There are things in my eyes


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
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They're called 'contact lenses', and they took the better part of 2 hours to force into my eyes. Any of you fine people wear 'em? Any tips on shoving them over my eyeballs? It's freaking amazing being able to see without glasses on my head, I've forgotton what this is like.

Keep your finger as dry as possible when you put them in. That way it sticks to your eye instead of your finger.

I rinse it in my palm, pick it up, then hold it with my other hand and dab my finger on a towel to dry it, then place it on that finger and put it in.
I like to clean them twice in my hand before i put them into and out of the case....that way you can make them last 4-6 months instead of 2-3 weeks. You can save a ton of money if you don't rub your eyes a lot too. I like to put them in after I take a shower in the morning and take them out about 2 hrs before I go to bed. I usually put my glasses on at night time so I can read better.

You should bring Clear Eyes for Contact solution to work or school if you are going to be out all day. You never know when something will irritate your eyes. I also like to buy the generic contact cleanser though, the expensive stuff actually dried my eyes out more than the Walmart brand and that was about half the cost.
Stop being a pussy and cram them into your eye as hard as you can. That way when you're eye is bleeding you won't even notice the discomfort of the contac.
I really don't have any tips, you just have to get comfortable with doing it. Once you are, its a breeze.
I'm classy, so I wear glasses.

I thought this thread was going to be about eye floaties. ;(
It just takes practice really. It's perfectly natural to want to shut your eyes to protect them from any foreign objects. Fortunately you can overcome this instinct eventually and putting them in will be a lot easier. For me, looking straight ahead and resisting the urge to flinch or move my eye in any way tends to make them pop in much smoother.
Just takes a while to get used to... I wore these hard lenses for a year, now THOSE were a bitch. Soft ones are easy. :P

I always need to change mine out at around the 2 week mark (I can tell when they're getting old because they'll start to bug toward the end of the day)... stretching their use to 4-6 months sounds absolutely insane.
Just takes a while to get used to... I wore these hard lenses for a year, now THOSE were a bitch. Soft ones are easy. :P

I always need to change mine out at around the 2 week mark (I can tell when they're getting old because they'll start to bug toward the end of the day)... stretching their use to 4-6 months sounds absolutely insane.

your not a pro at it. just about everyone i know does the same as i do.

Also do not get any of that solution near your mouth, lets say your eyes start to get wet, and you put too much in, and it drips in your mouth, your ass will be dripping and spraying or so i've heard
Here's a little tip for you from wikipedia.

Hydrogen peroxide solution - Used for disinfecting the lenses, and available as 'two-step' or 'one-step' systems. If using a 'two-step' product, one must ensure that the lens taken out of the hydrogen peroxide is neutralized before it is worn, or else wear will be extremely painful. Saline must be used to rinse away the peroxide. If you get this solution in your eyes, it is highly recommended that you go to the Emergency Room and get your eye(s) irrigated

Sounds like fun!
No glasses or contact lenses.
Yeah :afro:

Gaming since the age of 2/3 and no need for glasses, how awesome is that :D
I put the contact lens on my (dry) right index finger. I use the right middle finger to pull down the lower eyelid down and the left middle finger to pull up the upper eyelid. Then, looking in the mirror (it's harder for me without one), I place the contact on my eye. When I see it sticks, I close the eye and blink a few times for it to align correctly if it hasn't already.
I hate contacts. I spent 2 days trying and then breaking my tiny mirror and throwing most of the one day lences away. So now I sometimes where glasses instead. But I don't see that bad, and can go without them.
i wear glasses, but my mum and older brother both wear contacts, but the daily ones, so they have a new pair each day.

when my eyesight deteriorates that much, i shall switch to those. single contacts for 4-6 months? what about all the grot that gets stuck in the lens? urghh.

my mum and bro seem to do it much the same way as Unfocused. what an ironic name.
I hurt/water up IMAGINING someone putting in contact lenses, screw that. I'll stick to my glasses. They make me sexier.
Glasses, if I get bored of them I'll just go get laser eye surgery, I'll unlikely enjoy the act of having the front of my cornea or whatever being sliced and flipped back and my eye lasered while I'm awake with clamps holding open my eyelids but its a one-off compared to the daily gripe of putting in contacts.
Glasses, if I get bored of them I'll just go get laser eye surgery, I'll unlikely enjoy the act of having the front of my cornea or whatever being sliced and flipped back and my eye lasered while I'm awake with clamps holding open my eyelids but its a one-off compared to the daily gripe of putting in contacts.

Daily gripe of putting in contacts? How long have you been using them? For me, it takes probably about 15 seconds total to put in both contacts in my eyes (I use a auto-cleaning solution, so no rubbing etc.).

If I were to get laser eye surgery, it would be to save money in the long run and to save myself the hassle of managing contacts in certain circumstances (ie. sleeping in a tent etc.)
They're called 'contact lenses', and they took the better part of 2 hours to force into my eyes. Any of you fine people wear 'em? Any tips on shoving them over my eyeballs? It's freaking amazing being able to see without glasses on my head, I've forgotton what this is like.

I wear contacts and glasses. I have until May until I can see without my glasses again.

