Thief Storyline


May 24, 2003
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I remember someone asked here about plot lines of two previous Thief games, so here I found good summary, written by Nupraptor, a guy from Eidos forums:


Thief: the Dark Project

As a young orphan, Garrett found himself picking pockets to keep himself fed and reasonably healthy. One day, he saw a man in the streets whom people just walked by, as if he wasn't even there. Figuring he must have something valuable, young Garrett made a snatch for the man's purse. The man, however, caught him.

"That's not for you."

"Please, sir! I'm hungry. Don't tell the Hammers, I promise..."

"What is your name, boy?"


"You have talent, lad."

"Let go of me old man!"

"To see a Keeper is not an easy thing. Especially one who does not wish to be seen. We have a need for those as gifted as yourself. If you've grown tired of how you live, then follow me, and we shall show you a different way."

With that, Garrett was indoctrined as a Keeper - a secretive and selective group of passive observers, who have watched the City grow and become more indecorous over the centuries. The Keepers are merely observers, however: Only interfering with the progress of events when they deem it absolutely necessary. While they never lie, they manipulate the truth to suit their own ends.

After years of training as a Keeper, Garrett becomes frustrated with their ideals and leaves them out of anger. He returns to his thieving ways, his Keeper training making him perhaps the most exceptional thief in the world. Even as a Keeper in training, he had the most talent amongst all of them. As a Thief, he was virtually invisible.

A note before I go on: The Hammerites, sometimes just called the Hammers, are a fanatical group of zealots who worship their god, The Builder. Their religious symbol is the hammer, and each member of their religion carries around ridiculously large sledgehammers to go with it. They're innovative and are responsible for a good number of the rudimentary mechanical inventions that exist in the City. Anyway, to go on...

At the start of TDP, Garrett runs a few missions here and there: Steal valuable from the local nobility, breaking into a Hammerite prison to bust out his fence... the usual fare. After a particularly impressive job, Garrett is contacted by a woman named Viktoria. She says that she works for someone who would like to hire Garrett to steal a sword. Garrett accepts, and heads off to the mansion of the sword's owner: Constantine. Constantine's manor proves to be very bizarre, often surreal and otherworldly. Nonetheless, Garrett manages to acquire the Sword and escape without detection. When he contacts Viktoria to let her know that the job is done, she says that her employer would like to meet with him, face to face.

After being invited in to his home, Garrett sits down and starts to chat with the person who hired him. Turns out, Constantine was the one who hired him to steal his own sword. It was a test, to see how capable and resourceful Garrett was. Constantine had heard of his talent, but he needed to be sure. See, Constantine would like something stolen: A very valuable gemstone called "The Eye", "for its unusual appearance". Constantine, crazy old codger that he is, offers Garrett a sum of 100,000g to retrieve The Eye. Of course, for a sum that vast, it isn't going to be easy.

It doesn't take Garrett long to discover that The Eye resides in an abandoned Hammerite Cathedral, in a section of the City that long ago fell to disaster. But when he gets there, he learns that the Keepers have locked the Cathedral with 4 elemental wards. So off he goes to find the wards so he can get his reward. The details of where the wards are stored are inconsequential, so I'll skim over them: One is being kept by a group of Mages called The Hand Brotherhood; Another is buried in a long-forgotten area called The Lost City, built by the Precursors long before "modern" times; The third was kept in a cavern, but was stolen away from its hiding place by an Opera House owner; The last was guarded carefully by the Hammerites. After retrieving all four Talismen, Garrett is finally able to open the Cathedral and claim The Eye. Who's value, apparently, goes beyond the size of the gemstone. The Eye speaks to Garrett, often in a mocking tone, as if alive. None-the-less, the stone is his and he's ready to collect his retirement money.

Of course, it doesn't quite go that way.

Garrett hands the gemstone over to Constantine:

"I can't say how pleased I am with you, Mr. Garrett. I simply can't find the words. But perhaps Viktoria could help me in that regard - she has such a way with them."

"Yes. We are both so very pleased. Even though the Eye is... defective."


"Viktoria is quite right, Mr. Garrett. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but this eye is completely blind."

"It's a *rock*. It's what you asked for. Am I going to get paid or not?"

"Of course. Viktoria, are you prepared to give Mr. Garrett his (in a gravelly voice) compensation?"

Constantine's chest swells until his shirt bursts open; Horns emerge from his head and strange runes appear on his skin. Similarly, Viktoria's clothing falls away as vines grow and cover her skin.

"Bow to the Woodsie Lord, and offer up your flesh eye so that his eye of stone may see, Manfool!"

The vines extend from Viktoria's fingers, pinning Garrett against the wall and leaving him helpless as she plucks his eye from its socket.

"Did you think those ancient phrases were mere words, Manfool? LOOK AT ME! I am the Woodsie Lord, the Trickster of legend!"

Placing Garrett's still-bloody eye atop The Eye, we get our first real look at the Trickster: The antithesis of the Builder. The Trickster, called the Woodsie Lord by those who worship him, is an ancient nature god, angered that people have forgotten about him as the tides of progression moved forward.

