Things that would change the world forever

What would change the world the most?

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Sep 5, 2003
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Poll will be up shortly.

Just wondering what everyone thinks would change the world the most/for the longest.
I've tried to create it as a poll to put some bounds on it, but if you have other suggestions feel free to say them (maybe a passing mod will add them to the poll).

It'd also be interesting, i think if people say how they think the world would change.

p.s. i realise how implausable some suggestions are. :)

My vote goes for the invention of limited time-travel. I think that it will change the way the world opperates enormously. Once it's refined companies may provide a 'future-telling' service to others. Or perhaps law will be changed to be pre-emptive as opposed to reactive. Another possible ramification is that banks plus many other financial businesses would have to completely change the way the operate (intrest rates etc.)
EDIT: Proof of the existence of God. This would definately change everything, well, except for those who already have faith in God
Hmph. Now this is a toughy. I'll go with "The development of accurate future prediction."

BTW: Great thread and poll. :cheers:
If God's existance was disprooved (which of course it never could) the world would completely alter.

Think how much of the world rests on religion.

I'm not saying it would necessarily be for the worse, or better, but it WOULD change.

Other things up there would change the world a lot too.

Limited time travel could result in a paradox that could destroy all existance. That would change a lot.

PS; Did you know that in the 1970s some university somewhere (I forget) was forced to cease it's experiments, something to do with black holes and antimatter, because it had a very slight chance, but a chance nonetheless, of irradicating the entire universe.
Communication with intelligent life on other worlds. People would finally realize how insignifacant our differences are.
religion by far. it would be much better if the existance of a god was disproved. think of an end to all religious wars... or just fanatic disbelief.. or something. it would definatly change everything. the middle east may be radically different.
burner69 said:
PS; Did you know that in the 1970s some university somewhere (I forget) was forced to cease it's experiments, something to do with black holes and antimatter, because it had a very slight chance, but a chance nonetheless, of irradicating the entire universe.
No, I didn't. Good to know though. :D
Wow this thread made me think

I got a new avatar too ^^ look at him go
Danimal said:
Wow this thread made me think

I got a new avatar too ^^ look at him go

New "change the world" thing. Danimal getting a new avatar :LOL: i like it
gh0st said:
religion by far. it would be much better if the existance of a god was disproved. think of an end to all religious wars... or just fanatic disbelief.. or something. it would definatly change everything. the middle east may be radically different.
have a feeling that even that wouldnt stop people believing
Reaktor4 said:
have a feeling that even that wouldnt stop people believing
but hopefully many people. i mean.. shouldent that return us to an era of philosphers instead of religious men? over time, at least.
Reaktor4 said:
have a feeling that even that wouldnt stop people believing
Very true
What about "religion suddenly no longer existing"

It shows what an impact religion has on the world, no one can deny it's bloody important.
it would be nice, but once people get stuck in their ways/beliefs is more or less impossible to change their minds, seemingly even when they know they are wrong.
burner69 said:
Very true
What about "religion suddenly no longer existing"

It shows what an impact religion has on the world, no one can deny it's bloody important.
Of course. Afaics, it mostly causes trouble.
Reaktor4 said:
Of course. Afaics, it mostly causes trouble.

Causes a lot of trouble. Helps a lot of people deal with all trouble.

I'm undecided whether I'd ever wish it away, although I don't feel I'm very religious at all.
burner69 said:
PS; Did you know that in the 1970s some university somewhere (I forget) was forced to cease it's experiments, something to do with black holes and antimatter, because it had a very slight chance, but a chance nonetheless, of irradicating the entire universe.
Wasnt that to do with particle accelerators, and how they might be able to make mini black holes that could destroy the earth? Surely they didnt have particle accelerators in the 70s.. i remember hearing about that on the news about 5 years ago or something
edit: found this
looks like it was the usual tabloid sensationalist shite.
burner69 said:
New "change the world" thing. Danimal getting a new avatar :LOL: i like it

My groinal thrusting Storm Trooper will indeed change the world
That might be the one.... although I could have sworn there was one about the universe... or was that on Red Dwarf.... or... a ...dream... Cheers for the link!

Would make people really hate us students aye?
Read "The End of Eternity" by Isaac Asimov, and you'll know why I picked the limited time travel one.
Is there a link for that? Or do I have to buy it? :( sounds really interesting!
The meaning of life is 42....

burner69 said:
That might be the one.... although I could have sworn there was one about the universe... or was that on Red Dwarf.... or... a ...dream... Cheers for the link!

Would make people really hate us students aye?
the universe thing is there too, if its the one youre talking about.
"In 1995, Paul Dixon, a psychologist at the University of Hawaii, picketed Fermilab in Illinois because he feared that its Tevatron collider might trigger a quantum vacuum collapse. Then again in 1998, on a late night talk radio show, he warned that the collider could "blow the Universe to smithereens". "
Sorry, I just glanced at it. But will be reading shortly.

And User Name, ur a bugger :p
burner69 said:
And User Name, ur a bugger :p
:( Why so?

Wait! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Sorry. I am not up with the English slang.
Lol, I was all excited that I'd get to read a kewl book and u sent me to amazon.

Bugger is a friendly term that basically derives from sex, aka "F*ck".

