Things people have offered me in exchange for Half Life 2 info

no they're all mine mine mine!!!! damn this crazy christmas rush gotta get up pretty early to make sure there's enough pygmy slaves come christmas morning

I'm sure even Gabe would tear up an NDA for $1.5million.

I however am open to accepting money. Ask me any questions about Half Life 2 and I will give you answers as soon as I verify the money is in my PayPal account

I'd like to add myself to that list Icarus...

By myself I of course mean my legal clone, which I might add is in full working order.
ahh a golden nice it would be to plant your keister onto a golden throne......
Orbitsnatcher said:
Hell???! Is the number of days going UP!!! arrrrgh!

Or am I suffering that awful time dilation effect of wanting something badly!
Or you didn't read the date he posted that message.

6-7 days left guys.
I don't get it. What does Icarus know that we don't? Did he play the game already or something?
A.I. said:
I don't get it. What does Icarus know that we don't? Did he play the game already or something?

Well he signed about a billion NDA's apparently... and some of his inside info had him bouncing around the house like a five year old who REALLY needs to go pee.
the important issue is not what he knows but where and why he got the info...
I offer you
1) Partly eaten meatball (yes, a regular meatball, nothing suspicious about it)
2) a piece of unused toilet paper
3) 2 pairs of socks
4) the adventures of the Megajumboman, drawn by me when I was 6
5) a glass of milk

Whaddya say?
Icarus, I am not going to offer ya nothing, cause new Info is not important to me, I will know it when the right time comes, thats next week ;)