ThiefIII review

Doesn't sound too promising...

Looks like another PC game gets fubard by multi-platform development. Damn you Xbox! Had really high hopes for this one. Alas...

EDIT: Actually after reading the entire thing, it doesn't sound THAT bad.
after DX:IW I deliberately lowered my expectation for ThiefIII

it's still a shame to see though...I will wait for a couple more reviews and then descide if it's worth my money....

the thing that bothers me the most is the gameplay issues that the reviewer complains about....I don't care about the graphics really because that was never the selling point of the thief series...(I'm dissapointed in the no lyp synch though)

he still gave it 5 stars though...
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
after DX:IW I deliberately lowered my expectation for ThiefIII

it's still a shame to see though...I will wait for a couple more reviews and then descide if it's worth my money....

the thing that bothers me the most is the gameplay issues that the reviewer complains about....I don't care about the graphics really because that was never the selling point of the thief series...(I'm dissapointed in the no lyp synch though)

he still gave it 5 stars though...

!? The reviewer gave it 4 out of 5 stars. I thought the stuff he said about the graphics was a bit harsh. I mean I've looked at screenshots and watched the trailer, I thought the graphics and animation were rather good. I especially hate his comment that it is undoubtedly one of the most ugliest games in recent times, it doesn't look that bad IMO. Though I'll have to wait to play the final game to make a judgement on the graphics. As you say graphics aren't really the selling points of the series. I'll probably wait for reviews to start turning up on the IS forums.

Ion Storm used to be one of my most admired games companies. But now....

Well. I think they have lost it. They seem only interested in the money. :frown:
I was excited to be able to get the game tomarrow, but I am not sure I want to spend my money on a sucky game. I guess ill have to wait for either a demo or a few more reviews... hopefully from PC Gamer.
i used to love the Theif games..but whatever happend to Looking Glass Studios?
I'm sorry why does everyone seem to be so negative? They had a lot to live up to, which I think in the most part they seen to have done according to this review. I quote:

Thief: Deadly Shadows is a terrific game.

And it got 4/5 stars. There's no need to be unduly harsh y'know! The most important part fo this game is how it plays, not how good it looks - thats always been the selling point of Thief I hope always shall be.

I think Looking Glass went as Thief I and II didn't sell well enough, Many are at Ion Storm now anyway (even tho they're leaving one by one now)
It doesn't sound too bad, infact that was a rather favourable review. Gameplay wise the important elements are still there, and who really cares about the gfx? :) The original Thief games all looked like polished turds anyway XD

No need to moan guys - it seems like this is more of the same. So, if you liked Thief then you can't really go wrong (should help pass the time till HL2 nicely)
I'll still buy the game thats what beings a Fan is all about. I'll make judgment after I finish it though so I'll post something monday regarding my experiances :)
Screw graphics - that's only what gamespy has ranted about through half of the review. I'm buying this game, just for it's story and gameplay. I loved theif 1 and 2,and they didn't have the best graphics in their time - but were amazing.

Just goes to show they cut one whole star of a brilliant game just because of the graphics...pfft.

Edit: Obviously I'm going to buy the PC version, I've a killer card to avoid invisible war like frame-rate skips. Can't say much about the people who will buy the xbox version,though.
lans said:
Can't say much about the people who will buy the xbox version,though.

Even tho I have a pretty high end pc i'll probably get the XBox version (assuming the game takes advantage of the analogue sticks that is)

Using a keyboard to move, especially in a stealth based game, just can't compare to decent analogue sticks (Splinter Cell anyone? :) ). Not to mention the way firing an arrow is implemented with a joypad. Slowly squeeze the analogue trigger to notch the arrow and draw back the string. Release and let the arrow fly \o/. As i've mentioned before, this is such a tactile experience - and will add to the immersion far more than slighlty better gfx or mouse look (which offers little, to no, benefits in such a slow game anyway)

Plus I recently got a nice big TV \o/ - which makes my monitor look like stamp :)
the X-BOX has ruined my life. it steals all the PC games and drags them down to clunky, slow console games. even doom 3 and HL2 have succumb to the call of the X-BOX.

i havent read the review yet, but ill post again when ive read it (probally in a few hours)
Suicide42 said:
the X-BOX has ruined my life. it steals all the PC games and drags them down to clunky, slow console games. even doom 3 and HL2 have succumb to the call of the X-BOX.

i havent read the review yet, but ill post again when ive read it (probally in a few hours)

^ and then realise that the new Thief suffers from the same problems its predecessors did :) (which were minor) and that the XBox is not to blame in the slightest \o/
Warbie said:
^ and then realise that the new Thief suffers from the same problems its predecessors did :) (which were minor) and that the XBox is not to blame in the slightest \o/

i wasnt really repling to theif much, i just saw X-box mentioned :D
Sounds like the only thing XBox did to it was the same it did for Invisible War... more loading times and no open areas (the "open" areas in Invisible War such as the city still felt like they were in a building).

