This Is Spartan-458 Read For Battle! (DOA4 Halo Character Unveiled)!


Jul 9, 2003
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If you want to see the pics then buy a copy of OXM. -Generic Message

I don't know what to say. Could be cool in just kind of a fun way you know? It shows a picture of two Spartans, one pink and one green duking it out. The Halo level looks freakin awesome. :)

I know this is a cheap way to get someone to buy a game but I think it's going to work. :?
ummmm... a female spartan? i'll buy it if she takes her armor off and has a thong, otherwise DOA holds no interest for me
do i see scans..?
u better remove 'em quick before mods gets in here
You can't post scans here.
Anyways, I saw this at the Teamxbox forums. It could be fake.
Yeah! It's Ryu Hayabusa fighting the character!

*march* *march* *march* *MARCH*

OMG Kschreck t3h copyrights is cominNg for u!!!

I think a spartan in DOA is ridiculous, but whatever. I'll play it.
isn't that the spartan named Kelly in the books? If i remeber correctly, in the books, the female spartan is taken away somewhere by the doctor lady....
cool stuff, hope he looks like it in halo 3, or betterz!