TheNerdMovie Review: Harry Potter 3


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Well I have one phrase for this movie.

ABOUT BLOODY TIME! And easy 9/10. Almost 10 but they could of had a little better acting and more quidditch!

I dont want to rune it for you guys but the Dementors where awsome!
Quidditch was Awsome! but not enough. That one main gripe I have against all the movies so far. In the books quidditch had the second highest story line. Why couldnt they have more quidditch in the movies????

OK no more spoilers in the thread please.

The people show have seen it post about how much you liked/hated it. :)
id watch it.. but i dont think i could handle harry's prepubescent voice cracking every few minutes. i may though, if a bunch of people say its good.
Well I was going to post this in the gf thread but what the smeg. :)

Ummmm hey I cam make this work with the movie thread. She was with me when I watched Harry Potter. :)

Whats bad is that she has a twin and I cant tell them apart yet. (Well her twin is lives in alaska, so for the most part I know its her)
haha well done nerdguy. hmm i may check it out, i dont have much motive though as my friends dont like harry potter (neither do i but who cares) and i dont have a girlfriend to make me go anymore. but som ealone time is always good, yeah il check it out.
I thought the new Harry Potter movie was done very well as a movie goes, it wasnt udder crap like the other 2, I enjoyed myself.
By the way, nice to see you're back after the storm, Thenerdguy :)
No the 1st two movies sucked monkey balls! The 3rd one is awsome! by far the best one by a long shot!
I just saw it today, and it is easily the best harry potter film to date. The dementors were definitely awesome.The part where Professor Trelawney goes freakish was just..........freakish. Anyhow, it was a good movie. Can't wait for the next movie. Isn't' the 4th movie slated for next summer/fall?
I hope they get these movies out quicker...cause at the current rate Harry will be in his mid 20's before the last movie comes out. :LOL:
harry potter...meh.
i dont see whats the craze about a kid doing magic tricks.
I saw it last night and it was pretty good.

It started off similar to the other ones, with some childish scenes and questionable acting, but it did get better as it went along. The last hour of the movie was particularly interesting. Easily containing some of the best moments.

I didn't like how they scrapped the Quidditch tournament. In the book that was one of the highlights in Harry's life. Many scenes did feel rushed, since they were cramming it all in, in reasonable time. The scenes with the Dementors were very coll and really helped to set the mood.

Overall, I give it an A-/B+. Important scenes were left out and many of the characters underused, but the last half of the movie is really engaging. Highly recommended you check it out.
Pendragon said:
Reportedly (from my HP buff sister) this one is Daniel Radcliffe's last movie as Harry.

It is true. They say puberty is getting him "off the caratcher" or something along those lines. Which is good, since I hate Radcliffe.
It was pretty good, seemed rushed in alot of places and the cgi was aweful but its definatly worth seeing.
thenerdguy said:
Well I have one phrase for this movie.

ABOUT BLOODY TIME! And easy 9/10. Almost 10 but they could of had a little better acting and more quidditch!

I dont want to rune it for you guys but the Dementors where awsome!
Quidditch was Awsome! but not enough. That one main gripe I have against all the movies so far. In the books quidditch had the second highest story line. Why couldnt they have more quidditch in the movies????

OK no more spoilers in the thread please.

The people show have seen it post about how much you liked/hated it. :)

Here's what I think of it, I saw it a week before it came out at a media screening:
Just got back from this. F*cking fantastic. Glad to see they finally sacked that dumbass Mrs. Doubtfire director and hired some real talent, it shows in the finished product. This film is about 3000x better than the first two combined.

One more thing: Professor Lupin is totally awesome.
am i the only person on earth that hasn't even ever picked up a harry potter book, much less seen the movies?
Lil' Timmy said:
am i the only person on earth that hasn't even ever picked up a harry potter book, much less seen the movies?

Yes, yes you are.
Lil' Timmy said:
ahh.. i always suspected i was better than everyone else.. now i know it!

