Think of a new videogame title using the persons name above you.

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Que: Que chico? La historia de algunos locos espa?ol tipo que dice que es gay, pero result? no ser y luego en una explosi?n de locura y desenfreno, pero que tiene una gran donde que tener terminado el showdown, pero va lento-mo todos, pero entonces ?l muere.

Saturos: Saturos! Learn about glucose and how it's not cool!
Pilot Ace Ventura: Pet Delivery Pilot

What the Sh*t did you just say?
The translator like, died. It was something along the lines of...

That guy? The story of some crazy space? Ol type that says is gay, but result? And then not to be explosive in a fast madness and wildness, but you have to have a great ending where the showdown, but it goes slow-mo all, but then? L dies.

It completely botched it up. I actually lolled when I put it back through the translator and got that last sentence.
Oh god, I'm laughing so hard at that translation.
Hunting: District Bear - Mass murdering spree for the whole family!
Mario 15357: super mario time travelling galaxies brawl racing
Nightshade: The J Factor

Featuring yet another cleavege-infected implausible heroine.
Total Collapse: JNightshade's Journey

Edit: ****.
J. Nightshade: Agent Under Cover

EDIT: ****
SimLizard: Sunning Rocks Expansion

Complete your SimLizard habitat with a selection of over 400 different rocks! And a sun!
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