The Trickster and Viktoria leave Garrett to die, as food for their minions. However, as we all know, this wasn't to be the end of our favorite anti-hero. The Keepers finally deem it time to intervene. They enter Constantine's mansion after he's departed, cutting Garrett loose from his viney prison before hastily departing. Determined to find out why the heck he's just gotten his eye ripped out, Garrett searches around the Trickster's lair before making his escape. There, he learns that the Trickster wishes to use The Eye to bring about the destruction of all technology; The Woodsie Lord intends to throw people back to the times when they huddled under trees, afraid of their own shadows... and of him.

Being that Garrett never passed his college course in theology, he decides that he's going to need someone a little more knowledgeable about the Trickster than he. Or, more specifically, multiple someones - the Hammerites. Strange Bedfellows, indeed, as he rescues the Hammerite High Priest from the clutches of the Trickster's minions and asks them for help defeating him. The Hammers agree, and they forge Garrett a counterfeit Eye, telling him that needs to enter the Woodsie Lord's true domain - The Maw of Chaos - and swap the fake Eye for the real one before Constantine can complete the ritual he has planned. "I've never robbed a god before", Garrett quips. "It'll be a challenge". After following him through a portal, and making his way through a madhouse of an alternate dimension, Garrett sneaks up on the Trickster in the middle of his ritual and replaces the Eye. When Constantine attempts to finish the ritual, the jury-rigged Eye blows up in his face, killing him.

Back in the City, all is normal. Most people probably don't even suspect the fate that they very nearly suffered, nor the unsung antihero who saved them from it. On a stroll, Garrett is approached by one of his Keeper "friends".

"Hmph. Keepers", he intones as the figure approaches him.

"So you think you've won?"

"I think I've got my eye back." Garrett refers, of course, to the mechanical replacement now in his skull; A gift, created by the Hammerites to thank him. His real eye is forever grafted to the gemstone.

"Still, you are blind."

"If you hadn't noticed, I just saved the world. Yourself included."

"As we knew you would. As it had to be."

"Now I remember why I left the Keepers."

"And I remember why we let you go."

"What do you want from me? You come to congratulate me? Welcome me back to the fold?"

"Very well. I will speak my peace plainly. You have accomplished that which was written and yes - you've done it well. But there is no place for you with us any longer. Yet you will have a great need of us, and soon."

"I don't think so. I'm through with heroics. And with your kind, as well."

"You cannot run from life as you did from us, Garrett. Life has a way of finding you, no matter how artistic a sneak you are. Listen: There is a book that you were not made aware of. I'm here to tell you that it would be wise for you to read it now. If you can still read heiroglyphs."

"I do try to forget, but you Keepers leave them everywhere for me." [side note: Boy, he wasn't kidding]

"Yes. You have more friends than you know."

"Tell my 'friends' that I don't need their secret book, or their glyph warnings or their messengers. Tell them I'm through. Tell them it's over. Tell them Garrett, is done."

With that, Garrett walks off.

"I will tell them this. Nothing is changed. All is as it was written. The Trickster is dead... beware the Dawn of the Metal Age."
Thief 2: Metal Age

Karras was a former Hammerite who left the Hammers to form his own religion. People flocked to him, drawn in by his stunning inventions which far surpassed those of the Hammers and by the high-and-mighty dogma of his religion, which basically encouraged them to look down upon other people. Karras, however, was beyond mad: In his eyes, human beings were weak, flawed creatures - only put on this earth in order to bring about the Builder's true children. And Karras himself was, in his own eyes, destined to bring about the Builder's paradise.

Karras didn't intend to just destroy the nobility: The rust gas he employed would start a chain reaction, destroying ALL life within the City. He himself would be locked inside the airtight Soulforge Cathedral with his mechanical children so that they could inherit the earth after all of the other heathens were wiped away. However, Garrett learns of a guiding beacon, which Karras used to draw all of the servants back to Soulforge so that he could retrofit them with cultivators (the things that make the rust gas). Viktoria, realizing how close Karras is to completing his plan, insists that her and Garrett need to assault Soulforge NOW. Garrett insists that this would be suicide. He tells her he'll find another way. Viktoria, however, cannot wait. She begins an assault on Soulforge.

Elsewhere, Garrett's Keeper friend approaches him hastily, alerting him to Viktoria's premature actions. Garrett arrives in time to see Viktoria blown to pieces by Karras's machines. Her death, however, was not in vain: She managed to fill the cathedral with enough plantlife to sustain a reaction if the rust gas were to go off inside Soulforge. Garrett secretly activates the beacon, drawing the servants back inside moments before Karras is ready to throw the switch. The airtight doors seal, and Karras destroys himself and his Children with the press of a button.

"All this? It was written?" Garrett inquires.

"All?" Again, the Keeper who contacted him earlier.

"Viktoria's death? And Karras? Was it written? In your books?"

"All is... as it was written."

"And there's more." Not a question.


"Tell me."
thanks for that, Theif 3 is the first game i played out of the series, and i wondered how he got his gem eye. im actually really enjoying the game.
cheers, i was the one who asked for the stories in the first place,and these are just what i was looking for

:thumbs: thanks!!!