They've created a Black Hole in a lab

ALEXDJ said:
dude, mass doesn't have to do anything with blackholes, blackholes are massless, there are just a field of force

Ahem. Black holes do indeed have mass. :D

If the sun was replaced with a black hole that had the same mass as the sun, the Schwarzschild radius would be 3 km (compared to the sun's radius of nearly 700,000 km). Hence the Earth would have to get very close to get sucked into a black hole at the center of our solar system.

We would need a black hole more massive than the sun to demolish NYC. Bitches dun be dissin ma home town.
ALEXDJ said:
ahhh, i'm a phony, a big, fat phony

sorry, i'll research before posting in the future

hey, fat tony in your aviator that vacum cleaner is from teletabis right?
Yes, yes you are :)

lol, "aviator"?

It's avatar. :p

And "Vacuum" I believe.

OK I'm done. You are an entertaining guy. From astronomy to grammar. :p
Microscopic black holes evapourate in a burst of radiation in a fraction of a nanosecond (due to Hawking radiation- black holes all lose mass due to this effect, thanks to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and pair creation).

A mass of the sun would only have an event horizon of 1km across, which is tiny in astronomical terms, the sun as a black hole would have virtually zero destructive potential, since the chances of something encountering the sun and being pulled into it's centre are very low.

The black hole with the same mass of the sun would have the gravitational field effects, until you reached a distance equivilent to the sun's radius, only then would the black hole cause a warped gravitational effect.

The supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies are billions or even higher orders of magnitude more massive than the sun - and they truely are destructive...but without them, maybe we could not have life on earth today?

The microscopic black holes in the lab have masses on the scale of that of the atom, so their event horizons will be nanometer, or femtometers, maybe smaller. Nothing to be worried about.
kirovman said:
(I don't consider it a 'real' science :p)
i would (as a physics undergrad) - it's just we don't have the required physical understanding to explain it yet:)

that said i have had far too much stringbow tonight so i may be talking carp:D:D:D
the_lone_wolf said:
i would (as a physics undergrad) - it's just we don't have the required physical understanding to explain it yet:)

that said i have had far too much stringbow tonight so i may be talking carp:D:D:D

Physics undergrad where?

I'm gonna graduate soon... I try to choose options not involving astronomy.
I prefer Quantum (especially Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) and theoretical particle physics :thumbs:
Hmm... Seems like another weapon for G.W.Bush

The Anti-Matter-Consuming-Power-Device... or the AMCPD
Or some other wierd Sci-Fi sounding name
Dont black holes eat stuff and grow?

Consider me scared.
azz0r said:
Dont black holes eat stuff and grow?

Consider me scared.

They only grow if they feed on sufficient mass ie that of stars. Isolated, they consume minimal mass, and eventually evapourate (smaller ones evapourate quicker).
Awesome. You can time travel with black holes. mwhaaha. save us all the agony when hl2 was delayed- go back in time and say its delayed and will be out in november 2004, ok bye.
Does it say what they named their black hole?
If i had a black hole i'd name it peter
Ikerous said:
Does it say what they named their black hole?
If i had a black hole i'd name it peter

I don't think it gets a name unless it's going to last a long time.
kirovman said:
I don't think it gets a name unless it's going to last a long time.
Somehow that seems unfair...
Black holes have feelings too ya know :(
Ikerous said:
Somehow that seems unfair...
Black holes have feelings too ya know :(

Yeah, but the feelings can't escape because the gravity is too intense :p

So we don't sense any of their feelings. We're insensitive bastards really :borg:
Pauly said:
Awesome. You can time travel with black holes. mwhaaha. save us all the agony when hl2 was delayed- go back in time and say its delayed and will be out in november 2004, ok bye.

So at the beginning of September 2003, a person joins the forum and proclaims themselves to be from the future and that Halflife2 won't be out till November of 2004. What do you think people would say to him? :laugh:
kirovman said:
No danger to us of course, but looks interesting.

Before they built the RHIC, they performed a study to ensure that at no point there would be
1) a black hole created
2) a quantum flush/explosion
3) some degenerative process that would obliterate every particle in the solar system by turning it into a very low level energy.

now, the first one has actually occured.

I don't like the idea of them messing with this so much now hehe; if they create any of those three things (an unstable black hole etc), then we'd be finished before we even knew what was going on.

Suddenly, everyone would turn into quarks... possibly anti-quarks, depending on what messes up first.