Thief 3 - The Cradle


Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
Did any of you ever play Thief 3 deadly shadows?
I found that cradle level (set in an abandoned insane asylum/ orphanage), one of the most scary and chilling single player game experiences ever.

For most of the level there arent even any enemies, but the atmosphere is so tense that youre on the edge of your seat the whole time.
Yup, amazing game. Some downsides, but I loved it and was addicted to it. Cradle was the greatest SP level ever.
Cradle..... Scariest mission ever.

Especially that talking dead floating bloody ghost girl thingy.

I've played Theif 1, btw and it was kinda scary in some levels. The zombies and the whole tention thingy in the series gets me.
I never really got into the whole Thief enviroment? I mean all those huge bugs crawling around in the cities were weird? What were those things?
Dust mites, I think they were.

Kill them with broadhead arrows to gain "respect" form the Hammerites.
What a great level. I had my bose quietcomfort headphones on for the whole game, and man that level was scary.

The Shalebridge Cradle it was called, if I remember correctly.
Cradle was good, probably the scariest level ever made. Not really jump out of your seat scary more like ... really tense and afraid of what will be around the corner scary.

Ahh thief 3 was a great game, highly underrated.
It was a review sensation but a sales screwup, i heard.
Yeah Thief 3 was awesome. Still need to finish it though, never got up to the Cradle :(
Sparta said:
Yeah Thief 3 was awesome. Still need to finish it though, never got up to the Cradle :(

You too? I had it over 2 months and still havent finished. :)

Cradle mission needed a week to complete.
This level is without a doubt one of the scariest levels ever designed. An amazing job on the part of the level designers. The use of lighting and sound adds a hugely terrifying atmosphere to the whole thing.

I also liked the Abysmal Gale (the zombie ship) level a ton.
I've never played it but Return to Cathedral, in the original Thief, is definately the scarriest level in any game I've ever played.
I'm not ashamed to say that I would hide in a corner for a good ten minutes at a time before I would get enough nerve to go around it.
Thief horror for the win.
Quixoticism said:
I've never played it but Return to Cathedral, in the original Thief, is definately the scarriest level in any game I've ever played.
I'm not ashamed to say that I would hide in a corner for a good ten minutes at a time before I would get enough nerve to go around it.
Thief horror for the win.


Yes, I agree. I never could finish that mission, so I had to skip it. :o
That was the scariest FPS level ever for sure...the scariest level ever though, is the elementray school in silent hill. IMO of course. I know of one guy who thinks doom 3 is scary..playing silent hill will give him a heart attack, also playing the cradle will send him a insane asylum.
Another time in thief 3 that was scary was when;
your walking around some building with lots of stone statues, and at the very end, a creepy old woman comes out and turns them all into indestructible stone enemies....just scary as hell.
Cant remember the name of the level though.
swiss said:
Another time in thief 3 that was scary was when;
your walking around some building with lots of stone statues, and at the very end, a creepy old woman comes out and turns them all into indestructible stone enemies....just scary as hell.
Cant remember the name of the level though.

It's when you're checking out Caduca in the Keeper lower library.

the Cradle was intense as ****, but then, I love thief 3 with an undying passion.
Glo-Boy said:
What a great level. I had my bose quietcomfort headphones on for the whole game, and man that level was scary.

The Shalebridge Cradle it was called, if I remember correctly.

OMFG you have those bose headphones? aren't those like $600? My brother was telling me about them and he had wood.
yeah absolutely fantastic level, i loved how there was no enemies at all in the outside area yet i was still bricking it going around, the 'puppets' were freaky, particurly when i thought they were dead on the ground, then when i approached their bodies they leaped up screaming eek!!! definately up there with silent hill scariness...

pcgamer uk had a great article on the cradle in one issue, well worth finding scans for...

i really like widow moira's mansion mission too..
I probablu would have finished it if it wasn't for the fact that i only had 3 bars of health and no health potions things. Was bloody well scary. The whole atmosphere was so creepy, walkin around not knowing what tale of horror you would hear next.

Hell, the whole game was awesome!
VirusType2 said:
OMFG you have those bose headphones? aren't those like $600? My brother was telling me about them and he had wood.

I think they're only like 300.

You can plug and unplug the actual wire connecting the phones, while the earpieces themselves have a switch for on or off, so if you just want complete silence, you can just yank out the cord and flip on the headphones without any other audio.... unbelievable headphones, worth every penny.