This Is Insane

oh and fluke? i know i was asking for some heat with the caps, but still that is a lame flame, they could have at least compared me to hitler or something half-creative
boomyak said:
- what new vehicles are you looking forward to? - possibility of new content

This is the one thing I sorta disagree with you on in that post. Why does this need a new thread to generate new content? Assuming there is another thread with the same topic, couldn't the poster just use an old thread that has the same premise and generate the same new content?

EDIT: I gotta go to I'll look this thread up again tomorrow.
well you know what, upon looking at it again, you might have a point, i mean to find a thread buried from 3 weeks is really only a small hassle, anthough someone starting a new thread, and perhaps taking it in a different direction than the last is also a small hassle.

but really the fact remains that with no new media, and with valve being, well valve, a company who isn't making a game for their love of humanity, but for money, and everything we ever hear has been assembled by a marketing team, simply intending to sell copies, and unfortunately that road is a rocky one for the die hard fanboy, but will yeild larger profits, any publicity is good publicity.. .well people are stressed. this mixing with the serious lack of anything relevant to discuss that hasn't already been done, i can understand how people are acting strange.

i think all we really want is a thread to wanna check up on, wheather it be fueled by drama, comedy, or content, and i think content's pretty much spent, so people would rather engage antagonistically, or try to breathe some comedy into some seemingly radical ideas (shameless self promotion, i know)

i'll let you decide which of the 3 most people revert to when first frustrated.

i can see how it is easier to scream at a child than show them the way
I always thought people were supposd to search into older threads to see if their question has already been asked, their opinion already stated or their news already known.

The forums are better when there is less clutter. I think most thread starters would agree that if they have answers to their questions, etc. already available, there is nolonger a point in starting that thread. That is also the point of a character limit; so people don't just spam without relevance (which is really what many repeat threads are).

I don't see many people crying about their freedoms when they are told that their topic has already been discussed (It's pretty understandable that repeating the same discussion over and over is not enjoyable- especially when the the points on either side do not change).
In addition I don't see much hurtful flaming or anything like that. In fact I don't see anything 'insane' in the way the forums are run at all.

my point exactly

why do i bother, has this person even read this thread? what movie was that line from? people pretend like they're listening, but all they're really doing is waiting for their turn to speak.

wise man listen more than he talk - boomyak proverb

can someone please point out the irony that this guy's sentiments have already been expressed EARLIER IN THIS SAME THREAD? oooh FACE! :laugh:
Styloid said:
I always thought people were supposd to search into older threads to see if their question has already been asked, their opinion already stated or their news already known.
You need some degree of repition in the name of conversation. Otherwise the forum becomes too impersonal.

And sometimes old threads need to be thrown away, and new ones, about the very same things, may come back in their place.

This is fine. It keeps the forums fresh.

The prolem is when somebody starts a new thread, when theres another perfectly good live thread on the same subject.

But if somebody already made the comparision to 1984, I never heard about it, and never would have if someone didn't just bring it up. This may be because I'm new, but I'm certainly not alone.
Maybe have more sub-forums?
Like inside of "HL2 Discussion", have separate "discussions"...
Such as,"Storyline Discussion", "Gameplay...",etc...
Less threads to look through to find a proper one to post in..
Just a thought.

P.S.: sup f|luke!
i'll happily leave that as an honest appraisal of the situation. ^^

now let us all commit this thread to memory and never speak of it again
T.H.C.138 said:
Maybe have more sub-forums?
Like inside of "HL2 Discussion", have separate "discussions"...
Such as,"Storyline Discussion", "Gameplay...",etc...
Less threads to look through to find a proper one to post in..
Just a thought.

P.S.: sup f|luke!

or more stickies.
T.H.C.138 said:
P.S.: sup f|luke!
THC, why arn't you on friends? Have you been playing Doom 3 instead of CSS? Hmm? :dozey:
I know you just got that 6800gt..

And yes, I am just a little envious!
boomyak said:
i'll happily leave that as an honest appraisal of the situation. ^^

now let us all commit this thread to memory and never speak of it again
Heh, that won't work.

We need to keep bumping it every day, otherwise it will fall off the board and... shock horror! Someone will make an identical thread!

Hehe, j/k :)
you know, i just can't believe i've read 4 pages of this blabber... i must be hard up for new HL2 discussion... ^_^

seriously though, any forum has repeated questions (how many more "when do you think hl2 will go gold" type topics do we need?) the key is, just ignore repetitive/dull threads and let them sink to obscurity...

or, we should just blame valve for not getting the game out by now so we'd quit fighting with each other because we're tired of waiting for the game.... (not that *that* thread hasn't been started before....)

course, the title of the thread *is* "this is insane", so i guess we're all staying on topic here.... ^_^

related note, what the heck are we all gonna be talking about once the game is released? i'm thinking either the boards will hit an all time low, or else they'll explode because people can't get the game working...

my $.02....
Personally I think post count means jack all. People with a high post count could have just been on here for a long time or they have a high post count as they always post usless crap. There are people like myself who don't make a comment if they don't feel the need to or don't think they have anything worth typing. But that doesn't mean people with a low post count like myself have nothing worth reading when we do post.
gainax2k1 said:
seriously though, any forum has repeated questions (how many more "when do you think hl2 will go gold" type topics do we need?) the key is, just ignore repetitive/dull threads and let them sink to obscurity...
I wish this would work, but unfortunately it doesn't. As I mentioned up above, there seem to be so many people who are really proud of their post-court / love being smart-asses that they can't resist the urge to bump a stupid post to the top, just to increase their post count / make themselves look smart/clever/funny (when really they just look stupid).
gainax2k1 said:
related note, what the heck are we all gonna be talking about once the game is released? i'm thinking either the boards will hit an all time low, or else they'll explode because people can't get the game working...
Forums go through a life-cycle. Go look at planetdoom now for an example.

When the game is first released, you get a lot of SPOILER! posts containing story discussion, questions about concepts/parts people didn't understand and screenshot posts. As time wears on, people stop posting as many screenshots, but instead start posting more 'quirky things' and easter eggs/"did you notice?" posts as they have more time to replay the game and it isn't all so fresh, exciting and new.

Then, in terms of actually talking about the game, it just coasts along like this. Discussion of mods now takes the limelight for new and interesting threads.

@ caido_souls
Yes, I agree completely. However I'm just noting what I've witnessed from being on this (particularly) forum, and other forums. People seem to enjoy posting crappy, useless posts soley to increase their post count, or as I say above, make themselves look funny/smart/whatever (even if it doesn't work).
gainax2k1 said:
related note, what the heck are we all gonna be talking about once the game is released? i'm thinking either the boards will hit an all time low, or else they'll explode because people can't get the game working...
Or because they're alt-tabbing out every two minutes to create a new thread titled "OMG!@! HL2 |20xX0|2z#%!!%!!!#"

Lanthanide said:
People seem to enjoy posting crappy, useless posts soley to increase their post count, or as I say above, make themselves look funny/smart/whatever (even if it doesn't work).
I'm going for both. How am I doin? :D
boomyak said:
when did someone decide that almost half of new threads are wastes of space? first of all, %100 of these threads are wastes of time, space, and energy. they're passtimes, people wanting to rap a little ya know? people who make this board THEIR life, like god had sent them forth to clean up the valuble ones and zeros cluttering up this foul nook of the interweb, yeah, god's work

oh and pleeaaaase tell me someone had the balls to make another thread identical to this, i'd shake their hand for telling it like it is.

You amuse me.