these forums are mad dead

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Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
Not to be negative but jeebus, this shite is slow these days. I don't regularly post here any more because i've found funner grounds but I still lurk, seems too quiet. :cat:
I think it's better than being overwhelmed with posts.

If you've "conquired" the forum (read all the latest threads and made the posts you wanted), just go find something else to do, come back in 30 minutes and you'll have more stuff to reply to.
I think it will bounce back after Episode 2 is released, so 4th quarter 2008 should be fun :)
I miss it being busier. Despite not posting much myself I liked to read the stuff that was posted.
In a certain area of a certain city in Pennsylvania is an area of flat concrete, the kind of place used as a basketball court or similar, near to a school building. If you wait in this area on the 10th September, you will eventually be approached by two youths with an aggressive demeanor about them. The youths will challenge you to a fight, which you must accept. Following the brawl, return to your home. It is important that you tell your mother of this incident. She will become perturbed by your tale, and order you to leave for an area of Los Angeles. You will be compelled to obey her.

At the nearest taxi rank, whistle for a cab and one will approach. You may see that its license plate reads "FRESH", and there will be novelty dice dangling from the rear-view mirror. Do not be disturbed by the odor of the cab's interior, and speak only the words "Yo home, to Bel Air" to the driver.

When you arrive in Los Angeles, seemingly only seconds later, you must speak again to the driver, this time saying "Yo home, smell ya' later". DO NOT LOOK BACK AS THE TAXI LEAVES. You will be dropped off at the entrance to a large mansion. Approach the door and knock three times. If you follow these instructions exactly, you will become the star of a popular television sitcom. However, after 5 years, 8 months and 10 days have passed, your life will end in the most unimaginably hideous way.
What? huh who said that? I'm hearing those voices again...someone hold me
Not to be negative but jeebus, this shite is slow these days. I don't regularly post here any more because i've found funner grounds but I still lurk, seems too quiet. :cat:

I remember you, you were a funny guy.
Not to be negative but jeebus, this shite is slow these days. I don't regularly post here any more because i've found funner grounds but I still lurk, seems too quiet. :cat:
Sorry bout that. Thanks for the tremendous contribution. We'll try and make your lurking experience alot more worthwhile from now on.
honestly it goes up and down, I still enjoy dropping a line here and there but I mostly lurk
I sowwy too, i was almost always first to post in youre threads.
It's funny, because people have been saying "omg, teh forums aer in decline!!!111" for years now. Yet we're still here. People leave, people join. It's never going to stay exactly the same as the halcyon years of <whatever year you joined>.

Also, think about what time of year it is. A lot of people aren't at home, or are busy doing other things than posting puerile drivel on forums.
It's because we banned Dreadlord, Dalamari and KngHenry.
Meh, it has only been like this for the last week or two.

There was at least a week within the past month when I was like "wow, these forums became awesome again," and it was only a month before that when I said the same thing.

It goes in about three week cycles apparently. Give it another week.
I think the buzz will come back up when Team Fortress and Crossplay are nearer release.
Not to be negative but jeebus, this shite is slow these days. I don't regularly post here any more because i've found funner grounds but I still lurk, seems too quiet. :cat:

where are you posting these days?
Seems like new comers tend to get stomped on.
I'd unban a lot of people.
I say we bring KngHenry back, if we all focus our internet abuse on him maybe we'll all get along more.
It's funny, because people have been saying "omg, teh forums aer in decline!!!111" for years now. Yet we're still here. People leave, people join. It's never going to stay exactly the same as the halcyon years of <whatever year you joined>.

I just go with the flow, seems to work for me. I've even left a couple times myself, but it's always here and mostly still the same when I decide to come back :)

*hugs all*
Well, you closed the epic "dont laugh" threads, twice. No wonder people are leaving.
I don't find the forums so bad at least....May not be active, but fun none the less.
It's funny, because people have been saying "omg, teh forums aer in decline!!!111" for years now. Yet we're still here. People leave, people join. It's never going to stay exactly the same as the halcyon years of <whatever year you joined>.

Also, think about what time of year it is. A lot of people aren't at home, or are busy doing other things than posting puerile drivel on forums.

Just reading through, that's basically the point I was gonna stress. People say this every so often and have been for years.
Sorry bout that. Thanks for the tremendous contribution. We'll try and make your lurking experience alot more worthwhile from now on.

haha thanks, while you're at it - die in a fire.

I post regularly on the ClubSi car forums, the OT section there owns. everyone is a bit older than the average age user here but it's on par with my sense of humor and interests now :imu:
I have seen these forums in much much much worse condition
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