There is only one Game That Will overtop HL2 Graphicaly ...

Im sure dnf will be an awesome game when it comes out.. stop comparing everything to hl2 .. sheesh..
You get to ride a donkey-that's surely going to be one of the main selling points of the game, unless HL2 can offer donkey-centric action to equal or surpass DNFs...
eveyone knows the jagoffs who WERE working on that game are just sitting around circle jerking now. its never coming out. at some point the powers at be will just pull the plug.
Hopefully they'll release DNF at the middle / end of 2004.
Err... there are 4 games that I know that will be better than Half Life 2 graphically.
Originally posted by Wilson502
and what games would that be?
Not everyone would say DooM III, but I'd say DooM III and defninitely DNF since it'll be released after DNF anyway so it'll be using newer technology. There's also Stalker and Halo 2 but they don't look as good as HL2 IMO.
Originally posted by Wilson502
and what games would that be?

Speaking in an overall sense...

Far Cry

Doom 3

Halo 2


Originally posted by Yatta
There's also Stalker and Halo 2 but they don't look as good as HL2 IMO.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Halo 2 both have better lighting than Doom 3... and on top of that they both have huge outdoor environments, as well as indoor.
IMO, Doom3 can be better, but after what I've seen in developer mode of D3 leaked alpha I don't think it will handle well open spaces. So it can't be counted.
Other ones I can recall now are:
* S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Oblivion lost - for me it overall looks better, similar physics and graphical effects but large open spaces - I love it :)
* Xenus - Game developed by russian guys, which action takes place in Colombian jungle

Far Cry - I'm no sure, has good graphics, hm, maybe, but I don't think so
Halo 2 is Xbox only so it can't look better, if you are talking about Halo for PC - nice, but in no way it can look better.
DNF - hehehehe very funny joke.
Heh... damn, Duke Nukem forever looks stupid by that video compared to half-life 2. The character models alone are like 10 levels below :bounce:

It offers no twinge of excitement in me. Half-life 2 is still rattling my bones with anticipation.
I don't know about Duke Nukem Forever really... it's not anywhere near competing from the footage released so far.
Originally posted by Raziaar
Heh... damn, Duke Nukem forever looks stupid by that video compared to half-life 2. The character models alone are like 10 levels below :bounce:

It offers no twinge of excitement in me. Half-life 2 is still rattling my bones with anticipation.
the dnf trailer is almost 3 years now. what the **** do you expect? it looked really good for its time. so did the old screenshots.

the have improved by now, and will release media when its time.
I don't think any improvements on Duke Nukem Forever are going to be that major unless they made a whole new engine...
Originally posted by Lifthz
I don't think any improvements on Duke Nukem Forever are going to be that major unless they made a whole new engine...

they did
Originally posted by Lifthz
I don't think any improvements on Duke Nukem Forever are going to be that major unless they made a whole new engine...
heavily modified unreal engine, yes. do you have anythign else to say? :p
the dnf trailer is almost 3 years now. what the **** do you expect? it looked really good for its time. so did the old screenshots.

the have improved by now, and will release media when its time.

If they decided to make the announcement of half-life 2 3 years ago, instead of months ago, it would have looked better still.

The bottom line is... DNF sucks, this world doesn't have a place for an idiotic character premise as the duke nukem guy. :)

Duke: "My muscles are rippling, yahhhh"

Gordon: <picks up duke with the manipulator and tosses him far far away>

Gordon: ".........................."

Gordon: "....! .........? ....!!!!"

Gordon: <removes and cleans his glasses, smirking with a victorious look on his face>
well my friend, that's your opinion, and i respect it. but it still remains an opinion.
STALKER is the only game that could rival it. From what I have SEEN that is. Time shall tell.
First of all, NO ONE knows how DNF will play because there hasn't been 1 single tiny little screenshot of it for about 3 years.

I followed the 3DRealms forum for some time and I thing it will be a great game. All of the old screenshots can't even according to george broussard.

Yes it's development has had it's share of problems, but they have had a long time to create a good game.

I just want to say let's not condemn a game of which we know nothing about :)
how do you know it will be better then HL2 when you dont even see the damn game? There arent even screenshots!
3DRealms ideally wants everyone to forget about Duke, so they can
slam it upon you muthas HL2 stylee. It was in one of George's posts.
I still have faith in the project, but they better come up with something good. Daikatana certainly springs to mind.

