this door texture is driving me NUTS! help!



::noob alert::
okay.. im not new to modeling .. but mapping im just barely starting out. im trying to recreate my entire house in hammer for hl2 or cs:s . who knew itd be such a job.

anyways.. as stupid as this sounds.. i CANT get door textures working properly, and its driving me insane. please dont flame, just help. im sure theres a quick fix and i just cant find it anywhere so i figured id ask real quick here.

i can make working doors just fine. but for some reason even when the door/block is the same exact size specifications required and shown on the door texture example, IT NEVER FITS.

all door textures seem to have this extra blank bar above and to the right of each and every texture. when i apply ANY door texture.. it WONT FRIGGIN FIT to the object, ive fumbled with everything!
please any help would be appreciated.
ive included a screenshot as an example.



  • argh.jpg
    77 KB · Views: 160
Click on the door, hit shift+a and press the fit button. See if that works.
hehe.. i know that trick. and ive tried it.. many a times. no matter how many times i load up hammer. no matter how many times i start fresh.

maybe this will help.
i go in this manner:

1. open map
2. create block object
3. shape object to the correct dimensions (cant remember what they are at the moment, but theyre on the texture)
4. hit enter to create it.
5. click on the texture icon on the left.
6. select ANY door texture and click apply.
7. even clicking the "fit" button doesnt work. there still remains a block of gray accross the visible front or back..
any help?
i think the actual reason is because the texture you refer to actually has frame dimentions on it as well as door dimensions.

Hells Angel said:
i think the actual reason is because the texture you refer to actually has frame dimentions on it as well as door dimensions.

Hells is right, the texture contains the door texture and the frame molding. Do this:

shift+A and click the texture then fiddle with the X and Y adjustments as well as the scale to make it fit just right.

Then create the Frame molding and apply the same texture to it alliging each part.

Hope that helps.
Doors are 112x56 units, the textures are matched to this.
Someone was asking this a while ago. Here is a link to my response then, a step-by-step to get a standard spec HL2 door: Door

...Or visit the whole thread here.

And as a reminder, the search function is very useful.
thanks guys for your help, i really appreciate it.
yea i did use the search option and sifted through a few things but didnt find an exact answer, so i thought id give it a try. be it a n00b question or not.

from all the tuts ive seen no where does it mention this molding/frame issue... all just seem to be able to slap on a door texture to the size and voila. well, im gonna try phis' suggestion in the other thread.

ill report back if nothing works/helps.
such a silly problem. i can get dynamic lighting working on swinging physics but i cant get a texture on a door -_-

p.s. heres the properties im using..


  • propertiesdoor.jpg
    80.7 KB · Views: 128
I had exactly the same problem... so I made my own brush, made it the right size (I was stalled for weeks, because I didn't know that [ and ] make the grid sizes smaller and larger, respectively.) then I used a wooden texture for the door.

Then if you want a handle, you can just parent another brush (or two) to the original door.
right well the only way i can get this to work is by using the ONLY texture out of all the door textures that doesnt have that excess blank area to the top and to the right of the actual texture. because theres no excess if fits and displays properly. but this is ONE godamn texture. the wooden one. this cant be right....

<--- needs more help understanding this molding/frame process

You DO have texture lock on right ??

This same door texture has worked for me before. Just align it manually rather than using FIT.

If you made the door the right dimensions, it should just require a Y and X shift. No stretching at all.