Think of a new videogame title using the persons name above you.

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AiM-Automatic intense Machinegun- Power of the Sub-Machine Gun

EDIT-Operation-Operational Strike on Toads
Samon's revenge: corporal shepard's death

EDIT: toad hunter - operation smash 'em up
Move one letter in your name and switch them around and we have:

Pilot Face 14: The sim pilot creator

New for this installment, you can actually fly with your customized pilot!

Edit: dang it, Shep!

The Suspended-in-an-Osprey Chronicles (featuring Corporal Sheperd)
ace pil<3t - fashion4teen

you avatar makes me think of that...
I still need to somehow fix the lines on it. Halp?

Bowsniper: It's a bow with a scope!
BowSniper: the revenge of the cousin twice removed of RamBow
Ace Pilot 14: Another Sequel

Yeah, your name is too easy.
ShinRa: Ris of the Egyptians

I think your name is from final fantasy, but it makes me think of ancient egypt for some reason.
BowSniper vs KnifeWrench : Battle of the multifunctionals :LOL:
bowsniper-open sights
Thats awful, but theres so many already on bowsniper!
guy isn't above but

Half life 2.3 :The adventures of Gordon in the lands of Coastal Georgeous Noormania
Rapstah, a freznied rap(e) game which, in reality, is just a giant cutscene.
AJ Rimmer hmmmm

JA RIMMER-Blingin Jamaican Racing

/horrible game title
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