Ther perfect plan - Now I can afford an upgrade


Sep 15, 2003
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My dad runs a very small PC selling business. Im watching him build PCs at the moment so in a few weeks Ill be able to assemble PCs myself. Weve agreed that any PC I assemble, Ill get 50% of the profit. He usually gets $AU100 for each puter, but hes increasing that to $AU200 so we both get $AU100 each.
A nice 9800 costs about $AU600 so if I sell a PC a week, thats 6 weeks and Ill have enough money!
:cheers: :E

Anyone else here (under 17) have some nice plans for getting money to upgrade?
Whatd you do as a kid to get money for things you wanted?

($AU2 = $US1 APPROX)
Well... now I work... cause I've re-evaluated my life for reasons

as a kid (tred's age) I would have stolen the money
Originally posted by Tredoslop

Please dont tell me you break into department stores at night and steal cd players and shit, because I will find you and beat you with a belt.

Beleive me, it leads you nowhere
No I don't, just the fact that one of my TJI collegues have the guts to steal worry me.
Long time ago, I'm good now, lets not jack this thread, its an interesting one:

someone else reply?
Uhhhh....well looks like I have to start this up again.I should be getting a job in about 2 months once I turn 16.I'm first going to get a car then get a new computer, and then get a paintball gun.
I'm 16, have part time job. Opend my wallet today to find £85 sitting in it, "**** me! where did that come from?" I thought. Quickly banked it before it worked its magical spending powers on me.

If I was younger and needed the money, I would just scrounge anything I could (not by stealing) cut someones large lawn for a fiver or something. All adds up in the end.
I would steal all the car tires in the neighbourhood and sell them to some scrap store, because noone gives me a job. I'm indeed a worthy man of an unworthy time. Or I can allways become a jigolo.
I work...

and I don't need to bank the money. I just never carry more then 40$ with me. (Enough for Gas and food, in event that I need it. ;) )
I'm only able to get an upgrade, not an entire computer itself seeing as I'm just getting an allowance. lol I might save up to get an AMD Athlon XP 2500 or something.
I'm from Aus too. (Melb to be exact). I'm also half woggy:thumbs:
I get my money from working at a supermarket $40 for 2 days a week and $90 dollers from my parents a week. At the moment I'm saving up for a killer PC.:cheers:
i used to work, built my own computer at 16, still using it 2 years later. i'm afraid it might be time for an upgrade though, oh well. i'll just give the old stuff to my little brother for a small price ;) hehe maybe i should charge him for installation too:cool:
rofl. :laugh: my parents feel sorry for me because I onley get 7 dollers an hour where I work. :(