Things come back to you

I invented "grand" in its current slang term. It happened five or six years ago when I was over with my cousin and some of his friends, and we were talking about a certain website I finally got access to (we'd been trying to get the password for it for awhile).

"How was it?" he asked.
"Eh, wasn't that grand," I replied, to fits of laughter from everyone.

Year or two later everyone was saying it. Funny thing is, I never used it after that day.

Aside from in-jokes with friends, there are a couple things I'm responsible for on the internet. Certain pictures and copy pasta.

I invented m00p. I think.
If you started it, you're responsible for one of my friends in IRC saying that word all the time. How long ago did you say it? Because he's been saying it for years.

Geogaddi said:
I can never lose the game. I once did something so epic that a large consensus of interweb people declared that I had, for once and for all time, WON the game. I now exist outside of the game: I know of it, but I am no longer playing it, because I am the winner.
I lost the game.

No seriously, when me and my friends started playing the game, no one else knew what it was. Now the better part of two high schools and at the very least a few thousand people are losing regularly. It's awesome. I love infections ideas. It spreads like a virus, like a religion; although I doubt anyone will burn at the stake in the name of The Game.

Or will they?
I lost the game.

Oh **** you. I lose.

I can never lose the game. I once did something so epic that a large consensus of interweb people declared that I had, for once and for all time, WON the game. I now exist outside of the game: I know of it, but I am no longer playing it, because I am the winner.

Do tell.