This game looks really cool

I think most people have already seen this... but yeah, it looks cool.
Ah, I've always wondered what this Soldner everyone is talking about was :eek:
Now I know:)

And yes, it does look cool!
Soldner looks nice with its combined CS/OFP style gameplay... But I fear the looks will be totally subpar any modern game. Its worse than OFP itself for the vehicles, models and textures look like something from 1998. Some of the other textures (ie terrain) also has a tendancy to look really lowres...
I understand that graphics are the most superficial part of a game but.....

Aaah! Those suck so bad! It's hideous! This game better have great sound and atmosphere, otherwise immersion is a lost cause, not to mention the fact that the online community will be small due to the many people who will see the back of the box in the store and think that it's a 1998 game that got put in the 'just released' section instead of the bargain bin by mistake, and also this is the longest run-on sentence I've ever typed.
its pretty much bf42 with more features/vehicles and crappier gfx
SWEET! I always thought söldner was an rpg round based kinda game..

gfx are debatable.. as for the foliage. urg but once your immersed it doesn't matter anymore.

*me being an absolute ofp addict*
Dr.Sbaitso said:
Someone a while back mentioned this game and i have been looking at it quite a lot lately and must say it looks ugly as ass


the game looks ugly as hell...sure it might still be good,but it looks really outdated. not interested. :|
I seriously don't know how ANYBODY can be stoked for this game.....go to and watch the soldner i said once before, me and a friend just sat there laughing our asses of at how sad this vid looks. And i quote..."I'd rather play Daikatana........BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
That german trailer off is pretty bizarre indeed.
Michael Jackson moves and soldiers humping eachother's asses.

It hhas bad graphics so what? It's the content that counts.
Yeah, have you read up on it at all!!!

After release they are planning on releaseing a linux 128 YES THATS 128 Player server!!!! :O :O :O

There are over 80 vehicals or something. The terrain is fully deformable and all the buildings in the game can be destroyed bit by bit!

This is all multiplayer guys!

I for one am very interested to see how this game developes.
sounds like ram up the rectum. if what marksman says is true i might even buy it. still has to be fun in other ways though.

edit: upon reading this it looks totally badass and ill be looking forward to it
Why does everybody think the graphics suck? Seriously, not only are they not that bad, but who cares? They're better than HL. Personally, I'm looking forward to iy.
Oh yes. Rather play Daikatana? I don't think it's going to be quite that bad...that's almost impossible.
Sulkdodds said:
Why does everybody think the graphics suck? Seriously, not only are they not that bad, but who cares? They're better than HL.


Typical Quake style modelling on that helo, dont you say? :)
doesnt look much better than HL to me..........actaully alot of the textures look worse...
Look at that vid....look at the awesome strobing shadows and the floating character models. i don't even think the graphics engine is bad, it just seems like a really badly made game to me.....i might be ok with it if it was a mod, but i expect more from a game they want me to pay $65 for. Call me crazy. That said, I'm willing to wait and see.....and i will admit that that's just my opinion, and it's all just speculation at this point anyway.
(and yes i did "research" this game)
how many players are there supposed to be at one time(in MP)? anything less than 64 would not be exceptable to me.....128+ would be even better....

edit: i just read the faq and it said 32 players.....on a 4062 x 2187 mile world......

that just made me not want this game at all..... ...walking around for 8 hours looking for someone to shoot doesnt sound like fun :rolling:
I think its meant to be played like OFP, on specific areas of the map. But still, it IS redundant, isnt it? I rather prefer one small and highly detailed map in front of half a nation with low res textures.
That screenshot you got was from the alpha build i think......

Doesn't do it justice. The videos are old. And yes the FAQ says 32. Thats what it is at release. They have said its 128 linux server will be out a month or two after the game. Along with new vehicals etc.

And yeah the gfx arnt the most impresive. But operation flashpoint looks shit too. And That was great fun!

The reason some of the models are a bit off in placement is that the maps are all partially randomly generated. I cant be arsed to explain fully but what they have done is pretty neat. :)

I'll find a screeshot worth showing and then post it :)
Good goood. Still, don't trust me. I've had to play games with a K-6-2 333Mhz, 32Mb, integrated graphics rig for the last four years so my preception of graphics is somewhat screwed. I still think F-22 Lightning 3 has all right graphics.
I noticed one thing with the screenshots btw... The blurred textures doesnt quite do it justice: Not many of the shots use AF. Considering the type of the world, it does a CRAPLOAD difference on for instance texture textures (I forgot to enable AF in Morrowind, that's why I thought of it, hehe).