Things That You DONT like to see in HL2..


Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Hmm.. anything you would dislike in HL2?
such as porn posters, funky music, romance,
strider mania, cool lines ( talk ), HVsuit radio, hidden comerical logos or anything else?

For me, if the only locations are City17 and The "outskirts" of City17 or any simmalar city, i would pop.. i want to travel and experience different areas, such as caves, maybee on a boat out to sea.. or stuff like that. forrests in HL. that would be something..
Pictures of naked Gabe....oh wait, I thought this was the "DO want to see" topic...oh well.
Cats. If I see one friggin cat in this game I am going to crowbar it to the middle of Half Life 3.

Not really..
Lame love stories. I will go apesh*t if there is a lame love story in HL2.
Gordon and Alyx will make babies together. Thats a good love story right?
-TaNaKa- said:
Gordon and Alyx will make babies together. Thats a good love story right?

And, once the baby is can unlock the secret where you play as "baby gordon"....w/ a baby crowbar!
I don't like to see Monster that looks so stupid I mean STUPID looking Monster.

In other word Monster not professionally presented or designed.
Yes and "baby gordon" knows how to handle a crowbar. And with "baby gordon" you can sit on the back of a antlion and you hit there eyes out with a crowbar. Very good love story indeed
the ragdoll physics being so stiff that when you shoot someone near a wall, they stay upright (LIKE ****ING FAR CRY :'()
guise said:


Unless it involves me and gabe.

Freeman will do if Gabe dosen't wannt tick his wife off, I suppose.
I don't want to see a whale. I hate whales. They are so useless.
retarded monster/enemy design, incompetent AI, an easier than hell difficulty (even at max difficulty setting) -I like a challenge damnit-
cramped hallways and no flying vehicles (lack of useable flying vehicles sucks)... so basically I dont want to see another Doom3

oh and hopefuly HL2 has some Decent MP (no not CS:S)
Steven Q Urkle said:
having to protect anyone and game ending if they die, and stealth missions

Would agree. I hate games where you have to protect someone because they always end up being AI retarded and just walk into the line of fire (or whatever).

Bosses. Not really a fond of each major section ending with a major boss (although HL1 did it okay). I'd rather a smooth sailing tale where your accomplishments are obvious rather than shown by beating a "baddie" every few maps.

Side note:

Don't care if there's a love story (as long as it's decent and just not the same ole cliche stuff).
Hmm... I wouldn't mind an HVsuit radio. It could play Pro-Combine propaganda and have underground rebel channels and stuff. :)
1. Characters doing the 'swivel-on-the-spot' when they turn.

2. Escort Missions.

3. Really obvious 'mission briefings' from the Gman.

4. AI that is so stupid you just want to reach into the screen and punch it in the face.

That about sums it up for me.
mortey said:
I don't want to see a whale. I hate whales. They are so useless.

haha...i don't know why, but that made me laugh randomly :)
A good love story > most action films tbh.

Rather watch one good love story, than a dozen ok'ish action films.
jabberwock95 said:
1. Characters doing the 'swivel-on-the-spot' when they turn.

2. Escort Missions.

3. Really obvious 'mission briefings' from the Gman.

4. AI that is so stupid you just want to reach into the screen and punch it in the face.

That about sums it up for me.

Bet you`d be shocked if that AI turned around and swung its fist through the monitor at your face ;p

From what ive seen so far the HL2 AI is very good, gob smacking (no pun intended) to be honest.
hmm thigs I would hate to see:
gayness (I don't mean bullshit stuff .. I mean gayness .. homosexuality)
lame romance between gordon and alyx. (unless they let you choose what you feel towards her)
reference to recent wars (I don't want the game to get into controversal political stuff)
Escort Missions
Clipping Issues
Linear Gameplay
A.I. (Artificial Idiocy)
Repetitive Gameplay
Frustrating Puzzles
When you look all the way down to the ground and you can not see your own feet! God! I hate that!

(But I want Bullet-Time! Slow Motion makes everything look so much better) :)
MadMossy said:
Bet you`d be shocked if that AI turned around and swung its fist through the monitor at your face ;p
When that day dawns, I shall retreat into my Withstandinator 2000 Nuclear Shelter, for Skynet will surely launch it's missiles against humankind.

MadMossy said:
From what ive seen so far the HL2 AI is very good, gob smacking (no pun intended) to be honest.
That is by far and away the best pun i've heard all day. lol, Gob Smacking.

P.S. Anyone get the 'Withstandinator' referance?
User Name said:
Artificial Idiocy

Now that is one area where humans shall forever be superior. Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity.
Steven Q Urkle said:
having to protect anyone and game ending if they die, and stealth missions
Same here. Unfortunately if I had to guess they'll add the former somewhere in there, but the latter has become so cliche valve wouldn't dare.
"Software development today is a race between software engineers trying to create bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe creating bigger and better idiots. So far the universe is winning."
-- John Cook

I don't want to see the combine just magically die and ragdoll without any feedback that you are actually hitting them. I prefer how far cry does it where if you are shooting someone it shows them being physically affected by it before and after they die.
I want to see bullet holes in people, see freemans feet. I don't want to see sparks coming off the G-Man when you shoot/crowbar him.
I don't want to see The Specialists fail to get ported to HL2. :)

Oh, and no protect missions. Those are evil.
no random spawning, anything overly scripted, or enemies that lunge at you so fast you can't see them at all with low framerates (more problems w D3)...
madFive said:
no random spawning

The spawning on HL was random (well, random the first time you play anyway), did you find that a problem? i thought it was kool.
I wonder if they kept it for HL2 or the end of HL1 stopped it... i dont know.. too tired.