Their Best Characters...

Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
What movies do you think have contained some actors best characters?

Samuel L Jackson - Pulp Fiction
Russell Crowe - Gladiator
Tom Cruise - Magnolia
Harrison Ford - Blade Runner
Bruce Willis - Twelve Monkeys
Brad Pitt - Twelve Monkeys
The Dude (The Big Lebowski)
Jules Winifeld (Pulp Fiction)
Lester Burnham (American Beauty)
Frank TJ Mackey (Magnolia)
Randal Graves (Clerks)
Kurt Russel- R.J. MacReady (The Thing)
Wilford Brimley- Dr. Blair (The Thing)
Jamie Kennedy- B-Rad G (Malibu's Most Wanted)
Jet Li- Unleashed
Eugene Levy- American Pie
Samuel L Jackson - Snakes on a Plane
Harrison Ford - Indiana Jones
Jeff Bridges - The Big Lebowski
Sean Bean - 006/Alec (Goldeneye
William Dafoe - Sgt. Elias (Platoon)
Steve McQueen - Hilts (The Great Escape)
Sean Connery - Every Bond film he was part of, namly Goldfinger and Dr. No

Can't really think of much at the moment.
Christian Bale - Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Eric Bana - Chopper (Chopper)
Will Farrell - Ron Burgandy (Anchorman)
Kevin Spacey - Keyser Soze (Usual Suspects)
Terence Stamp - the Limey
Humphrey Bogart - Casablanca/African Queen/Maltese Falcon
Christopher Walken ...deer hunter ..but his role in Pulp Fiction was ..umm great
Roberto Benigni - Night on Earth
Joe Pesci - Goodfellas he was great as a psycho
Robert De Niro - Taxi driver
Clint Eastwood, Lee Van cleef, Eli Wallach - The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Peter Sellers - The Party (close tie with Dr Strangelove)
Harrison Ford - Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Blade Runner (!!!)
Gary Oldman - Romeo Is Bleeding, Leon
Richard E Grant - Withnail & I :)
Steve Buscemi - Fargo + everything else
Paul Newman - Cool Hand Luke
Tim Robbins - Jacob's Ladder
John Goodman - Barton Fink
Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper for that scene in True Romance

and loads of others
Dan Richter - Moon Watcher (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Jim Carrey (serious) - Joel Barish (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
Jim Carrey (goofy) - Lloyd Chrismas (Dumb and Dumber)
Johnny Depp - Captain Jack Sparrow (Fear and Loathing is a great character... but Sparrow beats him by a tri-cornered hat)
Most of the firefly characters.


Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction, Die hard 3 etc)
Bruce Willis (Most his films)
Sean Connery (Bond, The Rock)
Jim Carrey (Me, Myself and Irene. Other films he was in too)
Brad Pitt (Snatch)
Sean Bean (Goldeneye, Lord of the Rings)
Jack nicholson (Batman)
daniel day lewis (My left foot,In The Name Of The Father,last of the mohicans)
Roberto Benigni (La Vita è bella or life is beautiful)
Anthony hopkins (Silence of the lambs) creepy
Bruce Campbell (Evil dead movies)
uma thurman (Kill Bill) 0hh a lady
Michael Douglas - William "D-FENS" Foster - Falling Down
Min-sik Choi - Dae-su Oh - OldBoy
Christian Bale - Patrick Bateman - American Psycho
Peter Sellers- Dr.Strangelove - Dr.Strangelove
George C. Scott - Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson - Dr.Strangelove
Gary Oldman - Leon
Jack Nicholson - The Shining
Alec Guinness (Obi Wan Kenobi - Star Wars
David Prowse/James Earl Jones - Star Wars
Sean Bean, Andy Serkis, John Rhys-Davies - Lord of the Rings
Tom Hanks, Wilson (;)) - Castaway
Samuel L. Jackson - Snakes on a Plane, Pulp Fiction
R. Lee Ermey - Full Metal Jacket
Willem Dafoe - Platoon

Having a mind blank at the moment D:
It's Willem Dafoe, Willem!! ;)

Good call on Alec Guiness. I've been going through some of his old movies recently - Kind Hearts and Coronets has always been one of my faves. He plays about 10 roles in the movie! It really is very good, and has a charm you just don't find in movies today.

I also have a soft spot for The Ladykillers. The Lavender Hill Mob and The Man in The White Suit are well worth a watch too.

Peter Sellers's best character has to be Inspecter Clouseau.
Jonny Depp as Jack Sparrow
Sean Bean as Boromir

Infact, any of the lord of the rings cast :D
the monkeys - Twelve Monkeys

You havent even seen 12 Monkeys, have you?

It was a really good movie, but I dont think it was Bruce's best. I think higher up there would be Armageddon or even Die Hard...