Then and Now


Sep 15, 2003
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Can you think of anything that has changed dramastically over the past few decades?

What it was like then and how it is now?
Few decades?
So? 1900-Present?
World War one & two
Texas Chainsaw Massacre:O
Vietnam War
Formation of Israel
Star Wars
Id Software is created
Most of us were born. That's pretty big I guess, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist ;)
DECADES. As in, 1970- or 1980-present.
Music, definitely.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Most of us were born. That's pretty big I guess, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist ;)

your're 1-10 years old?
I think there have been drastic changes over the last century or half century... Technology, Civil Rights, World Politics have all changed immensly. I am not sure what a few decades is though, a few could be 2 or 10 but I think Music is fad just like clothing or slang and not that improtant of a change but hey maybe I'm wrong.
nw, he's talking about the last few decades :p I only act 1-10.
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Most of us were born. That's pretty big I guess, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist ;)

i was actualy born in 1306 :cheese:
no, just old

or mabye im a GHOST!!


(cue creepy, erriy music)
So how do you touch the keyboard?

Anyway, on topic...

PONG came along.

People are basically the same, although many things have deteriorated, social standards etc.
Some ways its good because it gives more freedoms, other ways its bad gives more freedoms.

Technology is increasingly helping itself cool.

America for a brief moment felt vulenrable again for the first time ina century.

The euro

A new generation came along (My generation woo!) That is different o previous generations, aperrently we are boring and cant stand up for ourselves, but i think our generation will truly be different once we start getting out of education and into important places....
Just my thoughts thought.

Lots of other things im too ill to bother talking about...
u guys are a little strange............... Egypt