these forums are mad dead

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I still can't believe they banned OvA. He was awesome. that sucks he's gone forever.
I still can't believe they banned OvA. He was awesome. that sucks he's gone forever.
Indeed, it is sad those members are of the past, but he did a terrible thing. Although you never know who new members could be. It may be the dead returning...
I have not found a single more enjoyable stomping ground yet.

So I still remain here. :hmph:

I need to find one, and soon.
I missed those days. where each thread is over 500 posts.
What did he do?

His wit became so sharp, he accidentally sliced 3 of our members in half. One of them an admin.
So they banned him forever..........
Man, it would be crazy if he was here right now........
Like, in this forum.........
what new forums have you guys gone to? I need more forums to hang out in while I'm at work :D
Im sure when episode 2 finally releases, it shall revive the forum; I have faith in it. ;)
Well, you closed the epic "dont laugh" threads, twice. No wonder people are leaving.

Yes, because these forums revolve around one or two threads with a few pictures in them. :| If that was the case, I sure do pity the people that leave because a mod closes a thread they made. Actually, no I don't. Sucks to be them.
this forum is far from really lol.

you want to see a DEAD forum? visit

went from being extremely active to having 1 post a month to finally like virutally nothing.
For the love of god! OvA is still here. Who do you guys think Geogaddi is?
I was wondering who was going to be the first to say that :P
I once leaked the link of a private forum to another very very active forum(2000+ online); not knowing it was private and caused a massive surge of new accounts. It went under in about a week after that and I feel somewhat responsible.


So yes I also know what a dead forum looks like.
For the love of god! OvA is still here. Who do you guys think Geogaddi is?

Yes, because these forums revolve around one or two threads with a few pictures in them. :| If that was the case, I sure do pity the people that leave because a mod closes a thread they made. Actually, no I don't. Sucks to be them.

For the love of god! OvA is still here. Who do you guys think Geogaddi is?

The following quotes are proof we need the sarcasm tags again.

Makes me worried about the rest of the my posts you guys have been reading :o
Vegeta, I was banned from the forums. Please use your clout to plea for my life.

^^ brings these forums crashing right back down again
LEMONKING/KNGHENRY>Munro > ova > geogaddi > Munro
I actually have little knowledge about either, cept they were either spammers or trollers.
In essence... aren't we all just spammers/trollers?

<listens to the resounding "no">
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