This has been pretty boring.

well the nv40 is going out around april or may of next year, along with atis new card. you can bet the nv40 will be very prepared for dx9, and of course atis will be as well.
Im not at all excited about hl2 coming out anymore. After all of the problems and buildup prior to the "original" release date, the news of the delay and leaked beta took the wind out of the sails so to speak. I was really looking forward to hl2, but I could care less as to when it comes out now. I wonder if anyone else feels that way.
Originally posted by DjBourgeoisie
Im not at all excited about hl2 coming out anymore. After all of the problems and buildup prior to the "original" release date, the news of the delay and leaked beta took the wind out of the sails so to speak. I was really looking forward to hl2, but I could care less as to when it comes out now. I wonder if anyone else feels that way.

I do, pretty much. Will I definately get it when it finally comes out? Hell yes. Do I really care either way anymore? No.
The Nvidia storry is sad, cause its really not a problem with the cards, or well, ok. But the thing is that the GeForceFX series is far more advanced than current Radeon line up, BUT they are far less optimized for DX9, thats why they get so low bech-scores and works 'less good' in DX9 games as HL2, I belive that anyone currently sitting on a FX59 will feel that its much better in the future games (04-05) than any one on a R97-98, because its more advanced and will stand the test of time better. This wasent an Nv vs ATI discussion, so lets leave it, even though Im pretty sure you have discussed the real thread topic pretty much already.
He speaks the truth

Nvidias cards aimed too high

I think they did something like went to 32bit shader point precision or something like that while ATI went for 24 which is completely satisfactory for todays and tomorrows games, while nvidias cards are probably more suited to games in the further future. Which was a bad mistake because it means it has limitations on todays stuff.

God damn i'm knackered. I hope that made some sence :)
HL2 is losing a lot of it's appeal to me. I'm still pretty damned excited for it, though.
Yup me too.

Its a bad situation though, until recently I dont think I can remember these boards with this general discusion forum being inactive for such long periods of time.

Allthough that probably has more to do with people going to sites where talk of the stolen source and "beta" can be talked about freely. Which I don't agree with. Especially when most say they are fans of valve and just want to enjoy it etc.

Well If no one had forums talking about the HL2 stolen beta then it would get very boreing for some people and less people are likey to have it. :(

Well, whatever anyway. I just want to hear word from valve about what they are doing right now!?!?!?!

Its starting to get on my tits! :p
Im sure your tits are pretty 'stiff' by now then ;)

All I want is another screenie, or something really, just give me SOMETHING :)
I think it goes something like this:

Valve works on hl2 for four years, noone knows about it, noone bothers them, they quietly get work done.
Valve announces hl2, everyone gets really interested in it. Someone gets interested enough to hack them. Now they have to redo a bunch of work.
Valve goes quiet again, everyone forgets about hl2, noone bothers them, they quietly get work done.
Result - the next thing you'll hear about hl2 will probably be that it has gone gold.
" "Halflife 2 Goes gold!"

On a sidenote...

None of the members of the valve team have gotten laid in 5 years! "
Originally posted by pan0phobik
" "Halflife 2 Goes gold!"

On a sidenote...

None of the members of the valve team have gotten laid in 5 years! "

Erik Johnson and his wife had a baby recently. I'm sure you get laid alot considering you're on a Half-Life 2 forum making fun of VALVe. Comments like this are the direct result of idiocy :)
I wonder if Gabe has gotten laid in the last 5 years....

Just picture it...
i thought the admins were closing all the "this is boring" threads...this is the off topic're actually halfway on-topic if you're talking about hl2...hehe

seriously though...there have been a ton of these threads in the last few days...
Originally posted by poseyjmac
well the nv40 is going out around april or may of next year, along with atis new card. you can bet the nv40 will be very prepared for dx9, and of course atis will be as well.

Hope they have more than 4 pipelines this time oh by the way Nvidia thinks the LOW K .013 micron process is dangerous as of today which means you will not see there new cards using it while the 9600XT is being produced with high yields on it now.
The 9600XT looks pretty promising, a great budget card (Giving performance almost equal to a 9700 Pro).

Thanks to iamaelephant, I will have a hard time trying to get to sleep =(
Originally posted by Shuzer
Erik Johnson and his wife had a baby recently. I'm sure you get laid alot considering you're on a Half-Life 2 forum making fun of VALVe. Comments like this are the direct result of idiocy :)

Im sure he wasent the father...

mohahaha j/k ;)
There isn't that much difference between the 9600XT or the 9600 Pro, the only difference is that the 9600XT comes with a HL2 coupon (Ka-ching) and it has better FPS when anti-aliasing.

(9600 Pro is still an awesome card though, im happy with it)
Originally posted by Sparta
There isn't that much difference between the 9600XT or the 9600 Pro, the only difference is that the 9600XT comes with a HL2 coupon (Ka-ching) and it has better FPS when anti-aliasing.

(9600 Pro is still an awesome card though, im happy with it)

Actually some of the new 9600xt's are now being shipped at 525Mhz instead of the reference 500Mhz with headroom for overclocking through overdrive. This will increase the performance gap.
I just have to throw this in: I love poseyjmac's avatar: The real Bill the Cat!

Edit: Sorry, OT.
I'm glad I don't have to apologize everytime I go off-topic. I should apologize everytime I post on-topic! Actually, I'd still never have to apologize. I'm good. Thx.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
I'm glad I don't have to apologize everytime I go off-topic. I should apologize everytime I post on-topic! Actually, I'd still never have to apologize. I'm GOD. Thx.

:D There, that should fix everything, hehehe.
Why do you resist my will NSPIRE? i'm doing this for you little people! bask in my glory and know the joy of the Timmy.
Stryyder really? Awesome, when I get mine, I'll see how high I can get the core + memory clock or I'll just get a 9700 Pro
Originally posted by Tlaloc
yea!!! MK : DD is gonna be ***SWEET***

almost as cool as the mods on this forum


no really, i already pre-ordered that game :) i'm counting on it for endless hours of fun

Actually, since I won the IGN sweepstakes, I'll be getting 5 games! YAY! HL2, MK:DD!!, Savage: The Battle for Newerth, The Sims 2, and Max Payne 2.

Wondeful, $250 worth of games taken care of.

That should keep me occupied until HL2. The Sims 2 is supposedly coming in Jan, so that will DEFINITELY keep me happy.
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Wait, what was this thread about?

Maybe someone should find out.:dozey:

It was about if anyone knew any new info, which no one does, so now it's about the games you will play to pass the time ;)
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
Why do you resist my will NSPIRE? i'm doing this for you little people! bask in my glory and know the joy of the Timmy.

Something I've noticed lately... You are a very stranger individual. :|
Originally posted by SubKamran
The Sims 2 is supposedly coming in Jan, so that will DEFINITELY keep me happy.

I find that scary somehow ;(