Things you can't buy anymore

Perfect tee's that only have one shirt in a unit.
Porn... theres so much free stuff on the internet now.
Dude. THANK YOU. I've been trying to remember the name of these things for the longest time. There's also some other little figures I've been trying to remember the name of, like Z-bots and Monster in my Pocket, where the figures were all at random and they came in a dissolving package. Like you run it in water and it evaporates and you find out what figure you got. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I remember those, used to love them too. I'm pretty sure they were called garbage monsters, or something. I was living in montreal at the time though, and they screw with names of products so who knows.
I believe I have the best one:
PS3, We all know theyll just go 'FU' and stop making em.
The Midnight Mars bar... mars with dark chocolate. Were ****ing small, but lush as hell.
utopia (the book) can't find it anywhere

Was probably the best soda ever.