this is just......WOW


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
ok i dont know if this has been "spruced" up or whatever, but this is quite possibly the best looking grphx i have seen. this is a screen shot from farcry running on the r420 architecture soon to come out from ati. this almost makes me want to cry:

its so realistic its almost scary.

oh and btw, hardocp is a fairly reputable site giving sources to all sorts of reviewers so there really is no bias against any one product(aka against nvidia and for ati or vice versa)..........except apple. who likes apple anyways?
RoyaleWithCheese said:
bwahahaha nice one :cheers:

thanks for making my belly ache :LOL:

shut up fool your going to make people think its a real photo.... look what you made me do
wait.. you are being serious are you?

If that's real I'll dress up as a headcrab and give away free copies of hl2 on the release date

* now where did I hear that before? *
the photo is a joke. i was trying to be "serious" about it being real, ya im terrible at the whole sarcarm thing on the internet. hopefully the r420 looks that good though.
Now all we need is a Doom Troll to enter the thread and boast about how much better D³'s graphics will be :)
Holy shit, you had me going for a second. I thought it was real...almost had to change my pants... :sniper:
Kadayi Polokov said:
Now all we need is a Doom Troll to enter the thread and boast about how much better D³'s graphics will be :)

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Death.Trap said:
Holy shit, you had me going for a second. I thought it was real...almost had to change my pants... :sniper:

Almost? Did you touch cloth?:p

Anyway, that pic is obviously not far cry...far cry looks much better. Who doesn't wan't a sea of chrome, plastic men and a monster that got lost on the way to a Doom3 interview?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Anyway, that pic is obviously not far cry...far cry looks much better. Who doesn't wan't a sea of chrome, plastic men and a monster that got lost on the way to a Doom3 interview?

lmao nice :D
fun pic, had to take a double look, someone will believe though, wow people are thick.
Farcry looks like plastic models and the sea is chrome...come of it man. Nothing touches farcry in SP gameplay or graphics.
crabcakes66 said:
Is a FC troll good enough for you guys?

Your trolling saying that.

Just because i dont want to sit around for ****ing years waiting for some info on HL2 and bragg about what HL2 can do from speculation and no proof doesnt mean i dont like other games and see other games for what they really are and not weigh them up on some bullshit info we've got on HL2, because i could think up of a better game than HL2 and say that i have all these wonderful things.
Alig said:
Farcry looks like plastic models and the sea is chrome...come of it man. Nothing touches farcry in SP gameplay or graphics.

i'll guive you graphics now.... but sp gameplay? no way in hell.
Im all ears for whats better in SP gameplay....The only 2 games that are selling more than farcry now is BF:V and UT2004....both of them focus on MP gameplay.
Far Cry is fun! The demo's really don't give you many oppertunitys to use the physics engine. It is a really fun game that LOOKS GREAT! I'm glad I got it and forced myself to get a Radeon 9800 Pro.
Doom and space invaders lol....They were'nt good...they was just setting a dont see people riding a Penny Farthing because it was like the first 'bike' ever.

I've never heard of morrowmind so i dont know but good games get alot of people talking about them and as i never hear morrowmind then thats that!.
Hehe, I just fooled one of the cleverest people I know :D

I wonder if he'll own up..
Alig said:
Im all ears for whats better in SP gameplay....The only 2 games that are selling more than farcry now is BF:V and UT2004....both of them focus on MP gameplay.

Lesuire Suit Larry?

What about good old HL? I'd rather play that than FC! But FC is fun, it just has a story about as deep as a paddling pool and as engrossing as reading a book of log tables. The story matters to me for SP gameplay, without it, it's just like running around a bunch of polyguns firing a ray gun at sparkly people.