Think of a new videogame title using the persons name above you.

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Ennui's North Carolina Gopher Shag: French Edition (Cuts out all depictions of Sodomy depicted in English version)

Edit: Dave you whore you did it again! Stigmata vs Godzilla: Super Kaiju Lol FIIIIIIIGHT JAPAN!
Toll Booth Willie

For noobs, I have an image

Phantom Design, a social engineering game similar to Democracy 2. Except instead of the pie charts and sliders controlling the position of the government, they instead control a shadowy network created to nudge society towards certain ends. The nemesis of the game is the Investigative Reporter, who will doggedly persue your paper trial as you wheel, deel, persuade and assassinate to ensure the ship is steered the way you want it.
A cross between Spore and Total War. Expand into a massive fantasy world and create your empire.

Hard Pax
Jeremy Paxman goes on the rampage. Sort of like Max Payne crossed with the insult sword-fighting sections from Monkey Island.

Pax Academia
A stealth game with the focus heavily on deception and Hitman-style 'hiding in plain sight'. It's 1934 and you are gentleman history student Lourens Te Beest, a snappy dresser resident at Wexminster, a fictional agregate of Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard. Helped by foppish literature student Archie, the player must infiltrate faculties, impersonate professors and stop assassinations as the charming, bumbling atmosphere of the university is streaked with a darker mystery involving rival universities, the Catholic Church, the German Ambassador and an ancient and priceless manuscript.
Harry Potter and the Stiff Red-Wood Wand of Sulk Dodd
Jintor. Stimulate parts of your body. Orally. Rated M keep away from small children may contain debauchery.

- Pax
Pax Americanas : The ultimate impossible Real Time Strategy Game that Bush Failed at.
TollBooth Willie and the Invasion of the Fruit Salad Machines.
The Adventures of Jin-Tor, the Greek God who Drinks and Can't Spell
Jintor's Janitorial Jail Jumper.

Edit: Dave I'm tired of you cock blocking me.

Stigmata's Ride The Placenta Walrus Riding Simulator
I'm thinking something like:

"TollBooth Shootout"

like in The Godfather
Druckles Mc**ckles, Lesiure Suit Larry for 2008.
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Jintor's rise from down under.

Nuff said, it sounds like a game title already :p
Gormanmod's Gormaet (how in the **** do you spell that word?): A Cooking Mama Expansion

Toll-Booth Willies, and Other Objects With Penises on Them
Mod Gorman-the first game mod that lets you entirely create a character, then send him to the frontlines

EDIT-Stigs on a mat-through stick bugs onto mats at far distances

/ESPN track and field game spoof
Stigmata: The Weed Whacker Man 2

Bow Sniper: The Legend of Turok's Bastard Child the Dinosaur Hunter
Ahah! Lambda - the Forgotten Mysteries.
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