Think of a new videogame title using the persons name above you.

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Left 4 Dead: Zombie Turtles mod

Featuring fast zombie turtles.
Saturos: Space Explorer

God damnit ZT!

Uhm.. I'll do one for both of you.
Based upon a true event of when I first played crysis, I picked up a turtle, attempted to throw it, and it killed me.
Stigmata Seven: Global Ops.

Heh, your name sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Taviow in Tetris Land *imagines taviow being really happy animated character*
Hannah Montana in: Tollbooth Willie the Rapist

[edit] Damnit Raz!

Raziaar Racecar Adventures
Stigmata: A Racist Zombie Adventure.
Sister Stacy's Stigmata: Christ Overbearing. *picture of distressed nun with blood all over hands on front cover*
Static Prime: A Sexually-Charged Robot Murder-Mystery
Stigmata: Under the knife
[reference to the actual MEANING of stigmata!]
P.S. I do own flight sim X.
Acepilotf14: Believe it or not it's not a ****ing flight sim
Legacy of Kain: Raziaar's Rise

Zombieturtle, stop posting so much you whore.
Krynn and the 72 Virgins

[edit] Shamrock Goes to Bel-Air
[I'm skipping stig because I feel like it.]
Shamrock: the adventures of a drunk fat irish guy who likes The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the fat guy of a town called Dublin

In west Dublin born and raised
In the bar was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out pukin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some darts outside of the counter[failingly]
When a couple of guys
Who were up to no good
Startin making trouble in my bar,
I got in one huge fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in EAST Dublin'
[I'm skipping stig because I feel like it.]
Shamrock: the adventures of a drunk fat irish guy who likes The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

I'm skipping Acepilot because I feel like it.

Stigmata: God's Emo Warriors
Acepilotf14: The Race to the 14 Year Old Female

ZombieTurtle: Attention Whoring Chronicles.
ZombieTurtle: Attention Whoring Chronicles.

Krynn's Cock Sucking Chronicles Part I: Cum Catastrophe

Krynn's Cock Sucking Chronicles Part II: War Of The Weeners

Krynn's Cock Sucking Chronicles Part III: The Anal Avenger

ZombieTurtle's Attention Whoring Chronicles: Cock Slapping Krynn.

I can do this alllll day! *rolls up sleeves*
Krynn vs Zombieturtle: The Pointless Arguments
Krynn vs. Zombieturtle vs. Acepilotf14: The Dance Begins Here

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