This guy seems to have a problem with HL2

i believe its scripted least to the point where alyx or the scientist would have said something and each have 2-3 different lines that would the situation
now what if i shot alyx?..the scientist should react and try to stop me
It's all a plot to generate traffic on the site. Write a controversial article, get hits. No-one could be that stupid. "They're bluffing" Pfht! Whatever!
The whole point of the article is that the writer is aiming low in his expectations. This is actually a good thing. It's better to expect less of something so you won't be disappointed in the end if it so happens to not be everything it was claimed to be. It's a fact that demos often include the most amazing scenes in order to wow the croud. So basically what you see in the demo may very well be the extent of what you can expect in the final game. If not then all the better.

In any case, I'm sure the physics capabilities as well as the modding support will carry the game if all else fails, which I seriously doubt.

His view of the differences between scripting and AI is definitely a bit blurred.
We are mad because he is saying things in which he does not know. i.e. When he says a lot of things are scripted. What the hell does he know..hehe, what do I know?!
For example, when Gabe was highlighting material properties (like wood being made of digital wood) Gordon Freeman turned his gun on three wooden boards and shot them. They appear to shatter at the points where they were shot, but it’s difficult to tell since there is no crosshair. Even if there was one, the demo could have simply been designed to point the camera at the right spots, where the designers knew the boards would shatter. This is just one of those many things that can’t be identified in a pre-scripted demo.

I agree with him on this.

So how come we’re so confident in Valve, even though we admit that the demo may have over-exaggerated Half-Life 2’s quality? Like a great poker player, Valve is keeping all the cards close and not letting anything slip out. Everything that they show is strictly controlled – like ‘tells’ that are being faked for the final round. This may be the gaming world’s greatest bluff after all – it’s certainly unprecedented in my experience – or they might just drop Da Bomb on us, as ATI did with the Radeon 9700 Pro.

as well as this. you gotta agree with me, he has some very valid points there.
Yes, he has a point with the gun. but I would have to disagree with the second one. Mostly because I dont think Valve is that kind of a company. I think they show what they are happy with and eager to show. Like the facial animations, AI and physics system.
Try this: - maybe the wood that Gordon shot at was splintered to begin with. The game then calculates where the shot hits, rearranges the mesh and texture UV's accordingly, splits it apart, and then allows the seperated segments to fall individually using the games physics module. Relatively easy infact.

But okay, until September 30, I'm neither agreeing nor disagreeing with any of this. It's all just conjecture.
My confidence in Valve isn't concrete (games like Daikatana and Unreal 2 teach you to be wary of 'hype'), but is it so bad to have a healthy sense of optimism? I'd rather have that than an untrusting sense of pessimism.
I don't understand this guy. He says the game is so good no other company can recreate such quality, then goes to say it's bad for the industry?? I think he is stupid.

And if you think the gun demo was scripted watch the other "in game" demo they show using guns and shooting wood, it acts the same.
For example, when Gabe was highlighting material properties (like wood being made of digital wood) Gordon Freeman turned his gun on three wooden boards and shot them. They appear to shatter at the points where they were shot, but it’s difficult to tell since there is no crosshair. Even if there was one, the demo could have simply been designed to point the camera at the right spots, where the designers knew the boards would shatter. This is just one of those many things that can’t be identified in a pre-scripted demo.

Right. I'm so sure this is the case. Then, when the game comes out, the Valve guys will be like "Hahaha! It doesn't really do all that! It was all just a bunch of tom foolery! GOTCHA!!" :rolleyes:

This retard also has no business sense. He basically said if the game is really great, it will make all others obsolete?? WTF is he on? This is how industries advance. A company comes out with a revolutionary product that makes the industry as a whole move forward. It's not like Valve has their hands on some super-secret technology. This guy doesn't deserve to do write-ups on anything.
Hmm, I wouldnt blame the guy all the way. The article is well written and has some valid points. His cynical approach has fooled you guys. He doesnt say "this game is going to suck", as I see it, hes saying "this is too good to be true and I wont believe it until I see it with my own eyes".
that review is positive of half life2,he thinks it will be the next big thing.he's just cyninical on few points,but there is NOTHING wrong with that-its his job to be cynical,would you rather he believed everything a developer told him,without question?
this article is in some points too negative, but I agree with him a little bit. you better shouldn´t think that the whole game is as varied as in the video. most of the video will be just running around and shoot the bad guys and in my opinion most the time without really using the abilities of the environment.

but what the author writes about that halflife2 will set the standard too high, underlines that he has no idea of economic markets and competition. valve is an innovative company and other will copy their innovations till it will be normal standard and than another company(or valve again) will development an innovative product. thats how competition works out.
there are lots of things in the 25 minute demo that were really quite "iffy"
when lots of people are expecting perfection, it clearly won't be, and then they will be upset, not by valves promises, but by their own over anticipation.
what i am waiting for is the next generation of fps... the next "revolutionary" game... just as hl2 will be revolutionary, there is room for more.
but the next really revolutionary game will probably suffice my criticism.

this is kinda the way i think he sees it too. he sees it's good, he sees it's the best at the moment, but he also sees lots of room for improvement.
Omg, he says that when the scientist says "be careful" , when gordon knocks over the monitor, that it's a scripted sequence.
Valve said it was NOT a scripted sequence, so I don't know where he got his information from.
this guy is very clever.... be so damn pessimistic about the game that when you do get your hands on it and it turns out to be mind blowing the effect will be much more profound...

IMO half-life 2 will be the worst game ever! :p
I'd suffocate this guy with a giant Gabe Newell plushie doll.
The tone of his arguments was quite concentrated, he gave me the impression that he doesn't want the game to succeed: cynicism isn't a healthy choice for mature debate.
You can question a games attributes without resorting to cynicism. And the brief retraction into feeling optimistic about Half-Life² felt more like a safety net after such negative comments.
Giant Gabe Newell doll? I want one..

so I can hang it over a bridge and demand HL2
Originally posted by TaiFong This retard also has no business sense. He basically said if the game is really great, it will make all others obsolete?? WTF is he on? This is how industries advance. A company comes out with a revolutionary product that makes the industry as a whole move forward.
Good point.
The FPS genre has become saturated with so many half-baked cash ins on its popularity that we need the likes of Half-Life to better the situation. Although, it appears, some prefer this saturation.;(
Oh damn some-one invented the car, may as well give up now, becasue it will take longer to build and be more expensive to make than a bike, damn, there goes our business. (I'm not completely crazy, it does make some sense)