This is strange


Nov 1, 2004
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When i go to connect to the internet, it loads a bit then it close downt the progress bar. In network options it says that im NOT connected, and if i click on connect nothing will happen. But...i can surf on the web, i can read and post on forums. WTF??? Steam wont work cuz it says that it doesnt have a connection, neither does MSN messenger. But other than that everything works. Sometimes it will go down totaly. But still, how can i possibly surf the web when windows and other applications says im offline????
router, what does that have to do with anything? I havent had this problem before.
Try connecting directly to your modem.
how? Everytime i hit connect nothing happens.
Physically plug your computer directly into the modem.

Wait, do you need password or something to connect to the Internet?

If so that could be a problem. Regardless, I think the problem is probably the router. Try restarting it.
yea i need a problem. Im not really into this whole networking thing about computers, i know pretty much exept that part. Exakly WHAT is the modem? And isnt modem the 56K way to connect to internet?
If you have a router, all your computers should be plugged into the router and the router is plugged into your modem. The device that is connected to a telephonejacket (?) is the modem, if you only have one device that your network cable links to in your house then you have it directly plugged into your modem. Some studentapartemnts dosent use modems but statsn?t in my experience, this is the case if you plug your network cable directly into a jacket in the wall.
Modems can be in the 56K dial-up flavours, or the new and improved Broadband versions.

Did you mention you have a router? If your having a problem with connecting to the internet through the router, it might be that the router is having a problem (these can be minor).

The simple task of physically disconnecting, or turning the router off by other means and then turning it back on solves some problems. In most cases, the computer you are working from has to be restarted for the changes to take effect.