"They Hunger" Co-op To Be Included With Sven Co-op 4.0

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Sven co-op are nearing the end of their development process for the updated Half-life 1 version of Sven co-op 3.0, their much anticipated Sven co-op 4.0. All sorts of new maps and features are to be included in the update, including Episode 1 of They Hunger from Black Widow Games, one of the most loved mods for Half-life. The mod has been slightly enhanced using systems integrated into SC4.0, including the major co-op addition, however BWG have promised to keep the same feel the original provided.[br]Episode 2 is to follow, all in the run up to their upcoming release of They Hunger: Lost Souls, the first Source version of their series. Sven Co-op 2 meanwhile, still remains hidden away in development.[br]Black Widow Games | Sven Co-op
I thought Lost Souls had long since died, I guess not, thats cool!
Sven Co-op news and They Hunger news? What a combo!
All sorts of new maps and features are to be included in the update, including Episode 1 of They Hunger from Black Widow Games, one of the most loved mods for Half-life.

The newspost is a bit unclear. I'm guessing you mean the first episode of They Hunger: Lost Souls (game made on the Source engine), not the first episode of They Hunger (mod made on the GoldSrc engine).
No, it's the old one.
Sven Coop hasn't been ported to Source yet.
Yes as Lucid said. Sven co-op 4.0 release is for the GoldSrc engine, and so is the "They Hunger" Episode 1. Essentially, the 'They Hunger' mod is a map pack thrown into the SC4.0 release, with a couple new models and sounds etc.

Episode 1 & 2 are both planned at the moment, no word on Episode 3, but it seems logical it will be done. They Hunger: Lost Souls is a completely separate Source project. We thought it was dead recently, but it seems there is life in it still.
there's been alot of vapourware news this week :P
I have alot of respect for the Sven Coop team, they have a relatively small but strong community that continue to improve and update the game they love playing, It would be cool if they did move onto source, but im glad they are still going either way.
Sven co-op 2 is not hidden away in development.

It does not exist. Period.
Yes as Lucid said. Sven co-op 4.0 release is for the GoldSrc engine, and so is the "They Hunger" Episode 1. Essentially, the 'They Hunger' mod is a map pack thrown into the SC4.0 release, with a couple new models and sounds etc.

Episode 1 & 2 are both planned at the moment, no word on Episode 3, but it seems logical it will be done. They Hunger: Lost Souls is a completely separate Source project. We thought it was dead recently, but it seems there is life in it still.
Wow, so it's an update for Sven Co-op for Half-Life?

God damn those guys are dedicated! Co-op They Hunger would be quite a blast.
Just dropping in to mention that we're also giving away quite a few copies of Half-Life to those who, for whatever reason, are unable to take advantage of Valve's 98 cent birthday special (if you can, head over there fast, because it's theoretically supposed to have ended already). Details on our site.
Welcome by the way, good to see the mastermind behind such a successful mod. We news posted the Half-life deal a couple days ago, I'm certain quite a few people picked it up, and hopefully will be able to take advantage of your upcoming release for SC4.0. I'm sure you won't be able to definitively say when you are targeting a release, but I'm sure these guys would love an estimation or seasonal approximation ;)
He mentions the approaching 10th anniversary of Sven Co-Op in the news post.
They Hunger! I can't wait to play it in Sven Co-op, and I double can't wait for Lost Souls (I was starting to think it was dead).
(Update: Valve's HL1 promotion is over now, but we still have a few copies left to give away).
They Hunger was the mother****ing god damn shit and anybody who disagrees can tuck themselves in a flaming barrel and roll off a cliff.
You've gotta be kidding me!!! They Hunger is not dead? Manke is still planning to release this game, after a more than a 2-year delay? Woah.
So your claim that They Hunger sucks was based soley on the relatively poor graphics.
Sven co-op 2 is not hidden away in development.

It does not exist. Period.

B-b-but, I remember seeing a couple screenshots about 3 1/2 years ago!

Yeah at this point I don't think anyone even cares about SC2 anymore, I mean if you want co-op on the Source engine there are decent HL2 co-op mods already out, plus there's Left 4 Dead.

And as for Sven Coop 4.0, wasn't that supposed to be out years ago?