Things that are good that shouldn't be good.

Ice cream- They taste good, but in the end they're just unhealthy stuff, but we still eat it.
Nuclear f*ckin' weapons - Really, is there anything cooler?

World War II - It wasn't a good thing, but what guy doesn't like watching war documentaries?
PvtRyan said:
Nuclear f*ckin' weapons - Really, is there anything cooler?
the man has a point, there's nothing better than having the capability to wipe out a complete city in something the size of a grill....mmmmmm, now that's home cooking
Icarusintel said:
the man has a point, there's nothing better than having the capability to wipe out a complete city in something the size of a grill....mmmmmm, now that's home cooking

Now theres a opputunity to see it wipe out a recreation of an big city using NOVADEX engine and Ageia's new PPU :thumbs:

Morrowind NPC's have no character, button bashing, impossible framerates (15fps?), but still nothing is as priceless as hitting a Daedra over the head with its own 80 chop rating AXE, owned :bounce:
Playing with Fire Need I say more? Everbody loves it, even if they say they don't.

Unprovoked insults Honestly, I love this. Walking by a person I don't like and saying "hey (name here), eat shit and die"

Moshing There's nothing better than a good mosh pit :naughty:

Singing along to your favorite music - just fun to do, even if you do sound like crap

Making fun of people - It's not nice, but who hasn't made fun of someone and had a good laugh?
SimonomiS said:
Air Guitar -Serves no purpose apart from making you look like an idiot. Still fun though.

Omg so true, I love doing a good air guitar, but I always feel so stupid afterwards
Chocolate - makes you fat, but it tastes sooo good...

Anal Sex - ahem....
el Chi said:
Yeah - one of those things you don't want to own up to in the wrong company, but you know that girl in the Petits-Filous ads is going to grow into somebody gorgeous.

Not that I've been thinking about that. I don't even know what Petits-Filous is. No siree.

/me hides 16 month old son

ooooookay!!! el chi! I'm frightened and a little curious at the same time :O
Ikerous said:
Seriously! :| So many hot 12 year olds, its just wrong, but so good..

I'm just reading this thread for the first time....WTF 12 year olds!!?! i hope that you're joking...nasty...and same for little B
oldagerocker said:
Chocolate - makes you fat, but it tastes sooo good...

Anal Sex - ahem....

First one I can agree whole heartedly.
Second one well... Each to their own.
The fact you mention both in the same post is a tad worrying. :P
I just hung out with a 13 ear old and she is hawt but itd be kinda wierd, shes in 7th grade.
Wiliam Shatner's album "Has Been". Seriously, I didn't think Shatner was capable of something this good!
Kangy said:
Wiliam Shatner's album "Has Been". Seriously, I didn't think Shatner was capable of something this good!

Wiliam Shatner is good at everything! Don't you ever forget that! Ever!
dart321 said:
Wiliam Shatner is good at everything! Don't you ever forget that! Ever!

already forgotten. especially since he keeps doing those lame ass commercials.
Being lazy.

You don't achieve anything, you don't earn any money, but spending the day in bed when you should be at work or school is great :D
I don't know if this was mentioned but..

Nazis - They were just cool, yet bad.
Shamrock said:
Nazis - They were just cool, yet bad.
I beg to differ... How were they cool?

kirovman said:
Being lazy.

You don't achieve anything, you don't earn any money, but spending the day in bed when you should be at work or school is great
You're not wrong. Right now I should be doing an essay. Well, I say right now, I mean for the past week...