But at the end of the day, i bet all you haters out there will be playing the **** out of the game the moment it comes out.
Originally posted by Metatron
I just want to say let's not condemn a game of which we know nothing about :)

Here here!

Every game has its bumpy roads during development...DNF just happened to have one too many under the public spotlight. I for one think it'll be phenomenal. If it's been in development for this long, it's sure to be good. I have faith in Broussard. I've also frequented their forums in the past, and from the way ol' George speaks of the game, is like it's the best thing since sliced bread. He also says no one should think of upgrading for DNF anytime soon, for he believes once they release the game, the current, top-of-the-line tech will be obsolete. From a technical standpoint this game must be incredible.
Lets not think of this like 3dRealms Vs. Valve for a minute... Well actually... Lets do think of this as 3dRealms Vs. Valve.... just not current... 3 years ago we had DNF, and Team Fortress 2. Compare those Screenshots and you'll see that they look very simmilar. Both completely turned into Vaporware. One so far has come back, in a way. Maybe 3dRealms did the same thing as Valve... stopped releasing info and got to work. And look what it did for Valve! DNF might be amazing, DNF might suck, but only time will tell :afro:
duke nukem is an urban legend. It no longer exists
Originally posted by Craftos
* S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Oblivion lost - for me it overall looks better, similar physics and graphical effects but large open spaces - I love it :)
I like the look of stalker, and I'll definately get it when it's out, but from what I've seen the physics are inferior to the modified havoc engine found in source. Look at when that dude falls on the car. The formulas in the stalker physics seem to be more approximated than going for absolute realism.

Hmm.. duke nukem... I never got into the 3d ones, but DN1 and DN2 rocked! Now I've just got to find those old floppies.....
so wait what you Duke guys are saying is:
-Har Har, Duke nukem will top Hl2 graphically, because it will be released later (speculation), but dont judge it by it's screenshots because those are old.-
how can you make a bold statement on an HL2 fanboard that there is only one game that would top HL2 in the gfx department, and not only not back it up with any decent info... when people say they dont think its up to snuff (by media that was released) you cut them down. You believe in someone tooting their own horn about "har har we own Hl2 with out groundbreaking yadda" at the drop of a hat, the only substantial evidence to back that up that you can muster is "well its been in developement for a decade" I can sit on my hands for 10 years too, its not going to mean shit. apparently the DNF team have jumped from engine to engine, dropped team members, reformed and entirely new team, even gone as far as recruiting over at pollycount.
now dont get me wrong I dont have faith in DNF, but I dont judge it either. I have an unbiased view on it... in fact I would definately try it if it was released in the near future, as I was a duke fan.

my message is not "lols lols DNF suzz0r!!!!" or "DNF is ter R0xorz lolz!!1!!1! dont judge ter gfx plkthnx"
you cant state something rules or it is in any form "better" without at least some evidence to show why it would be other than "well its cool in my head".
everyone has their opinion and blah blah
GOD RELEASE HL2 ALREADY look what we are stooping down to.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
so wait what you Duke guys are saying is:
-Har Har, Duke nukem will top Hl2 graphically, because it will be released later (speculation), but dont judge it by it's screenshots because those are old.-
how can you make a bold statement on an HL2 fanboard that there is only one game that would top HL2 in the gfx department, and not only not back it up with any decent info... when people say they dont think its up to snuff (by media that was released) you cut them down. You believe in someone tooting their own horn about "har har we own Hl2 with out groundbreaking yadda" at the drop of a hat, the only substantial evidence to back that up that you can muster is "well its been in developement for a decade" I can sit on my hands for 10 years too, its not going to mean shit. apparently the DNF team have jumped from engine to engine, dropped team members, reformed and entirely new team, even gone as far as recruiting over at pollycount.
now dont get me wrong I dont have faith in DNF, but I dont judge it either. I have an unbiased view on it... in fact I would definately try it if it was released in the near future, as I was a duke fan.

my message is not "lols lols DNF suzz0r!!!!" or "DNF is ter R0xorz lolz!!1!!1! dont judge ter gfx plkthnx"
you cant state something rules or it is in any form "better" without at least some evidence to show why it would be other than "well its cool in my head".
everyone has their opinion and blah blah
GOD RELEASE HL2 ALREADY look what we are stooping down to.
I think it's fairly reasonable to speculate that DNF will look better than HL2 when it's released, because they simply won't release the game at all unless it is up to a standard that competes with other games available at the time. With the amount of money that's been spent on the game so far, they'll probably never make their money back by selling the game anyway, so unless they can release it in such a state that people are going to go "wow" and buy it, it's probably cheaper for them to avoid all the distribution costs and just pull the plug.

