TheNerdNews: Martha Stewart GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY


May 20, 2003
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Whoo she has been found GUILTY i havnt found anything on jail time yet but i hope she gets it!

Ill post links to news site when they show up.
EDIT how do you like that, I beat the news sites. :)

Got a link.


NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - A jury found Martha Stewart guilty on all four counts against her in her obstruction of justice trial Friday.
Her ex-broker Peter Bacanovic was found guilty on four of the five charges he faced.

The jury deliberated for three days after a five-week trial before reaching its verdict.
The panel of eight women and four men began deliberating Wednesday on whether Stewart and her ex-broker, Peter Bacanovic, obstructed justice and lied to the government about her sale of ImClone stock in December 2001.
Stewart, 62, was charged with conspiracy, obstruction of justice and two counts of making false statements ? charges that together carry a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.
Bacanovic, 41, had been charged with making false statements, making and using false documents, conspiracy, perjury and obstruction of justice ? with a maximum prison term of 25 years.
He was acquitted on the making and using of false documents charge.
Prosecutors argued that Stewart sold her ImClone stock only after Bacanovic told his assistant to tip her off that ImClone founder Sam Waksal was trying to sell. Stewart and Bacanovic had told investigators they had an arrangement to sell once the stock fell to $60.
Bacanovic was broker to both Stewart and Waksal, who is serving a seven-year prison term after pleading guilty to securities fraud over his family's sale of ImClone shares.
Bacanovic's former assistant, Douglas Faneuil, the government's star witness in the case, testified that his boss ordered him to pass an inside tip about ImClone to Stewart.
Despite the intense publicity surrounding the trial ? the most closely watched of the recent corporate fraud cases ? the stock trade at its center involved a relatively small amount of money
She won't do 20 years by any means... but... hah...
This is a sad day for capitalism and the rule of law. ;(

/me bows head grimaces in disgust and disbelief.
Who is she anyway? She's mentioned in Fight Club and Tyler replies: "**** Martha Stewart!"
Shes a really semi-creepy host of a craft and hobby show, and shes become a household name in America. She got arrested for stock shennanigans, and the trial has been very high profile.
Makes you wonder eh, what do women do with eachother in the prison shower? Picking up soaps isn't very effective I think....

Or am I the only one wondering?

/me hides in a corner...
She's supposed to be the 'ideal mother' type person. LMAO, I never liked her.
If she does go to prison she will just move her show there, 20 years of prison decorating.