You're actually missing out on a great series. The movies have sucked up until this last one but the books are f*cking fantastic.
More quidditch? Thats one of the worst things about harry potter, its so boring and pointless. Glad you saw the film in the end though :p, was great :eek:
Fat Tony! said:
More quidditch? Thats one of the worst things about harry potter, its so boring and pointless. Glad you saw the film in the end though :p, was great :eek:

I have always liked quidditch in Harry Potter. I still have to see this one though. Especially since this is supposedto be better than the other two when I actually liked the other two (to an extent).
DarkStar said:
Just got back from this. F*cking fantastic. Glad to see they finally sacked that dumbass Mrs. Doubtfire director and hired some real talent, it shows in the finished product. This film is about 3000x better than the first two combined.

One more thing: Professor Lupin is totally awesome.

The actor who did Lupin was awesome, sorry but I don't know his name. Gary Oldman IMO is a miscast (for sirius) - the guy looks nothing like the book descriptions at all..though he does act well.
Lil' Timmy said:
am i the only person on earth that hasn't even ever picked up a harry potter book, much less seen the movies?

Nope you are not, i have read all of the books and i own them.
I hate harry i hope he BURNS IN HELL!!!
fishymumma said:
I hate harry i hope he BURNS IN HELL!!!
Then read the fifth book, things go very bad for him. Anyways the Azkabhan movie was great. Of course the strory is better (as in the books) but the direction, the setting, the music and all the visuals are 1000 times better than the first two movies. Alfonso Cuaron did a great job, too bad he is not directing the next HP movie.
it would be a shame to get rid of him now, he does the part well IMHO. (Never read the books).

if they can push em out at one a year, then he's always the right age though, correct?
well book 5 is out and book 6 is on its way and hes only 14 now I think they could do it.
nicrd said:
Alfonso Cuaron did a great job, too bad he is not directing the next HP movie.

Who is then? Any word?

And any sign of book 6 this year? I'm guessing it'll be next spring.
Hehe. Look who the director for The Goblet of Fire is. Mike Newell. Gabe's dad? :p
that sucks that the director for hp3 isnt going to direct the 4th cause it was such a kick ass job of directing. I've read the books and liked the first two movies but they just felt to kiddy or really just dull. With this one, it had a more grown up feel. they changed the landscape of hogwarts, the tones and acting were alot more darker and mature. The score was better (rather than repeating the hp theme song every other scene). It honestly kicks ass. Pluss hermonie is hot....haha i dont care if I'm 4 years older. the only thing i disliked (and only midly) was the fade and out's were kinda repeatative and i didnt care for sirius, lupin, and petegrews casting.

If you've never read the hp series, I highly recomend it. I don't read books that much (if any) and I really like these. The first one sorta starts out lamely but the book and series gets exponentially better as they go on.
staddydaddy said:
i didnt care for sirius, lupin, and petegrews casting.

Oh c'mon! Lupin was da shit! I think the actor did a GREAT job.
staddydaddy said:
that sucks that the director for hp3 isnt going to direct the 4th cause it was such a kick ass job of directing. I've read the books and liked the first two movies but they just felt to kiddy or really just dull. With this one, it had a more grown up feel. they changed the landscape of hogwarts, the tones and acting were alot more darker and mature. The score was better (rather than repeating the hp theme song every other scene). It honestly kicks ass. Pluss hermonie is hot....haha i dont care if I'm 4 years older. the only thing i disliked (and only midly) was the fade and out's were kinda repeatative and i didnt care for sirius, lupin, and petegrews casting.

If you've never read the hp series, I highly recomend it. I don't read books that much (if any) and I really like these. The first one sorta starts out lamely but the book and series gets exponentially better as they go on.

I haven't seen the movie yet.. but they changed the landscape of Hogwarts? How much? Not that I mind..but I'm curious. The other changes sound great. J.K. Rowling (the author of the books) said this was the best film so far too.

I definitely agree with what you said about the books themselves...except I was pretty interested in them from the beginning. They start getting more and more intense with better and better plots...excluding the 5th. The 5th drops just slightly I think from the 4th. The 5th couldn't top the tasks in the 4th, the twist and confrontation at the end, and how Rowling shows that this series isn't f*cking around when she kills a semi-main character for pretty much no reason :p
Well I just saw it.

I have to say, the CG was very good, the scenery and cinematography was well done, it had decent acting, and a couple interesting plot twists. But when it was done, I just didn't like it very much. The story just felt very weak to me and just not all that interesting. It was alright entertainment for an hour or so, but that was about it. Perhaps I expect too much from a kids movie though.