This is for poeple who said Striders dont decapitate.



This is for poeple who said Striders dont pierce.

so what is the pic showing? a guy standing behind the striders leg?
Is it because the picture is cut off at the striders head?
he has beens stabed by the striders leg, decapitated? i dont think so they are confuzzled because you are illiderate
the strider stuck the guy ... you people are blind ... i can see that and i need glasses!!!!
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Go buy glasses.


But this is true :) try to get near one with god mode on... He will try to catch you with his legs
Uhh, the guys head is still on there. There was no decap. Maybe you should get the glasses? Zoom in on the picture to see for yourself. Try using photoshop next time.
KNoX said:
he has beens stabed by the striders leg, decapitated? i dont think so they are confuzzled because you are illiderate

And you are dyslexic, instead of playing games buy Hooked On Phonics.
So I used a wrong word, who cares, you guys will flame for anything, morons.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Go buy glasses.

dude that spot with that guy is dark and why the light sux in that area?
can't you bigger.
make it brighter oke
and ad af and aa so i can see the texture's litle less blurry.

oke that was all now whats is the deal?

SkylineGT-R34 said:
So I used a wrong word, who cares, you guys will flame for anything, morons.

dang and i thought i was being nice.

SkylineGT-R34 said:
And you are dyslexic, instead of playing games buy Hooked On Phonics.


SkylineGT-R34 said:
So I used a wrong word, who cares, you guys will flame for anything, morons.

oh really.
btw thats a double post. :(

you could have done quote edit quote edit like me lol.

oke now i'm being childish so i stop now :p
I was going to agree with you there, but as you told people to "Go buy glasses" after you made a textual error, it'd be a bad move on my part.

And yes, Striders clearly do impale infantry- not sure why this was doubted in the first place.
He has been impaled not decapitated. Decapitation involves the removal of apendiges.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
So I used a wrong word, who cares, you guys will flame for anything, morons.

Only when the person making the mistake acts like a complete ass.


"Go buy glasses"
Xac493 said:
He has been impaled not decapitated. Decapitation involves the removal of apendiges.

that's dismemberment :rolling:
Decapitation involves the removal of a head. Disembowelment involves the removal of bowels. Evisceration involves the spreading of viscera :x

...urrgh. I shouldn't have taken this thread in that direction, but it's better than leaving it in flameland.
Guys, quit it. You can't make fun of people who make mistakes just because you're the HL2 elite and never make mistakes. Wait a minute...
KNoX said:
he has beens stabed by the striders leg, decapitated? i dont think so they are confuzzled because you are illiderate
stabbed has 2 b's, and, more importantly, you misspelled "illiterate." I find that really ironic. How's that for making an ass out of yourself for making a mistake?
Mattigus said:
Guys, quit it. You can't make fun of people who make mistakes just because you're the HL2 elite and never make mistakes. Wait a minute...

HL2 Elite? No.

Grammar elite? Yes.
Yeah Didn't happen to me. I didn't see a guy get stabbed yet.
Mattigus said:
Guys, quit it. You can't make fun of people who make mistakes just because you're the HL2 elite and never make mistakes. Wait a minute...

stabbed has 2 b's, and, more importantly, you misspelled "illiterate." I find that really ironic. How's that for making an ass out of yourself for making a mistake?

Thats what I was saying, hes telling me I'm illiDerate yet he cant spell illiterate.
Anyways, just stay on topic, I posted this because some poeple say that Striders ability to impale was removed.
Who cares if he used the wrong word.
Hey, does the guy stay on his leg the entire time? or does he fall off?
DrkBlueXG said:
Who cares if he used the wrong word.
Hey, does the guy stay on his leg the entire time? or does he fall off?

He was walking around with him the whole time. untill I took his ass down after 6 RPG hits.
DrkBlueXG said:
Who cares if he used the wrong word.
Hey, does the guy stay on his leg the entire time? or does he fall off?

eventually the strider will shake his leg and the body will fall off.
Hehe. Cool. I haven't seen that yet while playing but Im sure I'll see it eventually. :LOL:

Decapitation is when the head is cut off. Just for future reference. :)
I've played through twice now and have not seen anyone get impaled. Striders are kinda weak.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
So I used a wrong word, who cares, you guys will flame for anything, morons.

You flame back so its just as bad.
f|uke said:
I've played through twice now and have not seen anyone get impaled. Striders are kinda weak.

Weak ?? why dont you stand underneath one and then tell us if they are weak :LOL: