This community ....

It might not be the most populated anymore, But it's such a well made service. I like how, as soon as there any possible scrap of knowledge or information that Gabe accidentally knocked down from his table, Valvetime instantly grabs it, even before gabe has time to pick up that scrap from under the table, and once Valvetime grabs it, it instantly brings it back to us in our rat caves to share what they've scrounged.

Quite frankly, I wish I had more websites just like this, with people just as dedicated as this one, for all the things I'm interested anything.

But for those who hide their heads in shame for the "desolation" of Valvetime,
Let me paraphrase Braveheart in an attempt to make you smile one more time.

"Every Forum dies, not every Forum really lives"

Keep up your diligence Nick and thes rest, It will be rewarded to you in your times come.
Let me paraphrase Braveheart in an attempt to make you smile one more time.

"Every Forum dies, not every Forum really lives"

Keep up your diligence Nick and thes rest, It will be rewarded to you in your times come.

Truly inspiring words.

Quite frankly, I wish I had more websites just like this, with people just as dedicated as this one, for all the things I'm interested anything.

Hey yeah, that is a good idea. I or...something like that. :hungry:
That may be off-topic, but what's with these spam movie threads?
That may be off-topic, but what's with these spam movie threads?

It's just a tiny trickle of spam bots getting through. I've been told we block thousands on a daily basis, but a few manage to bleed through every now and then.
Maybe we should build bots to replace them.

... maybe we already have.
Is this thread just bait to get old members to return or something?
I think that would be giving it too much credit for what's happened here, Lucid.
I don't know if anyone has consider this yet, but perhaps the rise of social media has made people frequent here less and less. facebook came out in 04, and you probably didn't really hear about it until a couple years after that. Then there's websites like tumblr, and blogs, where people with no website making knowledge could make there own. I think Valve not giving half life 3 has nothing to do with this, its social media's fault. I mean, whenever a new game comes out, we want to talk about it with our friends over facebook, and we here news and stuff over facebook. I mean, Just less than a month ago, I was talking with multiple friends about the reveal of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. And after talking with them, Only then did i decide to post about it on here.
Eh, not sure I agree. If I'm talking about specific subject matter, I'd rather do it in a room full of contrived persona's rather than actual people. I'm serious. A lot of people don't say shit they actually want to with their names and faces attached. That shit with the turtle would never have happened if there was a person in the room to kick him in the dick. Yeah, that's a negative example, but it's easy to imagine a lot of self-same positive ones. When we're all here and nobody gives a shit about personal accountability, we can spend as much time as we want arguing about whether Shepard should come back (the answer is still no), without having to worry about any social ramifications.
I don't agree either. It doesn't have anything to do with social media, it has to do with the fact that there is no one here. I go to reddit and another forum to talk about games quite often. I would come here if there were people who'd reply to me in the same day, atleast.
I think I actually prefer when people take time with their responses, rather than Reddit's fire from the hip philosophy when it comes to most commentary.
(Before I go on any further, I just wanted to make clear that I was just theorizing, just throwing ideas at the wall and see what sticks.) Now that thats out of the way,

I'm serious. A lot of people don't say shit they actually want to with their names and faces attached.

Thats actually a really really good point, But lets not forget, When critiquing a game and saying what's wrong, (what we like to do here a lot :P) You're a lot more likely to have social ramifications. People who like games will be upset you don't like their favorite games. When you're praising a game, I've noticed less ramifications. People may not care if you like a certain game, as long as you're not insulting there favorite. Like when my friends were talking about the new pokemon remakes, we were all crying in happiness, and I don't think anyone was faking it, and judging by how audacious are multiple posts and strong comments, I don't think we cared about what others thought of us, us, Young men crying in happiness over a pokemon game.

But the reason I suggested that theory of social media's cause is because, I remember reading on here that, this used to be a vibrant place, where people visited often, had relationships with others (by that I mean lots of conversations, becoming friends, and lots of posting) and that now its just where people wait for half life 3. Regardless of whether you think thats true or not, You have to admit that first part describing what valvetime used to be sounds a lot like social media now...... And the timelines do match up pretty well.
I don't think we cared about what others thought of us, us, Young men crying in happiness over a pokemon game.

