Things in maya dissapear on me.


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Please have a look at the images I post at the end of this message first.

As you can see, maya starts to make things dissapear the further away I am from them. But thats in perspective views. In Side, Front or Top views I cant see anything at all.

Its rather annoying because for the tutorial I am doing i want to be working in meters, but whenever I switch to that size, it starts to make things dissapear. It looks fine when working in centimeters, but it should work fine when in meters too right? The grid size is set to a 10X10 meter size, with 1X1 meter grid squares. It works in the screenshots that the guy has in the book I am using.

At first I thought it was maybe because I was using a athlon 2500+ with a radeon 9600, and maybe the hardware wasnt letting it show up or something. But I have since upgraded to a athlon 64 3200, with a geforce 7800gt. Is there a setting or something I am missing to make it not clip off things further away?
erm, perspective attribute editor > camera properties > check "Auto render clip plane" or increase far clip? :/ im sure it's a clipping problem but idk if that's where the option is located, sry if that's wrong. also, are you just zoomed out waaay too far and it's not showing the subdivisions on the grid?
also try windows/settings/perferences and change the clip plane
I wasnt zooming out far at all, I was just like 7 or 8 meters away. I had messed around with the clip plane, but I guess I didnt mess around with it enough. I had to change the near clip to 1 instead of .01 and set far clip to 1000. Thanks for the replies.
oh yeah, setting the enar clip plane has screwed me before too...

all that time I was messing with the far thinking it was the problem