Things people have offered me in exchange for Half Life 2 info


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
This is a list of things people have offered in exchange for info about HL2. Keep in mind it will be released in 9 days.

A Ferarri
A Dodge Viper
A Kangaroo
A Bunny
Someone offered their mother as a slave
A Koala Bear
A cookie
The location of Elvis and Tupac
Sex with a doll of anglina jolie
A Golden Toilet
Pygmy slaves
A futon
More then one person has offered naked pictures of themselves(Guys mind you)
1.5 million dollars
A cookie
A secret family recipe of a award winning rasin cake
A group of people said they would all fight in a cage

And the most offered thing has been "sex" and it's all been from male forum members.

This is just so you know how much some people want HL2 info. And it's quite hilarious.
Dude that raisin cake honestly is worth it. My god when you've tasted it.. it's so damn scrumptious
I'll give you a thimble full of oil. Seriously, I would. :naughty:
Icarus said:
Someone offered their mother as a slave
Sex with a doll of anglina jolie
A group of people said they would all fight in a cage

these 3 were from me and these offers all still stand
If I was that desperate for HL2 info, I would give you the honor of reading my post on these forums :p
Icarus said:
More then one person has offered naked pictures of themselves(Guys mind you)
I have no doubt that you were very tempted with that one :thumbs:
Icarus forgot My other 3 offers!

-A Golden Toilet
-Marik sold to slavery
-The requirem of a pancake
-The meaning of life
SHHHH don't say that out loud! We can't use that anymore now :(
How desperate are you people?!?! It's NINE days away
You asked what I would give and I told you what I would give you
Danimal said:
You asked what I would give and I told you what I would give you
I never asked...wraith and clueless just started offering things

(there were WAY more offers then these, I just put down the funny ones)
what about a soul icarus would that be enough for some info lol
ooh....manseks with Icarus or waiting 9 more days for Half-Life 2...aah..the agony of choice.

Jeez...some of you people are beyond all hope. Truly..
The blood of a virgin!

Yeah, it's mine... why do you ask? :eek:
My offer:

- Tell me something and I promise I won't let that nuclear bomb in a major American city detonate.
and ILL use my requirem of a pancake to stop that bomb
Icarus said:
it's only NINE days...

For some reason that reminds me of a cat's 9 lives. Each one lasts too freaking long!
Raziaar said:
For some reason that reminds me of a cat's 9 lives. Each one lasts too freaking long!

Sadly you can't drown time.
Do you actually have much info (surprises etc) that the rest of us dont anyway?
Icarus said:
I happen to like cats thank you...

I'll give you a cat!

Oh, oh, better yet, I'll drown a cat for each day you don't tell :D
9 days? I thought it was ages yet. Bah time flies. And i still havent got GTA:SA. ;( noo!
Yeah, I gotta get that GFX card soon...
I believe he works with the legal mujombojumbathingamajig part of valve.

Here is an offer you can't refuse, A TIME MACHINE!
I offer you nothing..pretty reasonable I think. :sleep:
Mabye a naked shemale... DANCING... ON A TABLE.... :)
PvtRyan said:
This is what Icarus knows:


Mandatory: OMG!!! PHOTOSHOP HAX!!!>>$

Let's keel him and play HL2. :D

edit: j/k