Originally posted by Northwood83
Yeah I know about the 8x thing but I decided to throw that in just for refrence. The fact remains, you have current hardware all around and I do not. I dont think you have any experience with a system like mine. Im running an RDRam board as well.
So far Ive only seen systems with a 100mhz FSB advantage over me getting 5890, which is what I think you mistook my system for. If you compare my system with others with my specs you'll see that they score the same because they are using Northwood A's, and not B's or higher.
I cannot give you a comparison (simply because yours is the only one I can find). What I can give you, though, is this:
Running at only 300mhz core (which means it's underclocked) and on a 1,4GHZ processor - 5489pts
Also 133mhz fsb and "only" 4x agp. If you still don't believe me, I will see to that the comparison of the system I told you about gets up in the futuremark comparison server.