke weed, watch cartoons and play video games..... This is why i have to have a girlfriend to stay in shape
I love spending time alone, I need it so I can actually think. It's impossible to think with other people around. :I But I put with them pretty well.
Time alone? I always have time alone, and cherish it.
My parents have taken to travelling/living overseas during their 'retired' years. So I pretty much get a whole house to myself.. its lonely sometimes, but overall, its great to have the freedom, and I'm a pretty solitary person.

Everyone says I should, but I've never thrown a drunken houseparty... and I'm not keen to.
my parents are out till 6pm and i post here or either play with lego and sttudy, love one gone away? Hmmm miss i guess.
I miss a lot, did a long distance relationship for 2 years and it sucked. In the end the distance more or less killed the relationship (that and a massive case of reality warping in someones mind)
When my parents left town I always threw a party if it was a weekend. Other than that I did whatever I felt like and it was nice not having them breathing down my neck.

Up at school when my roomates leave I can get bored. When the gf leaves it can be nice having some guys nights out not worrying about making any phone calls or being obligated to spend time with her and being a complete slob overall.
I prefere it when people are here mainly since I can do what I want whether people are here or not :p.
haha. gf is in florida for a week with her friends. lonely here too.
It depends on the person. Some people can't bare to be crowded and like "alone" time, to read, to game, to work, whatever. Personally I think I'd go mad if I didn't have time to myself.
Maybe you're alone too often or do too much of the same when they're not there with you. I cherish any little moment when I get to be alone.
Yeah, I love being with people more than anything, but I love being alone just as well.
Maybe I just can't stand being alone. She's always right here.. So it's strange when she's gone, and I actually have the place to myself for a while.

However, beer for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is something I could easily get used to.
Still living with my parents, which are very rarely gone overnight. :(

But this summer they were couple nights gone, and I had a blast. It was in a middle of a week so no party tho, just goofing around alone. Watching movies, having few beers, singing loungecovers of my favorite rap-tracks, learning to C-walk, making fugly hair-do with shitload of styling gel and finally before going to sleep I went for a heathy jog 6,30 AM. Sick!
That happens to me too, honestly. Sometimes I can only PRAY for a moment of isolation where I'm free to just chill inside, and when I get it I end up being very bored and wanting to do something. Its a very strange thing...
Everyone says I should, but I've never thrown a drunken houseparty... and I'm not keen to.

Same with me. My perents and my sister have gone to France for a week to visit my mothers's folks, so its just me and my brother (who is only a year older than me). No way am I having a load of drunk teenagers smash my perents property. I just spend time on, 3ds max, drums 'n' congas, learning Japanese, jogging. T'ai Chi Chuan and house keeping. Which is exactly what I would do if they were here. And Dreadlord, sounds like you should lay off the alcohol a bit... Sorry, didn't mean to sound like your guidance councillor.
Heh, I have absolutely no problems with parents. If I want to have a crazy night, I just leave and go out somewhere. They couldn't care less :D
I'm lucky if I get a few hours of alone time in a month let alone a few days ..last time I had 2 days it was because I was painting the nursery and my wife couldnt be around the fumes I stayed up till 5 am playing/working
Heh, I have absolutely no problems with parents. If I want to have a crazy night, I just leave and go out somewhere. They couldn't care less :D

I have absolutely no problem with my perents either, primarily because my idea of a wild night is jogging from seven to half past eight, then practising T'ai Chi Chuan 'till half past ten and then going to bed.
Either that or a Quake LAN party.

Generally, my usuall weekend night consists of strolling around with my best buddies in a completely sober state, possibly with some females.:thumbs:
Sober FTL. LAN parties FTL. <Asian Words> FTL. Jogging FTT (For the tie.. I guess it's ok..) Females FTW.
My freinds parents just went off for 6 days to their other house Monoco so him and his brother held the house for that. It was pretty much a constant party for 5 days, so when we were all there it was hella fun. But every time we'd all go home for a bit of sleep or a shower he'd constantly call us asking to come back up early. I guess it must of got really boring for him on his own. When we were there we played football (he has a mansion, so big garden), Xbox, had guitar jams and that was pretty much it, but it was in the right company so its been the best 5 days of my holiday so far.

But then, another freind and his brother have their house for 11 days this week, starting from tomorrow at 12...

I've had a free house once, and I had about 8 freinds over. Was good fun. One of my mates, the very same who had a free house recently, got way to drunk and punched another freind then punched a hole through my kitchen wall. Not cool.
I'm lucky if I get a few hours of alone time in a month let alone a few days ..last time I had 2 days it was because I was painting the nursery and my wife couldnt be around the fumes I stayed up till 5 am playing/working

Is your work your play?
I don't like to be alone. I'm usually out somewhere and usually not sober. We've moved into a new house now, it's nice as hell, first night I have it to myself I'm throwing a kickback, no big party or anything because I don't want the house messed up, maybe just ~10-15 friends I know pretty well. It's gonna be tight :)
Pffff, I'm still an intentionally virgin. Although the girl at work has been looking to burgle it D: