This aint for me... gutted


Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I was soooo looking forward to the beta.... but now I feel disspointed.

After playing 3 hours of it and trying to get into it, i just cant. Its just boring. Maybe im playing with people who dont use tactics and just want to go around killing like a deathmatch OR maybe Im used to more tactical games like BF2 and GRAW2.

I must admit it is a refreshing experience but it soon gets samey and lack luster. There isnt much reaply value for me here. Its not deep enough for me. Yes the Spy and Medics do add a strategic element to the game, but thats it. All the other classes dont really stand put enough (the Scout is really annoying!). I would like to see maps that require the use of ceratin classes to get past obstacles (ok so if engineers have build 3 sentry ina corridor the only was to get round that is to team up a medic with a heavy guy and soldier and blow them up... but that really isnt much tact is it)

Just thought Id express myself ;)
I was also wondering about the demoman having his "detpack" or what have you, and blowing holes to get to the enemy base faster or something. That would be pretty nifty. But I hear what your saying on some parts...I remember playing with The Brick, and we were spys together, and went in, one of us was a Heavy and the other a Medic..and we just waltzed through the enemy base like nothing was wrong. Helped us get the intelligence at least 3 times :)

I think you'll just need to play with some really fun and strategic people to make the game more enjoyable. You can have alot of fun with some folks from the forums.
The first few hours I must admit I wasn't 100% sure it was what I was expecting but now i have played it a little more I has really kicked in for me,I had some complaints about balancing at first but now I just love it. I take it all back, I love it, its great, i want to play more more more more more more more more more. I'm even lagging out on wireless a crap load and still want to play :)
There are definately some servers where people have no interest in playing as a team...This is gonna happen...
But I have played with and against some people that are really playing strategically, especially with engineers and snipers and pretty much dominating maps and forcing the other team to radically change their tactics...It can be as frustratingly difficult as it is fun...Much better when people are willing and able to work as a team though.
I was also wondering about the demoman having his "detpack" or what have you, and blowing holes to get to the enemy base faster or something. That would be pretty nifty. But I hear what your saying on some parts...I remember playing with The Brick, and we were spys together, and went in, one of us was a Heavy and the other a Medic..and we just waltzed through the enemy base like nothing was wrong. Helped us get the intelligence at least 3 times :)

I think you'll just need to play with some really fun and strategic people to make the game more enjoyable. You can have alot of fun with some folks from the forums.
Mine and Brick's game with you tonight was awesome :E. Multiple flag captures at the start of the round, and then on hydro a major rush with base capture within 1 minute xD.

to OP: It sometimes can be as tactical as BF2, but if that's what you're used to then you might have a hard time finding it straight away. And it depends incredibly what team you're on.
Yeah I agree it shoudl really give it more time. So whats your STEAM userid? I'll like to give it another go with u guys.

My steam ID is elrasho24
Yeah I agree it shoudl really give it more time. So whats your STEAM userid? I'll like to give it another go with u guys.

My steam ID is elrasho24 has an open steam group, which is a good way to find other members to play TF2 with. It's called
I think it's awesome on first impresions. It has subtle depths. It's just like the original TFC except with much better graphics. It's loads of fun. I think once the new generation of players start getting into it we'll see some really tactical & co-operative play. That's how it used to be. Obviously it's not meant to be a realistic shooter like Day of Defeat of CS. It never was! I can't wait to play Dustbowl again. That used to be crazy!
It's actually pushing being a little toooooo tactical to me... I still love it, but I'm someone who enjoys things like a Fortress Forever/TFC game of Push that's just glorious craziness.
It was far from what I expected... I still remember the screenshots of TF2 from over 5 years ago; nothing compared to this. It actually looked more war (DoD based). I've been playing Half-Life since 1998, and watched every mod develop from the early beta stages. TF2 is rough for me right now. Sure, it's a lot of fun and actually pretty crazy at times, but it just has that feeling where I'll be done with the game in a month. Not sure why, not sure what it's missing, but something just doesn't hit the spot for me... I've been an HL fan since I was a little kid, but it seems like this may be it for me.
So because TF2 isn't 'good enough' to make you addicted longer than a month, you're going to cease enjoying Valve games forever?


Play Fortress Forever instead then.
I honestly do not understand why people are complaining about this game.
It's different and a lot more innovative then most of the vanilla shooters that are coming out these days.I like it.In fact,i love it.The art direction is certainly something that we haven't seen in many games.
It fits the game play well and the overall TF world.
The colorful 60's spy theme compliments the classes very well.
It's The Incredibles + Evil Genius + TFC combined.
The game gives you a feel of playing a specialized henchman dispatched by an evil master mind, to do his biddings.It's just pure offbeat fun.
Not everyone is going to like the same games. It's no biggie really. I hope you find something you like playing.
The art direction is certainly something that we haven't seen in many games.

Totally. I play for the atmosphere of being in a terribly gory pixar movie as much as anything else - it looks awesome.

Maybe try some clan games. Nobody really knows how these will play and tactics will evolve and change over the months/years - there may be more depth than meets the eye. TF2 is bound to be a very different game when everyone is on comms and working together.

Off topic - have team sizes or class limits been settled on for any tournaments yet? I'd be quite interested in that.
Didn't want to start my own thread, but I wasn't sure if I'd like this...

... and I love it! The art style, the team work, the classes, brilliant! :D

I played for like 2 and a half hours the other night without getting bored.
Play Fortress Forever instead then.
I honestly do not understand why people are complaining about this game.
It's different and a lot more innovative then most of the vanilla shooters that are coming out these days.I like it.In fact,i love it.The art direction is certainly something that we haven't seen in many games.
It fits the game play well and the overall TF world.
The colorful 60's spy theme compliments the classes very well.
It's The Incredibles + Evil Genius + TFC combined.
The game gives you a feel of playing a specialized henchman dispatched by an evil master mind, to do his biddings.It's just pure offbeat fun.

I would like to see you point out any inovation that isn't graphical :p or anything that allows that game to even stand out from others, in a gameplay perpective.
Most peoples complaints towards this game can be solved with a simple, "Play Fortress Forever", since the arguments are usually ranged towards that. But if people don't like it, that's their choice. If they don't like it from 5 minutes of play, they are just not giving it enough time.
I would like to see you point out any inovation that isn't graphical :p or anything that allows that game to even stand out from others, in a gameplay perpective.

There's no point in pointing it out for people such as you.
It would be like performing oral sex.I'd get no satisfaction.
The important thing is that i myself am enjoying it.