Question folks, do we know where the word F*ck orginates? There are several theories. My fave coming up after a few guesses :)
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge ...but that's not true:

"The word "****" did not originate as an acronym. It crept, fully formed, into the English language from Dutch or Low German around the 15th century — it's impossible to say precisely when because so little documentary evidence exists, probably due to the fact that the word was so taboo throughout its early history that people were afraid to write it down."

about ****
Nice one Stern, answer it straight away, Ruin the little thing I had going there :hmph:

burner69 said:
Nice one Stern, answer it straight away, Ruin the little thing I had going there :hmph:


heh sorry ..I'm a google junkie ..please legislate my google away :E
The creation of an effecient, controlled and safe fusion reaction.
ShadowFox said:
The creation of an effecient, controlled and safe fusion reaction.

Ner, God/ Time travel/ Danimal ava beats that :p
oh my gosh, future predictions definately. The worl will 100% destroy itself i can assure you that, and they would do it pretty quickly. Have you all seen that movie with Ben Affleck and Uma Therman, forgot the name, and it was a crappy movie but it had a good point about how they could tell the future and saw who got sick and would take them all before they got sick and killed them, they would see future attacks and would nuke and or attack them first. Complete chaos. Of course the religion thing might be as big too, i would say that proving God or seeing the future would change the world the most.
Lol, I think human rights might have something to do with that.

And thanks for ruining the film for me!!! :flame: :naughty:
I don't know what I would do if it was proved that God didn't exist.

Honestly I don't want to think about it. I think I'd either be in disbelief and still have faith, or I'd become so depressed
I kill myself
FoB_Ed said:
I don't know what I would do if it was proved that God didn't exist.

Honestly I don't want to think about it. I think I'd either be in disbelief and still have faith, or I'd become so depressed
I kill myself

Weak, weak...weak

I've never believed in a god, and i'm surviving just fine; not the slightest bit depressed. At this point, my primary goal is figuring out and escaping the universe, then moving to a higher state of existance. Its great.

You should consider the same.

Once you think about something deep enough, it turns depressing "heaven" or whatever... why the heck do you do for the rest of time?

In fact i find heaven more depressing than death.

Anyways: I think the greatest changer of the world would be the exploration of some new theories my colleague is working on, or communication with alien life.
FoB_Ed said:
I don't know what I would do if it was proved that God didn't exist.

Honestly I don't want to think about it. I think I'd either be in disbelief and still have faith, or I'd become so depressed
I kill myself

well, if there wasn't a god, things wouldn't be as they are today... so we know that god does exist.

but just imagine a world without god... damn.
DoctorGordon said:
Weak, weak...weak

I've never believed in a god, and i'm surviving just fine; not the slightest bit depressed. At this point, my primary goal is figuring out and escaping the universe, then moving to a higher state of existance. Its great.

You should consider the same.

Once you think about something deep enough, it turns depressing "heaven" or whatever... why the heck do you do for the rest of time?

In fact i find heaven more depressing than death.

I'm not religious but would never regard any religion as weak.
Though I would question why you would need to kill yourself if God was proven non existant. I wouldn't kill myself if it was proven that he did.

Each to their own - something I DO believe in.
Evil^Milk said:
well, if there wasn't a god, things wouldn't be as they are today... so we know that god does exist.

but just imagine a world without god... damn.

Not true. Believing in something has an impact, it does not mean it is there. We used to believe that the world was flat, it affected many things, didn't mean it was flat.

A world without religion would be a more peaceful place, I believe. So, not damn. Not that I don't think religion has it's plus side. I don't mean to knock your beliefs, just pointing out my own.
burner69 said:
I'm not religious but would never regard any religion as weak.
Though I would question why you would need to kill yourself if God was proven non existant. I wouldn't kill myself if it was proven that he did.

Each to their own - something I DO believe in.

I'm willing to suggest that there may be a series of people running the show on "the other side", but there is no dang afterlife and no little-goody-two-shoes God figure that personally created us. Thats way too illogical and simply absurd. Its quite obvious why everyone believes it too...cause it gives them warm feelings of being important.

See, i have made advances in my perception of purpose, thus I have no need for a lack of confidence.
DoctorGordon said:
I'm willing to suggest that there may be a series of people running the show on "the other side", but there is no dang afterlife and no little-goody-two-shoes God figure that personally created us. Thats way too illogical and simply absurd. Its quite obvious why everyone believes it too...cause it gives them warm feelings of being important.

See, i have made advances in my perception of purpose, thus I have no need for a lack of confidence.

Who are you to say what and what-is-not God? If you don't believe in him, you can't.
It gives people warm feelings, not necessarily that of being important.
It also sets down moral values which allow us to survive as a society, without religion early on we wouldn't be where we are now. It was needed to control the masses into not going around killing eachother, and ironically, so they would go to wars to increase society's powers - with the fear of hell if they didn't obey.

Religious people are often very confident, some a little too so, but a large majority of the truly religious I like.

Your ignorance towards other faiths gives you a bad name

EDIT: If it's okay in your eyes that there may be people "running the show" on the "other side", why is it illogical for their to be a God. You just described God in the plural, surely something less "logical".