They Hunger: Lost Souls


Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
What's happened to this much anticipated SP HL2 mod? When it was anounced it was supposedly close to completion. The last we heard it was in the alpha stage. Still early days but that was back at the beginning of April!

I know, I was actually hoping to be playing this game for christmas, but now it looks like there is no chance.
I know atleast one person on the team, if he's still with them. Perhaps I could enquire about the progress.
Hot564231 said:
At 11:37 AM 11/09/2006 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Neil,
>I only askinghere is the game ok, i havn't heard anything from you
guys in
>a while? i hope everything is going A-ok?
>Can you give us a hint why you havn't been so 4th coming lately?
>Signed A Concerned Fan.
>Do you Yahoo!?
>Everyone is raving about the
>Yahoo! Mail.

Neil Manke
Black Widow Games

Old Site:

and now for the reply:

Mr. Manke said:
dear concerned:)

game is coming along great. we are just too busy with it to bother much
with news updates and the like. however, sometime within next couple
we will probably do a big news update.

thanks for your interest:)

ps- there are a couple mags doing articles on it soon, but i think they
only in australia and europe? i don't even know which mags as einar is
managing that stuff and i am just too busy to be much concerned
Cool. Good to know they are still working on the game. Look forward to the big news update. I'm looking forward to this mod big time! Not much good SP stuff on the horizon apart from Episode 2.
Great to hear :D I'll probably be expecting their game early 2007.
Kind of given up on this now. It's going to look pretty dated if it comes out now. Think they've missed the boat. Pretty much lost interest. Shame. They Hunger was really good.
I wouldn't say that. New version on Orange Box engine looks pretty good.
I sent the devs an email shortly before Halloween but never got a response; their usually pretty good about communication when you contact them though. Sad to see the game isn't out yet. Maybe in time for next Halloween?

BTW: This isn't really a 3rd part MOD, it's a stand-alone game evolved from an old MOD. ;)
I've seen They Hunger 1-3 as SP Half-life mods on their site. Are they fun and worth playing?
Well, there like Valve, slow on the media but due to the fact that it'll possible be great.