This Holiday season is bankrupting me, but I'm wanting to gift people fun co-op games.


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Looking for small, intimate, fun co-op games to play with just one or two friends. They MUST have internet support. We live in different states.

What we DO have: Castle Crashers, Torchlight 2, Orcs must Die 2, DotA 2 and MW3.

We also have and don't play most every zombie game (we don't need more zombie games -_-). We did Portal 2 and are sick of it. Not particularly into puzzle games or strategy games either. Shooters and light strategy/rpg elements are always OK :).

What do you recommend as a gift for my friend and I?

Happy holidays and much appreciated,

Jamestown, if you're talking about local coop. Totally intense experience up to 4 players.

Also Wanderlust: Rebirth looks cool but I still haven't played it despite owning it.
edit: It MUST be online capable. He lives in California and I'm in Wisconsin.
Dungeon Defenders? You can buy it in the Humble Bundle with all the DLC included.

Edit: Also, Borderlands 2
Have you tried Trine yet? Heard it was good, can have up to three players. There's also a sequel for it that came out last year.
Tried Renegade Ops? One of my favourite games of last year. The difficulty doesn't scale in coop, so it just gets easier as you add players, but that's not necessarily a bad thing depending on who you're playing with.

Edit: Magicka's also a laugh, plenty of griefing potential.
F.E.A.R. 3 was fun for a couple of play-throughs w/ my roommate.
Seconding Renegade Ops. It's some good old fashioned ****ing shoot-splode fun. Great graphics too. Controls best with a gamepad, though.
Have you tried Trine yet? Heard it was good, can have up to three players. There's also a sequel for it that came out last year.
I can vouch for this. I have #1 and #2 and have beat them both with my GF, local coop. She plays with a controller and I play with mouse and keyboard. They are really fun games, and the puzzle elements aren't difficult. Some take a few minutes to figure out, but don't take a genius. I'd recommend both. They look ****ing fantastic too. Especially the second one.

It didn't do well at launch, but it's since improved and I am really enjoying the toughness of Hardcore mode
Thanks for the tips guys, picked up quite a few and have been playing them with Max.