They're adding the crowbar, stunstick, and a gametype...


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Credit to Al3x and Scapegoat who emailed Adrian Finol (who is sweet).

http://www.hl 2

http://www.hl 2

delete the spaces in the links and there you go.
Is there some type of grudge being held with HL2world?
Ye they used work and was ok with leak posting.

BTW its stun baton - old news.
isnt a baton basically a buzzword for a stick? i mean c'mon

Its good to know that Valve doesn't consider Death-match complete for their part when it comes to content.
DC9884 said:
isnt a baton basically a buzzword for a stick? i mean c'mon

ba·ton - A short staff carried by certain public officials as a symbol of office.

lol. Not even a stick, a 'staff.' lol.
staff - 1 a : a long stick carried in the hand for support in walking
Meh, it's just the proliferation with calling weapons by their console name. I couldn't stand people calling the AWM the awp in CS :flame:

Makes me wonder why Valve chose weapon_stunstick as an entity name...
I dont get these ppl. Why do they dont include bots. They have good AI already....
Makes me wonder why Valve chose weapon_stunstick as an entity name...

Because it's a stick. And it stuns people.

Calling a weapon a stick is fun. Like calling the CS autoshotgun the noobstick. Or any really loud gun a boomstick. Stun stick just sounds good. Much cooler than stun baton. A baton is something cheerleaders twirl. A special stick is something worthy of any good fps player.
honestly, the DM needs more than just 2 more weapons.
it needs some of the creative weapons which HLDM had (snarks anyone?) and OP4DM has (spore launcher and displacer ball)

creative weapons really make things interesting and spice it up quite a bit as well...