This guy is full of shit

Seems puns are a staple in threads like these.

Puns really are a staple for this kind of thread.
Puns are all over, eejit went and ruined it by not even reading the thread before posting. We may as well give up...

I have no pun to deliver, just a complaint to Stern, that I was eating raisins when I entered this thread, and stopped a 3 seconds later. D:
I did read, but then I went away for a couple of hours, then wrote that.
My bad.
Examples are as follows:


How do you go 17 days without shitting and not realise what's going on? He must've been pretty far up his own ass not to notice.

that's why he has to wipe so much, it probably comes out very slowly and all day.

And it smells like soft florals spilled over crisp clean linen.

You think that women wear perfume? Oh no, no, no, child. That is the scent of her shit you are catching whiffs of.

No, we know it still smells goddamn awful. It just looks nice.
how friggen happy are all of us that our a-holes arent stapled shut, just take a moment and acknowledge your luck.
Ass ass ass ass shit shit shit shit butt butt butt butt Uranus Uranus Uranus Uranus.

Yay puns.
I was wondering what in the shit this thread was doing still alive.
Your analysis of my (lame) pun suffers from the intentional fallacy!

No pun was intended. And I'm not even breaking Maddox's edicts, because this is retrospective.

I had a really good pun in the last thread like this but nobody noticed it; I'll try and think of a new one for this.
If no humour was intended, it was obviously sheer coincidence; the fact that you reused a phrase in a thread where a similar thing had already happened.

Also, you're far too smart for your own good sometimes, Sulk. Get back to Oxford.
I would have liked to seen the feces in court when this case came up.
I would have liked to seen the feces in court when this case came up.

Took me a few glances but I got it. Then I shook my head and slightly 'facepalmed'.

Well played, sir. Well played.