There goes hope of a GOTY at Gamespot...

What annoys me most about the Gamespot HL2 review is that it wasn't even written by GS's main "big-game" reviewer, Kasavin. HL2 was without a doubt one of the, if not the biggest release of the year, yet they don't even get their best reviewer to review it? Is it just me, or does that smell a little fishy?
This is almost as pathetic as Game Informer giving HL2 9.5 instead of 10, based on the sole fast that "the driving mechanics were not that good." WTF learn how to drive and quite bitching, you gave Halo2 a 10 and don't get me started on its shortcomings. If Halo2 can get 10, then Half-life2 deserves 10.
Milkman said:
This is almost as pathetic as Game Informer giving HL2 9.5 instead of 10, based on the sole fast that "the driving mechanics were not that good." WTF learn how to drive and quite bitching, you gave Halo2 a 10 and don't get me started on its shortcomings. If Halo2 can get 10, then Half-life2 deserves 10.

All they do it to bash the best games and advertise the mid/bad ones or the ones that will sell the most. Its retarded.
Ownzed said:
God many Halo fanboys..:rolleyes:

I'm sorry, but I can reconise between a good and a great game. I'm sorry I dont say " It's great " because everybady says so, I aint a shipp.
It's threads lke this that make it embarrassing to be a HL/PC fan.

Come on guys - read some of the childish whining you're churning out :/
Gamespot leans in favor of console games. Don't you all get it?

And you all let Gamespot's opinions of games affect you. Wow.
Have any of you thought that Gamespot thought that HL2 just didn't live up to GOTY standards and that there are better games out there? They have their own expectations, you know? They're allowed to advertise them and weigh games against them.

It's not like they have some freakin' vendetta against the game either (they gave it 9.2). Some of you suprise me because it's almost as if for every site that doesn't deify HL2 a tiny bit of your ego is cast into oblivion. What the hell does Gamespot's opinion matter to you people? You either enjoy the game or you don't, you shouldn't let something as trivial as this hamper your enjoyment.
venturon said:
Have any of you thought that Gamespot thought that HL2 just didn't live up to GOTY standards and that there are better games out there? They have their own expectations, you know? They're allowed to advertise them and weigh games against them.

thats unpossible!

but yes, i agree. they're just annoyed their opinion lost :x
Just finished Halo 2 tonight.

And people say Half-Life 2's ending was a let down. Pfft. Even if it's a cliff hangar at least it's interesting. hell, some interludes in halo 2 were a lot better than the ending cinema(s)

Anywho, for all the hype half life 2 recieved, I was very pleased with the experience. Not blown away, but for a game to have a hold on you when it runs bad (my specs fault, looked nice for how well it was performing) and has ginormous loading times . . . That's pretty damn inpressive.

Doom 3's gameplay didn't mix up as much, and halo 2's pacing wasn't so hot for me. Then again I suck with xbox controls. maybe that's it. It just seemed repetitive.

EDit: Oh, and i think it would take a lot of balls for any publication or site to give hl2 anything less than a 9.0. Imagine our backlash. Even if they thought it deserved an 8.8, they might bump it up to avoid being crucified or being the odd group out ;D
I didn't erally like the vehicle drving in half life 2 a whole lot, but i thought it gave a good sense of leaving the city and the barren outskirts before coming back. Good journey to make.
Yeah, they'll give it to Halo 2, the single most innovative, non-repetitive, non-rehashed, most amazing game ever realeased in the history of all mankind.

Oh and the general consensus strongly feels that HL2 was a piece of crap and didn't meet expectations at all. In fact mostly everyone can agree with gamespot since they are the authority on what's good and what sucks. It was disappointing to everyone, that's why most people have played through the whole thing three or four times each.


Seriously though, since does everyone think that it didn't meet expectations?
Moto-x_Pat said:
Oh and the general consensus strongly feels that HL2 was a piece of crap and didn't meet expectations at all. In fact mostly everyone can agree with gamespot since they are the authority on what's good and what sucks. It was disappointing to everyone, that's why most people have played through the whole thing three or four times each.

the general consensus to you is a couple of hl2 forums .. there are thousands of gamers outside of these forums.
destrukt said:
the general consensus to you is a couple of hl2 forums .. there are thousands of gamers outside of these forums.

Right, a couple of game forums and the long, long list of reviews over at It seems like you like to track down everything I say about Half-Life 2 and Halo 2. Do you dislike Half-Life 2? Do you prefer Halo 2? Whatever you prefer or dislike is fine with me. Just please stop hunting down everything I say and quoting me on it. It gets annoying. ;)
lol Gamespot suck.

