This is the coollest search engine I have seen in years


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
Ms. Dewey gives a search engine a human face, but that only makes it more obvious she’s inhumanly dumb (there won’t be much of a personalized reaction except for obligatory Easter Egg keywords like “games”, “cars”, “beer” or “life”). In fact, ...

try not to type anythingfor around 3 mins.... :laugh:
Lol she doesn't like sex orientated stuff.

edit - "breast" lol
"dildo" hehe
"robot" hehe nice
Ehehe check "penis".

EDIT: Heh, I typed in "blowjob" and kept pressing search to see her funny reactions ;)

"You do indeed give good search!"
lol, I searched for "Ms. Dewey porn" and she said "Every couple years the Dewey family have a reunion."
lmfao I typed in "anal" and she said "There are farm animals who don't even do that type of thing...what makes you think I would?" :laugh:
hahahha search for


hahah omg :D

HAHHAHA omfg the best one ever:

Deep Throat

OMFG :Dhahah


sex too, lol


Rofl search for Strip

lol this one really got me thinking:

oral sex

omfg she pwned me!

WTF eastern eg found:

Search for "fingering" and she might say something backwards, what is it? can someone record and play backwards plz?

EDIT: sry for spamming but

She curses like HELL in if you search for "rap" holy shit! :D
More's a random response every time. I just entered deep throat like 20 times, and not a single same retort...
More's a random response every time. I just entered deep throat like 20 times, and not a single same retort...

Yeah, you've got to tell us what she said, cause she gives lots of different responses.
She'll start to strip if you type in 'deep throat' :D

I just checked all the thread replies, amzing how many people typed in deep throat, it must be on everybodies mind at the moment.
lmfao I typed in "anal" and she said "There are farm animals who don't even do that type of thing...what makes you think I would?" :laugh:

She mentioned the same thing when I typed "goatse"..........
She'll start to strip if you type in 'deep throat' :D

I just checked all the thread replies, amzing how many people typed in deep throat, it must be on everybodies mind at the moment.

Heh... "take off your clothes"

Has several responses. I love the 'video buffering' one.

She'll start to strip if you type in 'deep throat'

I just checked all the thread replies, amzing how many people typed in deep throat, it must be on everybodies mind at the moment.

In one of the replies for deep throat, she takes a banana and starts peeling it... then takes a quick bite and start chewing it. "What? I'm hypoglycemic!"
Omg we seriously need to make a topic and post pics in it of our searches! Without even reading Raziaar post I typed in blowjob, here is what came out: *Oh god I am laughing so much at the actions she makes on my searches ahhaha.
That is really really boring, not just "meh, I'm bored I'll try it out" but like "I think I'll go peel off the lid of my eyeballs instead of going through this site again"



You know, it's searches like that just scream 'beat me up and take my lunch money'.



type "who you" and she gets out a baton. D:
Type in capitals, see what happens. :D
btw when she's talking backwards its just some random crap about porkchops n stuff...
So I typed in "Join" for the 3 chicks and they all shook their heads lol. *Oh and typing in blowjob>>
Type in "kiss" in the carwash one. Hot lesbian kiss ftw! :D
I found out that these are all the buzzwords for the carwash one. Will save you time you perverts.

EDIT: just look at the text attachment.

EDIT2: Seems to be some repeats. I'm not looking through them all, just checking a couple. I don't know who compiled this list. I just stole it off some forum.


I found out that these are all the buzzwords for the carwash one. Will save you time you perverts.

EDIT: just look at the text attachment.

EDIT2: Seems to be some repeats. I'm not looking through them all, just checking a couple. I don't know who compiled this list. I just stole it off some forum.

Now find me a link to the strip videos :P
I said "incest" and she got out a whip and said "a girls got to be prepared" what sort of filth is this....:D