Think of a new videogame title using the persons name above you.

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A Man Musk Do What a Man Musk Do. And So Must a Woman:

We Are All One in Nature's Garden.
evil^milk: The secret life of the refrigerator.

edit: oh what the
Steven Gormanmod: The Other Bow Sniper Guy
The World's First Third Person Medieval Assassination Simulator NOT centered around the fable of Robin Hood.

(Backlog cleared :p)
Cup 'o Artists and the adventures of Steven's other guy friend and samon the psycho salmon

BEAT THAT SHIT.Quad core there... OH SHIT Oh Shi-

*A hole in the universe appears*
Kupo World, a sedate and almost dreamlike game, starring Final Fantasy's 'Moogles', in which the player uses a console graphics tablet pheripheral (included) to create art which, in the surreal garden of the gameworld, affects reality. There are tasks and quests, but the emphasis is on creativity, expression and experience, as the game will respond to your artistic moulding of reality. One can later connect via Xbox Live or a similar service to join with other players and create a shared artistic space. Soon enough, however, something approaching a story surfaces, and the world of artistic freedom soon comes under threat by an extra-terrestrial antagonist. At this point, players must band together and use their artistic power to save their spaces - and for the first time ever, a Final Fantasy plot will actually feel like it matters.

EDIT: Gormandom is a gothic horror first-person adventure game fusing emergent gameplay with raw fear. It is 1798, and, as the employee of an English bank, you must travel to the Russian region of Gormandom, there to liase with an enigmatic client at the forbidding Castle Gorman. Combat is rare but horrific as the player explores ten square kilometers of forest, mountain, remote villages, crypts and the castle itself to unravel the mystery that threatens to transgress the boundaries of the tiny fiefdom and threaten the world at large. As the plot progresses variably, the area's inhabitants display fully emergent behaviour, from the animals through fearful peasants and the Lord himself.

Why do the local peasants live in fear? What is the curious inventpr, Doctor Brocken, up to? What has Napoleon Bonaparte to do with the crypts under the mountain? What strange creature stalks the borders of the village - what is the mysterious shape that appears on the hillside above - and just what is an Omnithetic Ptha-Ptha? To find out, you must brave the perils of...GORMANDOM!

It's a bit like that Call of Cthulhu game actually.
The Sims Expansion pack: Big Gay Bright Town

Buy new, gay carpets. And gay lampshades.
Sulkdodds and Samon's "How to woo GLaDOS and not die in a cup 'o artistic fire and psycho turrets"
Kraft's Bowsniper ketchup. HEADSHOT yourself with fake ketchup blood.
Gorum Meemum

A cheap knock-off of Half-Life. While they were making it, the voice actor had a broken jaw and couldn't speak properly, hence the name.
Evil^Milk: French Vanilla coffee strikes back
You realise Evil Milk hasn't posted on this page, right?

Bacons: Squad-based shooter featuring pigs. Similar to Hogs of War, only in real time, and with an animal rights agenda.
super modero: Supper sulk's adventure.

(bacon's rebellion? wasn't that in the 1790s/)
Congratulations! S.K.A.A.D.I.

Super Kinetic Adventure Abyss Death Investigation!

Magical High School simulation!
_Z_Ryuken: Japanese anime RPG where you run around and try to look cool and score anime babes, while occasionally fighting strange monsters or giant robots or guys caring both swords and guns.

Phantom: Designer of Death

What this game is all about is that your a ghost, except you can't die, and can do anything imaginable to kill someone, and you get different bonuses depending on how gruesome your death design is. Even if it doesn't kill them, but really hurts them, you still get points, but depending on how long the guy lasts you could possibly get more points, although if you kill a guy amazingly in 1 swoop, you get mad points.. ANY DESIGN YOU CAN THINK OF!

Example: Drop a car on a guy is a super-mega-awesome-death bonus, x3 a million points.

Example 2: Torture a guy for a long time, get small 500 points, last longer get +x1 bonuses each good bit a torture you use, when he dies you get like 10,000 points.

Example 3: Do something stupid, like shoot him in the head once, you get 100 points.

Example 4: Do some amazingly elaborate death, like a giant chain of events leading to a guy getting his head chopped off with a wire or something cool like that, then you get WOWF*CKHOLYSHIT points (like 10 million).
Phantom Design:

What you do is, you design ghosts.

/EDIT I am so lazy. ><
Jintor Sly - Ace Detective: Justice is Blind

Guess what I've been playing lately?
Phantom Des: Assault on Castle Ign

+10* to the person who can creatively adapt "Druckles" :p
Serious Samon

FEAR The Samon Gambit

Samon Island

Samon and Lynch

Samon 3 the Revenge

The Year of Living Samon (ok that's more a movie)
Heh... Google search for Druckles just brings up moi! Awesome :D. Even if it tries to redirect you to "Knuckles" :hmph:.

CptStern: Forever.

Always imagined you as a Duke kind of figure :p
Samon and Druckles Adventure: This Really Shouldn't Be In 3D
Bad Hat: Mob Justice

I dunno why, but that name conjured up images of a mafia guy with a sinister smile and ridiculous (and sinister) hat pointing a revolver.
Bad III: Revenge of the hatter.

Edit: Bugger, numbers...

Final Fantasy 15357
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