Things that would change the world forever

What would change the world the most?

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burner69 said:
Who are you to say what and what-is-not God? If you don't believe in him, you can't.
It gives people warm feelings, not necessarily that of being important.
It also sets down moral values which allow us to survive as a society, without religion early on we wouldn't be where we are now. It was needed to control the masses into not going around killing eachother, and ironically, so they would go to wars to increase society's powers - with the fear of hell if they didn't obey.

Religious people are often very confident, some a little too so, but a large majority of the truly religious I like.

Your ignorance towards other faiths gives you a bad name

EDIT: If it's okay in your eyes that there may be people "running the show" on the "other side", why is it illogical for their to be a God. You just described God in the plural, surely something less "logical".

A bunch of scientists, programmers, whoever could have made the universe (but im not saying I believe that). The conventional idea of (christain?) God is what im saying is stupid. And there arent just dang angels and some evil guy wanting to torture ppl. Look around you...look at the universe, if a god, heaven, hell, and all that existed, the universe certainly wouldnt work like it does.

I understand the reason religion was invented, but i'm saying that we shouldnt need religion to control the masses at this point in our development. Things are the way they are though, but i still have the right to say how weak they are for thinking so, if everyone applied logic, they'd see the truth. And we're talking logic here, not my personal opinion (which follows my logic nonetheless).
Evil^Milk said:
well, if there wasn't a god, things wouldn't be as they are today... so we know that god does exist.

but just imagine a world without god... damn.

What? We don't know if God exists. What evidence do you have that things would not be as they are today if God did not exist?

Imagine a world without God? I do every day. It's really not that bad.

FoB_Ed said:
I don't know what I would do if it was proved that God didn't exist.

Honestly I don't want to think about it. I think I'd either be in disbelief and still have faith, or I'd become so depressed
I kill myself

I don't mean to depress you, but how do you know he exists if you can contemplate the idea that he may not exist and this contemplation makes you uncomfortable? If you actually knew he existed for certain why would you become uncomfortable at the thought that it could one day be proved he did not exist?
FoB_Ed said:
I don't know what I would do if it was proved that God didn't exist.

Honestly I don't want to think about it. I think I'd either be in disbelief and still have faith, or I'd become so depressed
I kill myself

(That reminds me)

Killing yourself is the worst thing you could ever do....ever.

Remember this quote:

"There’s no point in solving a problem if you also eliminate the need to solve it"
the proof for or against a God would change the world the most, probably cause Huge wars whichever way it went.
I chose god. I mean, because then I could say, "I told you so" And people would <gasp!>
I think it'd be very interesting to know what percentage people would just continue to believe in the (non)existance and act the way they do, even if there was hard evidence to the contrary.
Howcome so many voted "Proof of the existence, or non-existence of (a) God." Isn't kinda obvious already that he doesn't exist?
The_Monkey said:
Howcome so many voted "Proof of the existence, or non-existence of (a) God." Isn't kinda obvious already that he doesn't exist?

Nope =P I still believe.
Raziaar said:
Nope =P I still believe.

You do? Then sorry about what I said. At least to me it's very obvious that He doesn't exist. But one never know, do one? :angel:
You know what would change the world the most?

The discovery of a meteor containing God with intelligent life that poses an immediate threat to earth, declaring war with a major economic power before developing limited time-travel and accurate future prediction which unfortunately cost all Coal and Oil resources in the world.
CrazyHarij said:
You know what would change the world the most?

The discovery of a meteor containing God with intelligent life that poses an immediate threat to earth, declaring war with a major economic power before developing limited time-travel and accurate future prediction which unfortunately cost all Coal and Oil resources in the world.

That would make bloody headlines!
Unless of course some celebrity flashed nipple on TV, or they had an exclusive interview with a member of government or summink.

But ^^^ Lol for that CH :laugh:
gh0st said:
religion by far. it would be much better if the existance of a god was disproved. think of an end to all religious wars... or just fanatic disbelief.. or something. it would definatly change everything. the middle east may be radically different.
i disagree, scientists have been proving religoun wrong for over a hundred years, if there was definitive proof theyd still deny it
Wow, totally forgot about this thread, i think it deserves a 2nd life (even if i did create it myself!)
End of the day, if god was proved the world would change, for good?.......... or for bad?
I mean would it stop the wrong doins in the world? Or spark off something else, i mean what about the people that beleive in other religions. Every religion would have to be proved and then that would create havoc. Best not to think about it.
wow, big bump there mate! :P

Intelligent life in my books would do it, how would we interact, would the be friend or foe? who knows..
definitly the proof or disprove of religion..most of the world belives in some kind of religion or god so..either way its impossible to prove or disprove it so..just might as well live life and enjoy (dod source tommorow BTW)
Proof or disproof of God.

Don't bump ancient threads. It's gay.
MiccyNarc said:
Don't bump ancient threads. It's gay.
lol. Well i would've made a new one, but we're not allowed to do that either. :P
I think the discussion in this one was good enough to be bumped.
Well I would say Intelligent Life Contact since communication with a Xenomorph would bring the world into a panic or something like that.

But I'm with teh God choice..I mean COME ON he's God!
W00t!:angel: :sniper: :monkee: :devil: :cheers:
Great thread still. I voted religion. As stated previously, the world would change so much.
Jesus...just noticed how old this thread is. I looked and it said I already voted so I was like "wtf mate? ^_^".
If I had a time machine I would bring back Tishiro Mifune...........*splutters incoherently*
If I had a time machine I'd bring back year old threads on a whim!

o wait...
I voted for "The discovery and communication with intelligent life".

Wow, long time ago...
duke nukem forever being released.

besides that, the introduction of a supernatural being that is

A. not described in the christian bible
B. not god
C. more loving than the christian god

that would shake things up.
I can't believe proof of God is not crushing the other options. How is that not the single most important discovery ever?
xcellerate said:
I can't believe proof of God is not crushing the other options. How is that not the single most important discovery ever?
Actually, it is crushing the other options.