Didnt meet expectations? LOL
Moto-x_Pat said:
Right, a couple of game forums and the long, long list of reviews over at It seems like you like to track down everything I say about Half-Life 2 and Halo 2. Do you dislike Half-Life 2? Do you prefer Halo 2? Whatever you prefer or dislike is fine with me. Just please stop hunting down everything I say and quoting me on it. It gets annoying. ;)

.. i have no idea who you are

where have i replied in a thread you've posted in.

see my other post up there ? that shows that this is a thread i'm interested, and other people posted, so i felt compelled to post again to keep the thread going.

and about quoting, it's kind of useful if your trying to say something, to help people understand if they know what i'm replying too.

your giving yourself too much credit.
koopa said:
You're contradicting yourself a little here. If there is a good case for picking another fps than you can't really accuse them of deliberately being different (since they might genuinely feel FarCry or whatever is better). It's easy to blame the $$$, but in this case they gave HL2 a very positive review - the couple of negative points they have were picked up by others and on the forum. So it's hard for me to see how this is anything other than just their opinion, not the money.

I did not contradict myself in the least. Stating that other games are worth of GotY and stating that there are more AAA+ titles this year, thus an opening to be different, are two different things. A AAA+ does not make a GotY canidate make. Maybe in your book, but not mine. GotY is a game that's gameplay, vision, and effect on the gamer--and industry--is profound. A AAA+ game is a fun, high quality game that brings a lot of enjoyment and avoids common pitfalls in the genre. It is all how you look at it, but accusing me of contradiction to further you point is quite silly.

As for HL2 receiving a positive review, I go back to my original point a long time ago: I could care less about the score. Some gamers only read scores, and to them a 9.2 is good. But I actually READ and WATCHED the review segment, and it was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS the reviewer wanted to complain and COMPLAIN some more. If you watch the review and guess a score I would have guessed low 80s. Compare the review to MP2: Echos. They barely complain about a SINGLE thing and RAVE the entire time... and MP2 got a 9.1.

So do not give me the line, "but in this case they gave HL2 a very positive review" because it is NOT true. GameSpot gave HL2 a very positive score but gave HL2 a very lukewarm review, especially when you compare their thoughts on MP2, FarCry, and even Doom 3.

I can say with confidence that GameSpot really enjoys being "Anti-Hype" and critiqueing other review sites. If you do not believe me go read the reviews for HL2 and Halo2.

The bottom line is thus: 1. A game reviewers game should be to review the merits of a game and how it plays and how to fairs to other games in the genre and other games in general--since Game Companies and Game REVIEW SITES are in a tango of perpetual hype this should be complete ignored as the Game REVIEW SITES are just as guilty of hyping games to cover their bottom line; and 2. Companies like GameSpy make money through advertising, and breaking from the consensus--especially with justification--is smart business sense. Anyone familiar with modern American journalism can clearly see that the news is about creating news and drama. It is no longer good enough to report news, but instead to delve into sensationalism. Gaming Journalists are not above this, and considering their medium and their basic audicance, is a very profitable move.
They're mad that HL2 is better than Halo 2 and San Andreas so not giving HL2 the GOTY award that it deserves is their way of saying "Haha, stupid PC games, that'll teach you to be better than console games!!"
Game reviewers should be locked away from the outside world. Kept in cages where all they are feed is bread and water along with any new game releases.

They then make their "call" without any preconceived ideas and rate the game on what it is and not the hype behind it.

Perhaps make clones, after they review a game they are 'terminated' so when the next game is released, they can't compare :cheese:
I think it's a simple case of the longer you have to wait for something, the more likely it is to disappoint - if this game had come out when intended, it would've blown everything else off the shelves, if you think about when coding of the game began, it was way ahead of it's time graphically

for it to come out this late and have the competition catch up and come down to a close call, I think it should be automatic GOTY 2003

know what I mean?
Zeus said:
They're mad that HL2 is better than Halo 2 and San Andreas so not giving HL2 the GOTY award that it deserves is their way of saying "Haha, stupid PC games, that'll teach you to be better than console games!!"

I would not go that far, but GameSpot does have a long history of rating PC games lower. Fact, not opinion.

The problem with a site like GameSpot is that there is a disconnect; on the one hand they want to keep PC and Console games, and even the individual consoles, separate--and their review method statement states this. Yet, inevitably, there are always comparisons. And for some reason the PC gets the short end of the stick more often than not.

