Thinking about voting for Hillary?

I'd sooner not vote for Hilary for her views on video games than I would anything in that video.
Haha, Good for him. I'm sure as hell not voting for Clinton next election, (When I can vote.) If she runs for president.
People are making too much of a big deal about her because she's the first female to run for president or whatever. Big deal! You don't think about that, think about what the president promises, and how they deal with what they say.
Edit; What are her views on Video Games anyway?
I'm gonna go eat sum PIE!! LOLZ
Can you post the URL for this vid? Try CODE tags so it won't make it a video automatically.
Aside from any political issues, or the conflicts with the majority of her beliefs, I have an undying urge to vote for her.
shes a gamer hater, an easier verison of Jack Thompson
Haha, Good for him. I'm sure as hell not voting for Clinton next election, (When I can vote.) If she runs for president.
People are making too much of a big deal about her because she's the first female to run for president or whatever. Big deal! You don't think about that, think about what the president promises, and how they deal with what they say.
Edit; What are her views on Video Games anyway?
I'm gonna go eat sum PIE!! LOLZ
She shares Jack Thompson's views on video games.
she knows a hot button topic when she sees one ..she probably doesnt care either way's not her vision ...anyways I hope that some of you wont base your decision based on whether the candiadates like video games or not, there's far more important issues than that
she knows a hot button topic when she sees one ..she probably doesnt care either way's not her vision ...anyways I hope that some of you wont base your decision based on whether the candiadates like video games or not, there's far more important issues than that

very true, yet I yield an utter hatred for this woman. Her politics will equate to the devastation the bush administration has caused, minus a war.
I will not be voting for her, because it would be 8 years of her by an almost guaranteed re-election, making it over 20 years of two families being the president.

I will sooner vote Republican (*whisper PAUL *whisper) than vote for Hillary.
she knows a hot button topic when she sees one ..she probably doesnt care either way's not her vision ...anyways I hope that some of you wont base your decision based on whether the candiadates like video games or not, there's far more important issues than that

Are there? Her stance on video games signifies an utter contempt for free speech and expression. Such a person would never, ever get my vote on anything.
Who'd ever vote for her? She's one big bubble of shit.

Are there? Her stance on video games signifies an utter contempt for free speech and expression. Such a person would never, ever get my vote on anything.

If I was to vote Democrat, I'd prefer Kucinich. Too bad the talking heads won't give any valuable air time to candidates who aren't in the top 3 placements of their party.
she knows a hot button topic when she sees one ..she probably doesnt care either way's not her vision ...anyways I hope that some of you wont base your decision based on whether the candiadates like video games or not, there's far more important issues than that

i can't think of any more important than my videeyja gaemes

no vote for her.
I might get dual citizenship just so I can make sure someone other than Hillary gets my vote.
Well, I don't, nor ever will vote. Plus I don't live in the U.S.

Plus she's gay. :)
As much as I hate her politics and wish she doesn't win the nomination anyone that believes the video the OP posted isn't utter bullshit is delusional. The guy making all these claims is a convicted coke dealer that has a bunch of other charges still pending against him. And am I the only one that caught the fact that the only "news" reports they ran were from Fox "News"?
As much as I hate her politics and wish she doesn't win the nomination anyone that believes the video the OP posted isn't utter bullshit is delusional. The guy making all these claims is a convicted coke dealer that has a bunch of other charges still pending against him. And am I the only one that caught the fact that the only "news" reports they ran were from Fox "News"?

The clip is a leaked portion of a much longer video. You can read anywhere of Peter Paul's previous convictions, including here. Despite his shady history, Paul's exposure of Hillary's scandals is something that needs to be brought to the attention of as many US citizens as possible. She is a front-runner for the Democratic party, and I sure as hell would not want someone with a history like hers leading this country. Take a look at Judicial Watch, who are currently tracking and documenting any evidence of Hillary's scandalous activities. Hillcap and this blog also have records of said corruption, including documents produced by Peter Paul himself.
The clip is a leaked portion of a much longer video. You can read anywhere of Peter Paul's previous convictions, including here. Despite his shady history, Paul's exposure of Hillary's scandals is something that needs to be brought to the attention of as many US citizens as possible. She is a front-runner for the Democratic party, and I sure as hell would not want someone with a history like hers leading this country. Take a look at Judicial Watch, who are currently tracking and documenting any evidence of Hillary's scandalous activities. Hillcap and this blog also have records of said corruption, including documents produced by Peter Paul himself.

Because judicial watch is a nonpartisan organization? :dozey: All of their money comes from conservative sources, they even describe themselves as a conservative organization.

And I try not to dismiss anything based on the source but the fact the only news clips they could find came from Sean Hannity and company should put up a huge red flag for you. This peter paul guy has had 2 or 3 legal suits agasinst the Clintons thrown out of court already and still has one pending, do you think the judges that threw them out were somehow apologists for Hillary? And do you honestly not believe that our media that is so obsessed with $400 hair cuts, the same media that made a huge deal this past month over how a few of Hillary's donations came from addresses that didn't exist, wouldn't jump all over something like this if there was indeed something there?

I would be more interested in people knowing how she doesn't stand for much of anything and will change her position to pretty much whatever will win her elections. I am not interested in scandals made up by the partisan hacks of Fox "News".
I just wish there was a candidate with a no-bullshit approach to the separation of church and state. Even Democrats love to get on their soapboxes and proclaim how they think religion is an important part of politics.

IMO that's the most pressing issue since the tendrils of religion affect so many other aspects of the country. Except maybe the economy. I don't think anybody can reference Jesus when talking about balancing the budget.

I'm tempted to abstain from voting altogether because I'm sick of this "lesser of two evils" crap.
I'm tempted to abstain from voting altogether because I'm sick of this "lesser of two evils" crap.

A lot of people were sick of it in 2000. So they didn't vote. Or if they did vote they voted for Nader. And now we have Bush as president instead of a nobel peace prize winner. And since that time what has channed? We are in the exact same place as far as campaigns are ran and the country has taken a huge step backwards. :rolleyes:

I wish a lot of these people would learn their lessons. There are democrats out there that are vowing to stay home if Hillary is the nominee. Because I guess giuliani or romney would be much better.

But lucky for us the "values" voters are pretty pissed off after this administration completely ignored them. As long as Bush doesn't do anything crazy to make them happy a lot of them will hopefully do what the liberals did in 2000.
Hilary Clinton raped me.

Good thing it wasn't Hillary Clinton or her campaign would be in trouble.

Hillary is a tool. She's just another corporation pandering candidate that will do anything to get elected.
I just wish there was a candidate with a no-bullshit approach to the separation of church and state. Even Democrats love to get on their soapboxes and proclaim how they think religion is an important part of politics.

Well, with half or more so of America adhereing to a religious sector, whether one dictated by Abrahamic interpretation or not, and it does become an important part of politics.

Although, I'm glad they're for respecting religion -- maybe some of the extremists will learn some. (KABOOM!) Or ... not.