As for help, just keep doing it. You get used to it. One time it took me an hour to get my left contact out. My, eye hated that contact. Within a week I was capable of doing it all within 5 minutes.

Tips would be to place it on the bottom half of the white of your eye, blink a couple of times and look down. Simple as. Taking off, slide it down off your iris and squeeeeeeze!
i wear glasses, but my mum and older brother both wear contacts, but the daily ones, so they have a new pair each day.

when my eyesight deteriorates that much, i shall switch to those. single contacts for 4-6 months? what about all the grot that gets stuck in the lens? urghh.

my mum and bro seem to do it much the same way as Unfocused. what an ironic name.

I'm a pro at it, like I said before. Mine are the Acuvue O2 Optics and they work great when you clean them everyday. Its the cheap contact solution that works the best, that expensive stuff dried my eyes out and didn't clean them that well.
If my vision ever becomes crap enough I need something, I'm sticking to glasses. Eyes are not meant to be touched D:
Put it on the flat edge of your finger, not on the tip. It makes it easier if you just jam it in there. Make sure it's facing the right way, though. it'll fold easiest to the side it's supposed to go on, so move it around for a few seconds to judge.

Also, if the contact lenses you're using irritate your eyes for up to 20 minutes after you put them in, you might want to try a softer brand.

Have fun being able to see, man. Welcome to the world of 20/20 vision!
Oh also there is usually writing on the contact lense lower curve. Make sure that it is readable and not backwards when you put them on. Sometimes irritation can come from a backwards lense and it can really hurt your eye. I had a very tough time putting contacts in but I got used to it and its a cinch now.
3rd day, it's down to about 20 minutes to shove 'em both in, but my left one fell out while I was playing Planescape Torment and I couldn't put it back in again. I tried for a ****ing hour but I just couldn't.

Oh well, it's not that important right now. Practice practice practice.

Veggie that dry finger tip helped immensely.

BTW is it usual to still have a non-focused area around the bridge of the nose? It cancels out mostly if I'm just looking around, but it's getting slightly irritating for reading purposes.
Had glasses for about 10 years now. I'm fine with them. If anything I'd get laser eye surgery.
I also wear glasses, but don't think I'd ever get contact lenses. The idea of sticking your finger in your eye really doesn't appeal to me.
my left one fell out

Wut? Fell out, just like that? I've never had mine fall out, without rubbing the eyes. Are your eyes completely dry? Or maybe you put it in the wrong way around?

BTW, as for rubbing eyes with contacts in them, be careful. It happened to me 2-3 times - it was late and I was tired and wearing contacts all day (I don't stick to the 8-hour rule) and my eyes itched a bit and I started rubbing them. Suddenly my eye felt really uncomfortable and I started seeing blurry (as if I had not contact on). Turns out the contact disappeared in my eye cavity D: and it took me a while to get it out, by stretching my eyelids do determine where it is first and then using water to wash it out. Eventually it slid down my eyeball, folded in two.
BTW, as for rubbing eyes with contacts in them, be careful. It happened to me 2-3 times - it was late and I was tired and wearing contacts all day (I don't stick to the 8-hour rule) and my eyes itched a bit and I started rubbing them. Suddenly my eye felt really uncomfortable and I started seeing blurry (as if I had not contact on). Turns out the contact disappeared in my eye cavity D: and it took me a while to get it out, by stretching my eyelids do determine where it is first and then using water to wash it out. Eventually it slid down my eyeball, folded in two.

This is also why.
BTW, as for rubbing eyes with contacts in them, be careful. It happened to me 2-3 times - it was late and I was tired and wearing contacts all day (I don't stick to the 8-hour rule) and my eyes itched a bit and I started rubbing them. Suddenly my eye felt really uncomfortable and I started seeing blurry (as if I had not contact on). Turns out the contact disappeared in my eye cavity D: and it took me a while to get it out, by stretching my eyelids do determine where it is first and then using water to wash it out. Eventually it slid down my eyeball, folded in two.

Oh god. DDD:
Wut? Fell out, just like that? I've never had mine fall out, without rubbing the eyes. Are your eyes completely dry? Or maybe you put it in the wrong way around?

BTW, as for rubbing eyes with contacts in them, be careful. It happened to me 2-3 times - it was late and I was tired and wearing contacts all day (I don't stick to the 8-hour rule) and my eyes itched a bit and I started rubbing them. Suddenly my eye felt really uncomfortable and I started seeing blurry (as if I had not contact on). Turns out the contact disappeared in my eye cavity D: and it took me a while to get it out, by stretching my eyelids do determine where it is first and then using water to wash it out. Eventually it slid down my eyeball, folded in two.

Oh, no, I rubbed my eye. Or to be more precise, i rubbed the skin above my eye, and that forced my contact out. A stupid move in retrospect.

Eh, that sounds pretty disgusting, but quite frankly after having poked myself in the eye for almost 2 hours that doesn't sound that bad anymore. Eyes are tougher than you'd think.

Still don't wanna get poked in the eye with a sharp stick though.
I had my contact disappear into my eye cavity. I think I was on permanent ones, as it was late, but it could have been the thicker daily wear. It got to a point where I'd roll my eyes back and blink and my contact would stay up there.


Edit: Also, need to put my contacts in.
its like putting a condom on....sorta...