You should care, at least in this instance. It would help you not look retarded.

The reason this place is dead is because fans of halflife and halflife 2 are now mature adults working full time, or going to school, and other non video game related shit, so many have just forgotten about this site due to being preoccupied with adult life. Its been a decade... A DECADE since hl2 came out. I was 17 then, with nothing but time to kill and games to play. When HL2 came out, I beat it in two days, and only because I forced myself to stop so I could take a breather and relish in the first day's experience. And I would want to talk about it, so I'd come here. Then there were people also playing the other games I was engrossed in. I had a extensive interest in all things gaming related, and it consumed much of my time and I was glad of it. Now I'm lucky to get in an hour of gaming over the weekend. I check these forums probably once a day out of habit and because there's still people here I'd rather not entirely lose touch with.

The people with the kind of enthusiasm for gaming that I had, and that other members of this site had are now literally too young to give a shit about halflife games. The people with the time and energy to make a game's fansite thrive are people who grew up playing newer games. The clamor for hl3 hasn't died down because people are losing hope, its dying down because the people waiting for it are aging, and as the years now tick into the double digits, more and more of the enthusiastic halflife crowd are graduating into a toned down, responsibility-ridden adult life and now have more important things in their lives to deal with instead. And that's the same reason why a forum dedicating itself to Valve's games has gone quiet.

This isn't to say there are no young people enjoying the games or eagerly waiting for the next one, or that every fan of hl2 is now busy paying off mortgages and shit, but the balance is certainly shifting. What once used to be a crowd of young teens, is now a crowd of late 20s and early 30s (we must, of course, exclude the case of Cpt.Stern, whose inclusion in these statistics would make us all look like we're now in our late 80s). This is also not to say that the increasingly adult fanbase will be too preoccupied with their responsibilities to shit bricks when hl3 is announced, because that's still going to happen, and when it does everyone will come back here for at least a few months to talk about it. It will also introduce the game series to the younger crowd it's so far passed by, and thus bring in that level of energy we remember from the old (remember, A DECADE AGO) days.

Basically what I'm saying is that this is all Valve's fault.
When did the argument get so heated.

Let us all just love and bask in the gross incandescence of Gabe's beard
You should care, at least in this instance. It would help you not look retarded.

Is it retarded to express exactly how you feel?
More importantly,
Is suppressing how you feel to look "cool" something you do a lot krynn?
You got to stop worrying what others think about you man, and just be yourself and don't be ashamed.

When did the argument get so heated.

Don't worry ktime, It's really not heated. I aint mad at krynn for saying I look retarded. Were cool here dude.
Is it retarded to express exactly how you feel?
More importantly,
Is suppressing how you feel to look "cool" something you do a lot krynn?

The answer to both questions is obviously no. The point is that you should not feel that way about a Pokemon game. That's why I qualified my statement with "at least in this instance." [/quote]
The reason this place is dead is because fans of halflife and halflife 2 are now mature adults working full time, or going to school, and other non video game related shit, so many have just forgotten about this site due to being preoccupied with adult life.

That isn't entirely true. It definitely has some weight, but Sidedraft is also correct when he suggests that social media has had a pretty significant impact on various forums. Generally, people seem to congregate around large/general forums (Reddit is the prime example) where talking about a huge number of topics is understood and encouraged. Focused forums like ValveTime still have a place, they're just far less important than they were back in the earlier days of the web before "hubs" developed.
Well the way I see it, that simply makes us elitists.

I love being elitist
Well, looks like the end times are upon us then.
The dog barks the truth. I'm 31 and hardly play games anymore. When HL2 was released, I was in my first real job after college and only experienced one month-long relationship. Now I'm married, we have a dog, and a kid is on the way. I've kinda stopped caring about anticipating Valve titles with so much, you know, LIFE to deal with.