Which I do not understand. I have no problem pronouncing new consoles as having better looking games. I remember when the N64 came out how the PC could not even compare... but a year later the PC was rocking away again. When the Xbox came out it looked VERY good in comparison to the PC, but todays top flight PC games just look better. Higher polygon counts, AA, more textures, higher resolution textures, and on good hardware high resolutions with rock hard framerates. This is not to say the console games look bad (they do not), just that games are not in a vacuum. The fact sites like GameSpot have no problem comparing a game on multiple platforms, like a Madden game, and compare/contrast how it was ported says a lot. It is one thing to compare games only against what is on the platform... but that is no realistic, or even desirable. e.g. This would mean every platform would have about the same number of highly ranked games... but if platform X has 5x as many good games than platform Y in a specific genre, a weak game in that genre on platform Y should not get a high score just because it is all there is to choose from.

And this is where I believe the PC bias GameSpot has is pretty clear. The fact is they do rate things relatively, and the PC usually ends up with the short end of the stick. Don't believe me? Look at their all time high scores for PC games compared to those on the consoles. GameSpot is allowed to have an opinion, but it is always best to know WHERE that opinion comes from. And as the guy's quote above, I would at least agree that GameSpot tends to be console centric. The fact they liked a console port (CoR) better than some of the PC's best (HL2, FarCry) is very telling.

On top of all this they tend to review hype, not substance. Look at their HL2, Halo2, Doom3, etc... reviews and compare it to MP2. They felt MP did not have much hype and they say very few bad things about it, yet rated Halo2 and HL2 higher yet complained constantly. To me that is not a review, but soap box. It is good to point out issues, but to focus on them over the good--and then give a good rating, is unbalanced imo.
No, gamespot are the only reviewers who saw HL2 for what it is and not for its name alone. HL2 is good, it isn't great, and it certaintly does'nt deserve GOTY.

So HL1 was amazing, it does'nt mean HL2 has to be even more amazing, because the fact of the matter is, HL2 does'nt compare to HL1.

If a FPS had to get GOTY this year, FarCry should win it. Personally i don't think any FPS should get GOTY, they are too linear and have no meaning to playing them and HL2 is a prime example of that...was there more than 1 way to get anywhere in the game. At least FarCry had multiple paths.
Alig said:
No, gamespot are the only reviewers who saw HL2 for what it is and not for its name alone. HL2 is good, it isn't great, and it certaintly does'nt deserve GOTY.

So HL1 was amazing, it does'nt mean HL2 has to be even more amazing, because the fact of the matter is, HL2 does'nt compare to HL1.

If a FPS had to get GOTY this year, FarCry should win it. Personally i don't think any FPS should get GOTY, they are too linear and have no meaning to playing them and HL2 is a prime example of that...was there more than 1 way to get anywhere in the game. At least FarCry had multiple paths.

So out of ALLLLL of the review sites and mags out there, Gamespot was the only one that had it right? No one elses reviews mattered? The fact that it's 5th on now (the highest a game has been this entire year) means nothing? The game was lukewarm because Gamespot, out of everybody, said so? That's the most flawed logic I've seen in awhile. Want me to go pick out a site that gave Far Cry a low score and tell you that everything you like about that game means nothing because this one lone site "saw through the name"?
They gave it a 92%. Your telling me that HL2 is a 98% near perfect game? Please. Your trying to tell me that half of these reviews was'nt already biased before they was even wrote because its "Half Life 2" - the most hyped game in years. If it was so amazing, WoW would'nt be the fastest ever selling game on PC, and WoW is a game thats considered a "****ing rip-off" amongst most gamers.

I can name several things about HL2 that was average...i can think of 10 games that have come out this year that was rated lower than HL2 and are better than it in a games basic goal. Gameplay.
Alig said:
They gave it a 92%. Your telling me that HL2 is a 98% near perfect game? Please. Your trying to tell me that half of these reviews was'nt already biased before they was even wrote because its "Half Life 2" - the most hyped game in years. If it was so amazing, WoW would'nt be the fastest ever selling game on PC, and WoW is a game thats considered a "****ing rip-off" amongst most gamers.

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, but the fact that the VAST majority of reviewers think so has alot more credit than you. News flash, you're not God. Your opinion doesn't count as fact, the closest thing to fact we have it the combination of all of the major reviewer's opinions, and guess what that is showing?

