Think of a new videogame title using the persons name above you.

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Salmon: Big League Fishing
Note: I just realized someone else already made a fishing pun. Damnit.
PHANTOM: Prehistoric Hounds Attacking Nuclear Tetris Obsessed Men: A game of poor design
The Adventures of King Theo Therguy.
Sid Meier's TENSION:
The Other Guy
The Popular Tent Pitching Simulator Returns to IBM PC 3.1/2" !

Harij, thou art Ninja'd.
We should start using movie titles, as well.


Gormanmod VI: The Noun of Adjective.
Phantom: Designer of Death

What this game is all about is that your a ghost, except you can't die, and can do anything imaginable to kill someone, and you get different bonuses depending on how gruesome your death design is. Even if it doesn't kill them, but really hurts them, you still get points, but depending on how long the guy lasts you could possibly get more points, although if you kill a guy amazingly in 1 swoop, you get mad points.. ANY DESIGN YOU CAN THINK OF!

Example: Drop a car on a guy is a super-mega-awesome-death bonus, x3 a million points.

Example 2: Torture a guy for a long time, get small 500 points, last longer get +x1 bonuses each good bit a torture you use, when he dies you get like 10,000 points.

Example 3: Do something stupid, like shoot him in the head once, you get 100 points.

Example 4: Do some amazingly elaborate death, like a giant chain of events leading to a guy getting his head chopped off with a wire or something cool like that, then you get WOWF*CKHOLYSHIT points (like 10 million).
Phantom: Designer of Death

What this game is all about is that your a ghost, except you can't die, and can do anything imaginable to kill someone, and you get different bonuses depending on how gruesome your death design is. ANY DESIGN YOU CAN THINK OF!


It WOULD be a good game. I'd produce it..
N.E.P.T.U.N.E : U.K!!

North-East Pacific Time-series Undersea Networked Experiments: Underwater Kaiju!!
Trevelyan: Return of Frankenstein

I dare someone to try and make a game of my name without it being any kind of flight simulator.
Ace Pilot: Poker Champion

EDIT: Ok, so you're a guy named Ace Pilot who USED to be a poker champion, you lived the best life, the 'high-life' if you will, but you got pinched for 'cheating' and all that went away, your life went to hell, but you were actually framed, and you go out on a rampage to get the man who ruined your life! You can get power ups, like different rare playing cards, and when you pick up the (very rare) ace of spades is when you go into 'full-throttle mode', and you get infinity cards to do whatever you want for a 1 minute period (see, you only get a certain number of cards at the start of a level, you have to find more as you play through the level, kind of like finding bullets for a gun). You only use cards, you have special powers for playing cards, you can throw them like knives, or fold them into guns, or bombs or whatever, there a special thing you can do in-game to draw plans for new weapons, whatever you draw you can make, and depending on what your creation does and how it looks it uses up more cards, like for a melee weapon it costs alot to make but doesn't require 'card-ammo', but for projectile weapons it doesn't require alot to make, but requires 'card-ammo'. You also have a 'Poker-meter', where it's kind of like magic, you can have magic cards that you make that, for example, shoot lightning, or lift things up or whatever, but only as long as you have juice in your meter! You are only limited by your imagination in the high-octane thriller for the truly insane!
Gormanmod: the hardest game(name) to beat(pass)...

seriously, you have a real hard name there... it's like gordon+freeman-gman+gmod lol :LOL:
Queer evar for the other guy.

Oh, 2 with one stone, beat that one

seriously, you have a real hard name there... it's like gordon+freeman-gman+gmod lol :LOL:

Oh noes, you found out my mathematical genius.

Oh, and gorman mod is the name of a game I'm making, oh, epic paradox. I wrinkled the universe.

Play as a Seagull and indulge in features such as shitting on people at the seaside.
Sega samon fishin.

(i'm sorry if someone already said that, I didn't bother to read the thread)
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