And I thought Invisible War had really good graphics... I don't see why this would be any different... ?

I wonder if any stores got it in today... I might take a look.
Mr. Redundant said:
well thats icky....
so much for thief 3 then eh?

yeah :|
after hearing how close it *might* be to release, i was excited.. but also didn't know if i'd get the game because i don't have the $$$

now after reading the review..hmm.. i may not have to worry about trying to get it.. i'll just wait and see what pple here think of it first.. :)
Will you guys stop bitching like idiots “OMFG IT’S DEUS EX 2 OMG”. Jesus Christ, go play your lame ass Far Cry for your graphics. Did you even read a preview, he said it has THIEF gameplay, atmosphere, everything is THERE. That’s why I don’t like FPS fanatics, the only thing you care is your computer specs (aka e-pines size) and damn graphics.
Mr.Reak said:
Will you guys stop bitching like idiots “OMFG IT’S DEUS EX 2 OMG”. Jesus Christ, go play your lame ass Far Cry for your graphics. Did you even read a preview, he said it has THIEF gameplay, atmosphere, everything is THERE. That’s why I don’t like FPS fanatics, the only thing you care is your computer specs (aka e-pines size) and damn graphics.


But still, after all the crits the engine got for DX:IW, they should've done some more adjusts.
Warbie said:
^ and then realise that the new Thief suffers from the same problems its predecessors did :) (which were minor) and that the XBox is not to blame in the slightest \o/

So you are telling me DX:IW's flaws were not based around 'streamlining' it for the console??
omfg teh graphixs look liek teh are sux0rz....

And if the gameplay is awesome, I will definatly buy it.
bigun said:
So you are telling me DX:IW's flaws were not based around 'streamlining' it for the console??

the only flaws I can think of that were due to streamlining for the consoles was the small levels and the multitude of load times. Most of the other stuff was design decisions on Ion Storm's part
bigun said:
So you are telling me DX:IW's flaws were not based around 'streamlining' it for the console??

No, not at all. Did you read my post? :)
My main problem was that I was looking forward to the NPCs most of all.. and lip synching.

I liked Invisable War :)
Lip synching is in, I don't know what the heck gamespy editor was talking about, but it was said many times by other people that's it still is in.

The only problems I can see are loading zones and bit small levels, still bigger than in Deus Ex 2.
Zapp$ter said:
the only flaws I can think of that were due to streamlining for the consoles was the small levels and the multitude of load times. Most of the other stuff was design decisions on Ion Storm's part

Erm that was my point, read my post before you jump to conlusions you zionist.
bigun said:
Erm that was my point, read my post before you jump to conlusions you zionist.

I did read your post and I don't think I jumped to any conclusions. you made it sound like all the flaws of DX2 were due to the streamlining for consoles. My point was that the only flaws I could think of that were due to streamlining were the small levels and the load times. There were other flaws in DX2 that had nothing to do with streamlining for consoles IMO.

You need to calm down mate.
ComradeBadger said:
My main problem was that I was looking forward to the NPCs most of all.. and lip synching.

I liked Invisable War :)

Ah, you can join the club with me and Suicide42!
There must be someone else, right?
I read actual review and GregK sound very positive, saying that the game fells like Thief, etc. As I see it, Deadly Shadows has a lot of problems original Thief had, about which I don't really care. I am glad I pre-ordered this game, gameplay will be amazing, and not 10 hours short (like most games these days).
Well I can't believe it's officially out in 17 minutes. I've waited an eternity to play this game. Like Mr.Reak said, it seems that the games flaws are mostly carried over from the original, and really aren't new problems. So it really isn't a problem at all, since they aren't exactly showstoppers. I'm really glad to hear that the atmosphere is spot on, and there was one thing in particular that I read in the IGN review which got me all excited...

IGN said:
I was felled by a guard, and instead of being greeted with a FAILED MISSION screen, I woke up in a prison cell, without anything but my climbing gloves. I managed to get out, stealing some extra loot along the way. If I hadn't been taken down by a guard, I wouldn't have gotten into the prison and had the opportunity to steal a bunch of shiny stuff. I was actually rewarded for not hitting the "Quick Load" button as soon as the situation went awry.

That is too cool. Anyway, I too am glad I put this game on pre-order. Looks terrific. Now Warren and Co. just have to get us fans the editor :)

IGN's review... he recommends a 9600 XT AT LEAST? WTF? No?

And I'm kinda teetering on whether I should get it or not... from the sounds of it, it looks like the story and atmosphere are what make the game, and those can't really be communicated through a review...
im a thief fan, and i think ill pick it up to pass the time b/w now and HL2 release. looks like it will have a good story, and cool gameplay.
I'm definately picking it up. The gamespy reviewer was an idiot and said many things that were untrue.
once one of u get it, please post ur thoughts on playing it k?
thanks a bunch :)
hiln said:
I'm definately picking it up. The gamespy reviewer was an idiot and said many things that were untrue.

Like what? Have you played it yet?