Btw, I'm far from a DNF fanboy, I've never even played DN3D. The last duke game I played was duke nukem 2 shareware, on floppy, on an old amstrad 386 :cheese:
my arguement wasnt attacking the "will it have better graphics than HL2" or even accusing anyone of fanboyism.
I was attacking the logic of the debate.
how can one say "yes its better" without proof, and undeniably prove that the people saying "no it wont" without proof, to be wrong?
thats illogical
or at least self centered :)
and one would assume more developement time = better game/graphics, and also one could assume that since it will be out in 2014 (or whatever) that it would take advantage of the new hardware, and logically MUST look better.

however thats my point
your basing your arguement on assumptions.

one could easily say "well look at HL2 how good it is, after 5 years... so DNF must be amazing" thats what I believe the meat of the arguement is.
the counter arguement would be
"look at Diakatana"

both are very valid arguements
both have nothing to do with HL2
IM attacking the debate
not the content
much love
lol fair enough :)

I agree that it's all speculation, so arguing about it and trying to prove things is entirely pointless.

Hmm.... what we need right about now is a huge press release, full of official information we don't know, from Valve. That would get these forums back on track very quickly.
The only game that tops HL-2 graphically is STALKER: Oblivion Lost. I'm looking forward to it more than I am HL-2.
Ok guys, cut it out. When that video was released it stunned alot of people because of how awesome it looked, and how much fun it was going to be blasting baddies away in Los Vegas, sayin "Kickin' ass and Chewin' Bubble gum." 3D realms screwed up when they tried to put new Duke Nukem games on Consoles, but on the PC Duke Nukem 3D was the bomb! It was also good on the N64 with Co-Op and Deathmatch. I was really looking forward to DNF when it was close to being released, but then with all the delays I suddenly lost interest. But not completely! I will most likely buy it and enjoy it alot when and if it comes out.

Lets hope.

P.S- I personally think this belongs in the Off-topic board solely because It has more to do with DNF and other games rather then HL2.
I read the link and I don't think that Hayden guy was talking about graphics...

"I certainly like the look of HL2- I think you'd have to be pretty insane not to be excited for Valve's next biggie.
I do stand by my prediction though. DNF willl give you things that you've never seen before in a game (even from HL2 I am sure).
I can't give you specifics of course, but I can say that the level of detail that we are going into with some of this stuff is just crazy. George knows what the fans want and he plans to deliver"

To me, by 'look' in the first line, he meant 'outlook' and 'seen' meant 'experienced'. Sounds more like he's talking about Duke's incredibly interactive environments (playing pool, pinball, using urinals, etc).

And I think Doom 3 has the most potential in the future because of it's lighting but needs stuff like HDR to have an equal effect to HL2 and Stalker. So far, I prefer HL2 graphics over Stalker because HL2 seems more natural while they both seem technologically on the same scale (note: Stalker's lighting will be more like HL2 than Doom3. Characters do not self shadow= lighting is not calculated real-time.) Personally I don't really see Far Cry as graphical competition for any of these games.
The thing that really cheesed me off about 3DRealms was that George and the rest of their gang declared that only high end systems would be able to run DNF. Here they are; admitting that their aim was NEVER impressive graphics but a game that was interactive and consisted of intriguing gameplay.

Maybe it's just me, but doesn't that seem a bit off? It just doesn't sit with me very well knowing that they could make all these claims based off a modified version of Unreal engine. Of course, with the media black out, they could have changed to a different engine. Hey, third times a charm right?

But - What it really comes down to is this . . .

3DRealms can claim that they have revolutionized gaming that a game will blow all of us fans away all they want, but untill they produce a product (or proof of said product) - I simply wont believe them.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Here here!

Every game has its bumpy roads during development...DNF just happened to have one too many under the public spotlight. I for one think it'll be phenomenal. If it's been in development for this long, it's sure to be good. I have faith in Broussard. I've also frequented their forums in the past, and from the way ol' George speaks of the game, is like it's the best thing since sliced bread. He also says no one should think of upgrading for DNF anytime soon, for he believes once they release the game, the current, top-of-the-line tech will be obsolete. From a technical standpoint this game must be incredible.

spitcodfry should totally be an admin. He is eerily level headed. Its sort of creepy actually :)