.. they're trailers never cease to impress me

I saw these trailers when E3 was going on. they look cool but DMC2 just spoiled it for me. the enviroments were bland and the gameplay was crappy. plus im not in the mood for prologues.

DMC1 was one of the best PS2 games... me <3 it


want a good trailer? watch the LITR: two towers trailer. its the best f'cking trailer i have ever seen in my life. left me speechless.
It's the music that gets me in the MGS trailers, also the little bits of humor Hideo hides in them.

I hope they make a substance version for Xbox
I've never played any MGS game in my life - but those trailers sure seem very kickass!
Another reason why PS2 rocks the socks outta that xbox...(hey rhymed)..looks really good..dunno if i can be arsed with another MGS when we have HL2 and GTA:SA coming!

haha wtf was those apes in the end..!?
lans said:
I've never played any MGS game in my life - but those trailers sure seem very kickass!

Omg :O Your missing out big time. MGS1 and 2 are both better games than HL1, i know its not a FPS but a games a game at the end of the day and MGS's have better gameplay, story, music, the lot over HL1. Well i think so anyway. They know how to make a good game. You can have so much fun in MGS2 particually just messing about with the games AI :E
Alig said:
Omg :O Your missing out big time. MGS1 and 2 are both better games than HL1, i know its not a FPS but a games a game at the end of the day and MGS's have better gameplay, story, music, the lot over HL1. Well i think so anyway. They know how to make a good game. You can have so much fun in MGS2 particually just messing about with the games AI :E

You are right MGS1 atleast is equal to HL, but you cant really compare them..but yes MGS is way more unique and have a much better story than HL has..
All the footage is in-game (or, in-engine if you want it perfect) right?
oh, i thought both were DMC trailers, yes the MGS one looks pro0. i saw the 15 minute long E3 one, that was great too. i would actually love it if the whole game was japanese with subtitles, i like their language better than ours lol :) plus its more origonal.
WHAT THE HELL... has anyone watched the MGS trailer all the way through, to the very end?

"what is my mission?"
"to kill monkeys."
3 monkeys apperar... theyre from APE ESCAPE!!! woo! snake shoots them!
I don't know, the trailer is great, but to me it looks like MGS would make better movies than games, I don't like the playstyle of the games. But MGS3 seems to provide a bit more freedom though.
Ah. That was much better. Last time I watched it there were no subtitles and the text on the screen was in japanese too :P

I can't wait for this game. I love the MGS games. I've played both of them 3 or so times through each at least.

You're right. Hideo does the cutscenes so well it feels like a movie when you're not actually playing. I would love for Hideo to direct real movies following the plotline of one of the 3 MGS games. He does a damn good job at giving us the cinematic feel. Chills actually went down my spine when the music was building up the last time before they showed Metal Gear.
Why Has No-one Commented On The Monkeys?
Suicide42 said:
Why Has No-one Commented On The Monkeys?

Why did you capitalize every word? :P I thought the little Ape Escape stab was funny.
If You Capitalise Everything It Leaves Only The First Letter Capitalised So As To Avoid Having Everything Capitalised.
Yeah MGS has always been a Playstation game, though i know it got ported to PC after a year or so but meh its old news by then and they lack the whole mouse+keyboard fact that PC's have, but if they stole the splinter cell PC controls it would be really popular on PC. Maybe id even install MGS2 on my pc but its 7gb lol.

The soundtrack for MGS i am so sure was made by Konami, its been in every single one.
Alig said:
Yeah MGS has always been a Playstation game, though i know it got ported to PC after a year or so but meh its old news by then and they lack the whole mouse+keyboard fact that PC's have, but if they stole the splinter cell PC controls it would be really popular on PC. Maybe id even install MGS2 on my pc but its 7gb lol.

The soundtrack for MGS i am so sure was made by Konami, its been in every single one.

thanks, I will make a quick search for the soundtrack
the soundtracks amazing, you really must but the first one (or the gamcube remake) and let meryl die, then watch the end. seriously its one of the most emotional endings ive ever seen in a game, brought a tear to my eye- perfect music that blends into the atmosphere. It really is a superb ending. in fact the whole last battle was truly suprising, with swists and turns, as well as snake finding out the bitter truth...
Suicide42 said:
WHAT THE HELL... has anyone watched the MGS trailer all the way through, to the very end?

"what is my mission?"
"to kill monkeys."
3 monkeys apperar... theyre from APE ESCAPE!!! woo! snake shoots them!

I love that part, Hideo Kojima never takes himself so seriously that he can't throw in a little humor, though he does craft one hell of a story with fantastic dialog and gameplay far beyond any other console game, MGS3 is right behind HL2 on my want list
I'm glad they added English subtitles. The first time I watched that trailer they didn't have those and I had no idea what they were saying lol.
I know. I was just saying I'm glad I know what they were saying.
"Clan of johnnies"...


Who's the chick talking to snake about his love for the boss? assuming that the female they showed first was boss, right?
Why? Why? Why did my PS2 have to break?! AH! I'll never play it. :( Maybe it will eventually come out on x-box in like a year.
dart321 said:
Why? Why? Why did my PS2 have to break?! AH! I'll never play it. :( Maybe it will eventually come out on x-box in like a year.

Keep dreaming :P.
I've never played any MGS game in my life

Then go play MGS for the Playstation.
MGS2 sucks.. sorry..
MGS3 = r0x0rZ? how do you spell that?
Then it looks like I'm buying a PS2. I hate to do that for just one game though. Two if you count GTA:SA.
Wow, I've been avoiding this game, but man this game does look good. I might have to buy it.
She said:
Then go play MGS for the Playstation.
MGS2 sucks.. sorry..
MGS3 = r0x0rZ? how do you spell that?


I could'nt disagree with you more. MGS2 is well better than MGS1, in story, gameplay, graphics, sound, AI, cool-ness. My only problem was having to play pansy boy but apart from that it was amazing.

Is MGS3 out in japan or do you have a demo or something? Also is GT4 out in japan yet? whats it like if so, i can't stop drooling over that game. :D

dart321 said:
Why? Why? Why did my PS2 have to break?! AH! I'll never play it. :( Maybe it will eventually come out on x-box in like a year.

I doubt it will come out on Xbox for a good while. Its one of the 3 (GT/MGS/FF) franchises that makes having a PS2 worthwhile. Did MGS2 substance come out on Xbox? i can't remember but i think it did and it was well over a year later. :p