As far as WoW goes, HL2 didn't sell as fast because *gasp* most copies of the game were bought over Steam, which didn't count in the tallying due to the fact that you buy the game and download the files before release. Try again hot stuff. On a side note, what do sales have to do with the "goodness" of a game? You're contradicting yourself badly there my friend.

I can name several things about HL2 that was average...i can think of 10 games that have come out this year that was rated lower than HL2 and are better than it in a games basic goal. Gameplay.

And I could pick out 20 things in the games you would list that were "average". Once again you're forgetting that your opinion isn't fact. Go ahead though, list away if you feel like it. :rolleyes:
So my opinion is a load of shit, but gamespys' opinion is as good as fact?. Are proffesional reviewers like godsends or something and there opinion should be taken seriously?

You're contradicting yourself badly there my friend.


If you don't like my opinion then don't quote me.

...Oh and yeah as a matter of fact, the ammount of copies a game sells does determine how good a game it is. Good games sell loads, bad games....don't!... whether you agree or not.

As far as WoW goes, HL2 didn't sell as fast because *gasp* most copies of the game were bought over Steam, which didn't count in the tallying due to the fact that you buy the game and download the files before release.

This is exactly why i can't be arsed even posting in this thread again. You've already made up your mind that HL2 is the best game ever made by saying what i underlined.

Believe it...HL2 isn't the best game this year.
I didnt read the full tread but I want to say

why you care?

you all like HL2,you all sure play it everityme,and I hate you all cuz I dont have it yet :p

but someone say that is not the best game of year and now you wil stop play HL2 for that?

"OMFG is HL2 IS ubber awsome!!!!11"
"what HL2 dont GEt GOTY???? OMG HL2 SUCKS!!!!1111"

anyway gamespot sucks reviewing games
they give a 8.7 to MGS3,thats enough reazon that they suck reviewing games
...Oh and yeah as a matter of fact, the ammount of copies a game sells does determine how good a game it is. Good games sell loads, bad games....don't!... whether you agree or not.

I considered actually taking you seriously, having a debate, but this put me off that idea. What a silly idea that was.
I love how PC fanboys are more than willing to bring up HL2's Gameranking statistics as proof of its undeniable excellence, and yet will harp endlessly about how shiteful Halo 2 is despite relatively similar acclaim. You can't have it both ways.

And before any idiot decides that I must be some other kind of fanboy for pointing out this logical contradiction; I treat all systems evenly, as I own them all. And personally I too think Halo 2 was vastly overrated. One of the most overrated of all time. But I also think HL2 is overrated by many people's standards. I still really enjoyed it, though. Can't say the same about Halo 2.

HL2 does not deserve to win by some kind of infallible default. Opinions are not objective. It could appear on any best of the year list with no complaint from me, though. And I would shriek with unearthly glee if Gamespot did put it up there, just to see your reactions. It most likely will not happen, but you have to realise that a single review score doesn't reflect the overall editorial opinion of the site. Places like Gamespot have tens of writers. Stop calling conspiracy on their whole organisation just because a single guy over there disagrees with you. I have disagreed with Gamespot's scores quite often in the past, but cannot deny they remain one of only a few gaming websites not willing to automatically blow anything with a little hype behind it. Look at MGS back in the day... got a 7.5. Undeservedly? Probably. But gutsy.
What the hell are you lot even complaining about? They gave it a 9.2 score for crying out loud. That's a GREAT score. I'd personally give it an 8. I'm sure the fanboys will give me a lot of stick for saying that, but that's my opinion and quite frankly, I've had more fun playing other games this year. That being said, HL2 is still very impressive.
KidRock said:
HL2 DIDNT meet glad it wont win it.
you state it like its 100% fact. it's just your opinion

my expectations were met fully, maybe even a bit more. [SARCASM]THEREFORE HL2 DID MEET EXPECTATIONS LOL[/SARCASM]

What the hell are you lot even complaining about? They gave it a 9.2 score for crying out loud. That's a GREAT score. I'd personally give it an 8.
the point is that their review didn't reflect their 9.2 score, if you had just read the review you would be expecting low 8's.
Narcolepsy said:
Does Gamespot have some kind of vendetta against this game? Are they the gods that can dictate whether a game met expectations? Aren't there plenty of people who loved it?

They have a right to an opinion though :p

I think the Gamespot review was one of the more honest reviews, it looked beyond the 'hype' and dealed out a very honest (almost blunt) review :)